Jan 29, 2023

Just say " I dont know" . :-) and step aside

The basic problem of this world is that, the people hesitate to say a simple thing like, "I don't know", if people would do that, particularly the Caucasian women, whenever they actually do not know, then the world would be a very simple place, more or less the world would be like Manu explained, at least up to some extent.

And having a job with a higher income, to pay the high rents not controlled by anyone, because governments do not want to act, would not be the one and only first option, in this pursuit of keeping that first priority as number one, the main purpose of being in a Human body is lost, as a result the Human existence is limited to the reptilian brain, and exist like a reptile, people do not have time or motivation to move up towards the Human brain leave alone to look at the even higher possibilities.

Look around you, you will see only reptiles, among them few with pale skin color want privileges over others because they have pale skin color, :-) and only way they think they can get that is by unified intimidation, similar to termites intimidating any intruder on their termite mounds, termites have a queen to protect so does the political parties in the west, :-) hence the behaviour like termites.

17 March 2001, KLM flight from Amsterdam to Toronto Pearson international airport, I was siting in the economy class and a Caucasian gentleman, :-) from outskirts of Toronto was seated next to me, and few more Caucasians (his friends) sat in the lane behind us, we were all seated on the left section of the aircraft.

This guy was some 7 feet tall, turned into a loud mouth in about 5 minutes of talking, :-) and as we talked about various things, to me it appeared that this guy was given that seat next to me to do a serious assessment of me, as an individual, he was working for the so called "Gate Keepers", or the Gate Keepers of Canada, they must have hired him to do this for them before I land in Toronto. :-)

One thing he told the retards in Toronto was "he is educated", :-) so not suitable for sweat shop jobs. :-)

Sp, We need to know about those retards in Toronto who were updated by the sparkling water guy from KLM before we landed at Pearson International Airport, first reaction was some old woman in the immigration counter screamed on me, :-) so the screaming continued which was started by a QC manager, 25 years senior to me in my first company, in 1994 :-) who had also worked with the MD of that company in Dr Reddy's Unilides, when they were young, I think he was some 7 years senior to the MD of my first company. 

The screaming continued in IIL by K Rama Rao and others, even though the ED of IIL then Dr VAS asked them, why they were screaming, :-) then it was kept alive by Bitch from Hell and Bitch from hell told few employees to do that when ever they speak to me, :-) Cat on the wall was the first one in 2001 itself, within a month of my joining, then others followed, Dumbanic joined them in 2004, when she realized she can not control me like she was able to do with most Caucasian employees, all of them behaved like puppets.

Then the Banta Singh also did that few times, for 10$ :-) what a chain of fools, it went on for more than 30 years, wow Mundla Reddy. :-) That is some obsession. :-)

Back in the Pearson International Airport, as I was looking for small change, near the exit of the Airport to call my pick up, a young Caucasian women stood near an ATM machine with loonies and toonies, like she was told, someone will come looking for them, :-).

And as we drove away from the Airport towards Sherbrooke Street in Toronto, to break the silence in the car, I said, Canada looks good, the Punjabi woman, wiffe of my friend who came to pick me, immediately blurted out, " Jaldi Hi, Pata Chal jayega", meaning shortly you will know how good Canada is, :-), just for the record, not one person I spoke to before I came to Canada in India, said anything positive about Canada, "Don't go", was the sermon, even my own younger brothe,r who had applied for some Cruise ship job in Vancouver in 1996, and I paid his fee of 4500 Rs, he too told me, "There are no jobs in Canada, why are you going". :-)

Why people in India (Who know about Canada and who do not know) had such negative opinion about Canada?

Back to the retards in Toronto, Who later worked on few social experiments to assess few things in a jiffy, like my sexuality, If I was a Homosexual, Pedophile, Bisexual, Womanizer etc etc some label, and whatever conclusion they drew between 17th March 2001 and 01 May 2001, they passed that half baked information to people who called me later on my cell phone, and whatever was projected was based on those few social experiments those retards carried out in Toronto. :-)

That answers many questions I had, like, 

Why did the medical examiner (some white guy) in Dimethaid Manufacturing Inc, Quebec (Small Scale Pharmaceutical) checked our genitals, :-) for a job in pharmaceuticals manufacturing topical solutions, :-) he was making sure we have the goods, If they want to stick a label.

Why did my Supervisor said, I had some negative information in my reference, regarding women, and nothing about my work, because before 2001, I never worked with any woman employee :-) so having a negative info about women does not arise, this was a input from the retards.

