Feb 22, 2021

Vasudhaiva Kutumbaka

Vasudha Aiva Kutumbakam, It means world is one family, in fact it started that way, then people of all sorts twisted and manipulated it to their own needs due to greed and ambitions, they did not even check If they deserve what they are longing for or what they are asking, they just went ahead and propagated the ideas of their mean minds and the result is everyone is at loggerheads with each other.

In this kutumbakam I am also one person, may be I am little more precocious then others, hence my problems are also much bigger then the problems of others, which also gives me a higher ability to find solutions for them, so it is plus and minus and I prefer to just look at the plus side.

One small problem has been to get my telephone verified by Google for this blog, but even though Google sends text messages with codes to the same telephone every time I log in, but it refuses to do so when I try to verify the number, so finally I added my daughters telephone and voila it got verified. :-) 

This way the blog will remain with me, because even the log in email is also under attack, :-) someone  wants to just steal it and give it some one and claim that it is them who are behind all the write up's and in that case I would become the plagiarist of the content, :-) this is because some people take the term Vasudha Aiya Kutumbakam very literally. :-)

I could not fix the Google ads on the blog, it remains a problem more with Google then with me, and now a new problem with my key board, letter M and P need some extra pressure to type, :-) even though I am aware of the technology in use by the surveillance mongers, the technology is such that when one key is pressed on my key board the value is returned to an IBM Mainframe computer some where in USA, :-) and gets recorded, and they have acres of those IBM Mainframes recording every single key stroke of every single key board, :-) this madness started after Sep 9/11, now it is more of a mischief then national security, but this gives the wimps involved in it funds and reason to continue with the program, this could be in Europe, Canada, and UK also, but USA I am very sure.

Actually I have been enjoying my spiritual evolution, it is so addictive and so profound, but since it is so personal I can not explain the details at this time, I am not writing it to brag but just an indication to the newbies, that every word written in scriptures is true, :-) and as of today to me almost every one on this Earth is a newbie, :-) and I can take liberty and say hardly there has been anyone who has wandered this far in the past 3000 years, this also I got it confirmed. :-)


I have one advantage when compared to all other aspirants in the last 3000 years or more, it is my education in Chemistry, and more so my 16 years in R & D laboratory, which was mostly to observe and figure out things on my own, hence that applied science came handy in spiritual pursuit, so I am able to figure out things all by myself with out any Guru, :-) now when I am saying 3000 years where can you find a Guru with that kind of ability, they are none, even Adi Shankaracharya is in awe, :-) I think I made him proud.

Imagine I follow Adi Shankaracharya, and pick up things he did or the way he lived from his biography, or where he went, whom he met, how he dressed, what he carried with him a Danda, :-) etc. etc. and sit at one place and expect that my spiritual journey is in good hands and I have nothing to do just wait, just because I am following Adi Shankaracharya, hence I will be spotted and given the spiritual progress on a platter, and then I will also go around preaching word by word like he did, :-) it is not going to happen, that was his path, and by doing so I will be just wasting my precious human life, which is so hard to get, one has to dig himself or herself.

Shastra is very important, one should follow every nonsense of  Shastra, and slowly figure out what is needed and what is not needed, it is like in Kindergarten one learns A for Apple, and as he or she grows they learn things different and keep moving ahead, but one can not jump directly to PhD level, one has to move step by step, and one day PhD in that subject might be just around the corner, even in Spiritual path one needs to progress and not stay stagnated at one point and at one situation.

Mantra, Tantra, Yantra, Agamas, Nigamas, Scriptures, Puranas, Upanishads, etc. etc. turn them all page by page, it takes time, but it is needed, and we are lucky we have Internet, YouTube, Google, etc. but blind faith will not help, one will have to question every single aspect of your progress, and be truthful to yourself, there is no feeling bad or feeling insulted, like some people highlight, I would say every thing is fare in War, Love and Spiritual pursuit, :-) best If Yama and Niyama are in place due to upbringing, or because of inculcated habits, but after all this there are two things that matter the most.

Attitude, and Intention.

Even in Science these two matter most, If your intention is to deceive by using words, you are not wasting time of the people who sit in front of you listening but you will be wasting your time, rather I would say your precious human time, because human life is the only pit stop where one can evolve.

Now there are people who simply copy from here and convey it as their own creation, it is them who will be wasting their time, :-) because again it is your intention which matters, they ight get few short time admirers, but long way they will loose everything.

Gut feeling: This is something very mundane in our daily life, every one uses it, but some have very strong gut feeling and some are just lost, the reason is because the gut feeling comes from Chitta, and Chitta is present in the navel, and purer the Chitta or rather I should say a person with silent Chitta has better gut feeling, it is not just to differentiate between right and wrong, it much much more then that.

Chitta Shuddi:  Purify your Chitta.

Chitta is another form or deeper or purer form of Buddhi, Buddhi is kind of intellect, and when your Chitta is pure, you can create a creator, who will in turn create. :-)

I was looking at all the religions which are followed around the world, no bias, all stop at one point, that is at Shasrara, the canopy, each religion has externalized it in their own way, look at their place sof worship or their head cover, it is all same.

Out of all only Sanatana Dharma explains the means to reach there, other religions have just externalized the inner world as and when observed by someone in the past, and it is followed blindly,  expecting that some spiritual experience will happen to them just because they are following that person's habits, or the way he or she lived, like I gave the example of following Adi Shankaracharya.

Or If I print all the writings of Adi Shankaracharya and bind them in to a book and cover it in gold and daily sit in front of it, read it, brush it, keep it clean, build a huge temple around it, and allow people to bow before it, or kiss it, etc. etc. :-) I am not trying to undermine any religious practices, they have their own importance in a society but when it comes to a persons spiritual evolution, they are useless.

If attitude and intention are in proper place, rest every thing will automatically fall in place.

One religion: The reason we have so many religions and every now and then a new one pops up, and each one of them though point at one spiritual goal, yet they all fall apart when it comes to words, the reason for that is simple, the greatness, reach, etc. etc. of the divine is so vast, one religion can not explain it in its totality, in fact all religions put together also fall short of even explaining a small portion of its greatness.

Though Sanatana Dharma for its history, time and length and number of spiritual aspirants spread over many Manvantars it is able to cover the most but still falls short because like I said very few have reached the ultimate glory, I am standing alone in some 3000 years, you can imagine how few were able to capture a small portion of that greatness, and I see a long way ahead of me and I am like hurry hurry, I am already 55, :-) and every moment wasted is time wasted.

This is Profound:

But I have come a long way, my position is secure in the upper worlds, confirmed, double time, :-) but my target is I should be able to move around between the worlds, like Narad Muni, I know how he looks, :-) common people this is profound knowledge, I also know how Shuka Brahma looks, :-) and many many more spread over a period of 7000 or more years.

Enlightenment:  It is a process, it has to do with light or lights and light is the ultimate truth, and beyond that a new journey awaits the aspirant, it never ends. :-)

Education in Science with the intention to look for empirical proof  helped me a lot, things I have seen are so profound I am under certain restrictions for my own good, :-) and above all I am so grateful to my parents for initiating me so early in to it, I wish they were alive, :-) I could have thanked them for everything they gave me.

I think starting at 8 was not very late and I have used every available minute of it, it has been a continuous brooding, it is hard, and tiring, but I kept it that way, :-) even though I fulfilled all my responsibilities with out fail, my wife is one who should have a huge complain, but since she is also an spiritual aspirant in her own right, and a regular one, there are no issues.

I think I am reaching a point where I might be discovering entirely new texts, lost texts, etc. and write them for the Vasudha Aiva Kutumbakam. :-)

Bottom Line: If the goal and purpose is to reach or experience the ultimate glory (Whatever name you use or give it) then how does it matter which transport (Read religion) one takes, so instead of wasting time on the transport, :-) aim at the goal, "the ultimate glory", do not stop at nothing short then that, unless you reach a certain point there is no guarantee of getting the human body again, so people don't waste your time, satisfying your senses.



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