Why Bitch from Hell , the human resources manager, and the Swiss Dumbanic gossiped about my sexuality, like that was the number one topic for discussion, because they were all brain washed by those retards who carried out those social experiments in those few weeks before I moved to quebec on 21 June 2001.

Also they influenced Bitch from hell and the human resource to get fresh references from India, after they finished talking to three references in Toronto, and we signed the appointment order and the day they chose for signing the appointment order was the same day I was supposed to join Dalton Research in Toronto, :-) so, as I did not join Dalton Research, and the appointment order in Dimethaid was signed, then the ladies asked me for fresh references from India. :-)

Then as the retards had nothing in their hands other than speculation, they wanted some feedback from India, so the new request for fresh references, and I had no choice so I gave the references where I worked, even though I knew everyone would know where I was working and the attacks would continue and that is what happened and it continues even today in 2023.

And the retards in Toronto, and the Cong party of India in Andhra Pradesh, which was run by the Reddy Mafia had a field day, they must have exchanged all the information they need to put in and that information was passed on to the Bitch from hell or her Human resources pet. :-)

Still they did not had anything in hand so again speculation followed, and all the ladies from Dimethaid just played with that information, when nothing worked they resorted to therapy etc, and Dumbanic resorted to "I will call the police", :-) followed by Cat on the wall, who would quip, don't tell me police is after you. :-)

But one thing Bitch from hell continued to communicate with my references for years, even Dumbanic in 2003, which is two years after I joined Dimethaid, she was communicating with my references, :-).

Why such obsession with an employee ?

Because the Retards, some political party, probably Liberals, Conservatives were in formation then, Bitch from hell, Dumbanic and other mismanging employees were working on some campaign then, which continues even today, they could not get anything in 23 years, so that they can tighten the noose around my neck and drag me around, like they wanted, :-) not that this agenda is not there, only people have changed, now there are new retards with same agenda, and they always are under this impression, they are this close. :-)

Hence Dumbanic was very active after 2003, because the moment she understood what she was supposed to do, she broke all norms of decency, :-) and she was getting paid also, so who will not do what she did, :-) particularly If one had no clue why they were working in a pharmaceutical. 

Again why Pharmaceutical ? If they like puppets around them, Army is the right thing but there one can not sit and read Roman history and feel invisible like Julius Caesar, :-) one will have to show some skills. :-)

Gate Keepers is a term Mr Pierre Poilievre, the current opposition leader from Conservative party of Canada uses for people who poke their nose in everything, does not matter it concerns them or not, they know about it or not, :-).

Gate keepers do two things:

1) They remove hurdles in the path of those (Like Dumbanic from Switzerland) whom they like or whom they feel, he or she will/would work in their favor and on their agenda, and will also keep them afloat with privileges, and people shamelessly enjoy those privileges, particularly the Caucasian women, and then they feel invisible.

2) At the same time they plant hurdles in the path of the rest in general, visible minority in particular, because visible minority is not considered white, not in Canada and not in Quebec, but the liberal party of Canada,Democrats in USA, Cong party of India all are considered the Black parties.

Which also means the Conservatives in Canada, Republicans in USA, and BJP in India are  the White parties. :-)

For Quebec there are two sets of Gate keepers, English version (Pro Canada) and French version (Could be both Pro Canada and Pro Quebec), so the visible minority in Quebec along with the native people have to deal with both the versions, in addition to working their ass off in the sweat shops mostly run by Europeans, :-) and then there is this 24/7 trouble for people who do not speak French, :-) and also refuse to kiss some Caucasian Arse. :-) 

There is a large population of Sikh in Montreal, and they run all kind of businesses, the Gate Keepers have no problem with them, and none of them speak French, few might say "Bonjour", but actually no one wants to speak any other language other than Punjabi, but no one seems to have problem, because Sikhs have no problem with anyone with pale skin color, "Gora Hona Chahiye", any one who has a pale skin color is a natural master. :-) hence the people who complain that certain people in Quebec do not speak French are OK with Sikhs, I think you can give your driving exam in Punjabi in Quebec.

So it is not French, the problem is they too want Arse lickers, that way they too get the platter of privileges with out working for them, then everything is OK, French, no French, Illegal, Refugee, anything  is ok, as long as one is an Arse licker, but make sure the Arse is Quebecois and with pale skin color. :-)

Just for record: No one in Quebec speaks French as a language, this even Canadian government will not tell you, they speak some kind of Creole, similar to Haiti, which they call Quebcois, even French folks from Paris might find it difficult to understand, but the Quebecois want everyone to speak French in Quebec. :-) to protect their one language and culture, they do not travel outside Quebec. :-)

Then you ask them what does, "Je Me Souvien" mean, they look at each other, you can find this on every registration plate, even on the cars driven by people who opposed Quebec separation, like Mr Jean Chretian, he rides a car with Quebec registration plate which also says, Je Me Souvien. :-)

They blamed us, the visible minority of letting their referendum down, even our car registration plates read, Je Me Souvien, they fight with me, I came in 2001, :-) but I too have that on my car.

Je Me Souvien, means, I remember in a negative sense, what to remember, every one has a reason, mostly it is about the betrayal by Ontario in the Quebec referendum in 1980 and 1995.

And Ontario blamed the visible minority, hence the games of using visible minority in Quebec by Ontario, trying to appease Quebec, that "see what we do to these people who did not vote", meaning people like me, :-) who came in 2001, :-) something like that, a large number of Caucasian retards (male and females) from Ontario and Quebec even today work on this agenda, and since I am speaking French, they do not want me to stay in Quebec any more, :-) but move to some other place, because I am becoming useless for their games now. :-)

What they would love is, I complaining about Quebec, and some Bitch from hell or Dumbanic consolidating on it like it is her only agenda. :-)

I think La belle province was better or it should be open to choose.

If anyone sees a Quebecoise (French Canadian) in your country, please speak only in your mother tongue with them, :-) like If they are in Tamilnadu, which is remote, they don't travel, speak Tamil or refuse to communicate, and tell them, sorry our language and culture is in danger, :-) 

This is what Quebecoise do in Quebec, :-) 

They do not even consider, the person asking for information could be a tourist, a visitor, a new immigrant, a person on deputation, it could be anyone, but NO, Jamais, :-) 

Parle Francais, :-) (Do you speak French)

And one word you will never hear in Quebec is "Enchante", 

It is a French word it means "Nice to meet you", :-) because the Quebecois are so scared and insecure that they do not want to loose their language or culture, as a result only south Asians suffer the most in Quebec, because there is no French in South Asia, rest everyone is ok, even English are OK, they have their own public and private schools, Chinese in Quebec, are Ni Anglais Ni Francais, they don't speak English or French, but they open shops deep in Quebec. :-)

If a South Asian wants to put his wards in private English schools, the fees is jacked up by ten folds, so they have no option but put their wards in French public schools, where the liberal party of Canada is very active with kids who do not speak French or who get less marks in French.

Irony, actually Liberal party of Canada blames Parti Quebecois of being racial but it is Liberal Party of Canada which is very active in French Public Schools along with the police department, they play a very lame game.

The Gate keepers get involved and manipulate the English teachers in French Public Schools to give marks generously in English to such students who are not from French back grounds and same time fail them in French language courses, so that the Gate keepers could project them and their parents as defaulters of not speaking French in Quebec. :-)

Big political game, may be that is why Liberals lost their majority in just one term.

Such a crime, :-) so people of this world do us a favor, If you see a Quebecois (French Canadian) in your country, please speak only your mother tongue with them, not even English. Please do this for us and stick to it. :-)

Before when ever Mr Pierre Poilievre spoke in the parliament, he spoke with out a hiccup, it was like charm to watch a politician talking like an ordinary joe, but the day he became the official opposition leader, it was quite evident the Gate Keepers screwed his throat, one can watch the video on You Tube, Mr Pierre Poilievre had to drink water every now and then to keep going or rather keep talking, this is in the Canadian parliament. :-)

When ever I had to appear in any Municipal court or Regie du logement, Montreal, I had to do the same thing, :-) to keep my mouth and throat moist, I would carry some Candy.

It appears the one retard hidden in a hole somewhere does not want few people to talk freely, and the technology used is wireless, even local police stations in Montreal have them.

Prompt question a responsible person would or should ask is "why the police needs them"?.


So, now we know what Gate Keepers are, they are every where, Canada, Quebec, Montreal, USA, UK, Europe, India, etc etc, I have listed these countries because of my personal experience, but they are every where in a network of 156 countries, and they update themselves 24/7, mostly they are where one is vulnerable, like Garages, Schools, Day cares, Hospitals, Clinics, HRDC centers, airports, even police stations, and our Prime minister reitreated today standing next to Mr Biden, he will invest more on Surveillance. :-)

Retards must be upbeat.

Prompt question a responsible person should ask is, why the network and why update so fast and at what cost, and who pays for it, and for whose benefit ? 

Now try to analyse how Malaysian airline flight 370 went missing, ? :-) you might find few answers. :-)

Back to KLM flight on 17th March 2001, Amsterdam to Toronto, :-) as me and the white guy talked on various topics, India comes up, then Turmeric comes up, I tell him enough research is not done on Turmeric as a drug, but because of ancient research in India it is already incorporated in to Indian cuisine for a daily in take, to this the white guy argues and tries to shut me off, :-) he says loudly, " Ahhhhh No, "Turmeric is nothing", all we get from India is Sesame seeds, that is all.

There I was with a knowledge and history of knowledge on Turmeric and this white guy probably never used it or even touched it but since he is Caucasian and from Canada, :-) and the International Narrative was/is anyone with pale skin color is smart,  instead of saying, " I don't know", he tries to shut me off. :-)

People, When you have no clue, or no exposure, or knowledge, about anything, just say, "I don't know", instead of exposing your worth with worthless argument.

Then the Air hostess arrives on the scene, a white woman, (There is no such thing as white, because as per Canadian Tire color code, no one can be called white.) but since it is used for certain people from the western countries, I am also using.) 

She arrives and serves cold boiled Broccoli with sour cream, it is not like he paid for it or ordered it, or this dish was in shortage, or it is the expensive dish, or only few elite were served on the flight, :-), we were in economy, I was on seat number one and he was seat number two, then she turns to me and asks me,do you also want this, :-) I was like, oh, the green cauliflower, ok, I never ate in my life, and it looks vegetarian, it should be ok, 

and it was ok, :-) it costs about 5$ today.

Then the white guy asks her for sparkling water, (Soda), Goli Soda in Telugu, :-) she brings him a glass of Soda, :-) and then she turns to me and asks, " You also want Sparkling water", with an facial expression, which was like, so you too want same privileges we enjoy because of our pale skin color, which you don't seems to have, :-) and still you want the same stuff this white guy deserves, because he has the pale skin color. :-)

I never liked Soda in my life, so I refused, politely with a thanks, but then the white guy sitting next to me, laughs out loudly as If she just tickled his superior balls wrapped in pale skin with her banter, :-) then she walks off with her nose up in air and a smirk on her pale face, as If she was singing,  voila!, I did it again.

In Dutch, it should be, "Voila , Ik deed het weer". :-) 

I never visited Netherlands or Europe before, or knew or seen her, :-) it is the age old culture she came from, so she could not help herself.

Same person when she would visit India, Indians would swarm around her and many would like to take pictures with her, so they come back feeling more superior. :-)

Netherlands If you look into their history, they screwed people where ever they went, and who ever offered them hospitality, be it India, be it Africa, be it South East Asia, South Africa, Pretoria was run by Netherlands, and not British, even in India it was Netherlands which screwed Indians and not British, because East India company was Netherlands "Screw the world", company and it was not British, British just took the Credit, the probable reason why there is no history of Indian colonial period in British schools, ok, Sir Winston Churchill was a manipulative artist of high caliber but Netherlands is the only country and just 20 km away from Britain which never came under British rule, even during heights of British colonial era, all the dirty work was carried out by Netherlands.

I am also learning Dutch and Swahili, Dutch are more interested in Boterham, (Sandwich) Swahili are obsessed with Holangi (Holand), again the cultural difference, one is Narcissistic the later is ancient and more developed. :-)

And when I was leaving India, Congress party of India, in Andra Pradesh run by Reddy mafia, manipulated my airline ticket and arranged KLM, KLM was arranged out of all other airlines, I never asked for any specific airline or even price, I just paid what ever that Travel Agency on RP Road in Secunderabad asked for, the agent was a Telugu guy, ("Hum to apni marenge, Har din,") .

Why KLM, they could have arranged British Airways, Air France, Lufthansa, only KLM because, Congress party of India is still connected with Netherlands because of their long friendship, and it was them who must have told the KLM staff through the Netherlands government, to take care of me, :-) as one of their member (asshole), Mundala Reddy, my first employer wanted that way. :-)

Mundala Reddy wanted me to see his power, poor fellow tried almost every possible way he could but I was/am not impressed by Arse lickers, even If that Arse belonged to some powerful politician in the government. :-)

His EGO which was 14 floors high like his private residence was hurt when I resigned, that is all. :-) How dare you resign, :-) when I am showing you, how powerful I am, the Congress party of India which is run by Reddy mafia in Andra Pradesh before 2014 was with him, they gave him award after award, while he was the most corrupt, king of pollution, he did not pay taxes for almost 35 years, he maintained two accounts, one to show and one actual. :-)

If Rahul Gandhi wants to move up the ladder, he needs to clean up Cong of all this filth, which has tarnished its image as a mafia party, apart from pad yatra, :-) he should focus for 2029, 2024 elections will be manipulated because BJP has learned from the west how to manipulate elections and win, so 2024 is again Modi, Modi, Modi, Modi. :-)

KLM flight from Mumbai to Amsterdam, it was very evident that something was not right, the ladies would walk past me with a laughter, I was like "what is going on", that was my the first international flight ever, and a white women sitting in the aisle seat on the left side, who disembarked in Amsterdam was laughing continuously while looking at me, probably it was her who arranged for a peanut butter sandwich, which was so old and shitty, and the ladies were having fun with a passenger, :-) probably they expected I will have some severe allergic reaction with that peanut butter sandwich, :-) again lack of knowledge made them do that, pale skin does not add extra intelligence, :-) I requested for water many times but none of the ladies came back with water, so I had to clear my throat in the wash room with water from sink, :-) as I emerged still confused, the white women sitting two seats from the washroom kept giggling. 

That was my first international flight ever, every penny paid by me, from my hard earned money, so the disease, " I will show you how powerful I am", was propogated by Congress party of India to Netherlands, it did not stop there it came to Canada, then to Quebec, then to USA, UK, Germany, and again back to India, and it kept growing, Mundala Reddy meant business when he threatened me in 1995" Does not matter where you go, you will always find me". :-)

So it has been 27 years since I resigned from his company, after working 6 years, 16 hours a day, with out any overtime money, I never claimed any overtime money, he owes me so much money for all the overtime I did for 6 years, and all the projects I finished, he just took credit , even then he was not satisfied, he came to this conclusion that he can just tie me to a R & D bench and I will be churning project after project and he will just take the credit, so he created a narrative and fed that narrative to his two partners.

"Ahhhhhh he just a kid", he does what ever I tell him to do, :-) but when I resigned his narrative fell flat, and he has to find another dumb guy working 16 hours a day, 6 days a week with out asking for any returns, I was enjoying the freedom of playing with Chemistry.

After 1995 he carried out back ground check on me, that is after I resigned, :-) normally it is done before one is hired but this dumb rustic country Reddy, did that after I left and joined IIL, and he did not stop, he found out about few people in IIL who were connected with few in his company, because they worked together somewhere before, one such fellow was Saidappa,(Real name) so Saidappa played very important role in passing Mudala Reddy's whims and fancies to the bunch of educated, forward class scientists but very backward in thinking in IIL. :-)

Before I joined, 1995 Sep, they arranged a meeting of all like minded people in QC Lab and the meeting was addressed by K Rama Rao, (Real name) Saidappa's ex colleague from some Alcohol distillation plant, KRR a Khamma, MSc in Chemistry, :-) told the people present, " The new guy who will be joining us, thinks he is a King, :-) meaning over smart, so he told them they have to play FOOTBALL with me, meaning I would be the football, :-) see how many people failed to say, "I don't know".

Note: There was no Dalit or lower caste or foreigner or white guy or any Sikh guy involved, all were Telugu, all were forward caste, all were highly educated, all were Scientists, all looked more or less alike, only problem was some Mundala Reddy with friends in Congress party of India was not happy that I resigned.

He threatened, Oct 1995, One phone call to someone in Cuddapah - Kadapa, his home district, known for violence, country bombs, etc. etc. no secret, everyone knows about it, someone will throw bombs on your head, just for resigning, :-) I said, " I can give you my address", with a smile.

But he was serious, 1996 Jan or Feb, bombs went off in a quarter held by an employee from Cuddapah - Kadapa, inside IIL, :-) some 100 yards from my quarter, and the person who kept them there was known to K Rama Rao and also to Mundala Reddy, the pictures of the damage might still be available with human resources in IIL, no one was hurt, every one took it lightly, and eventually it was hushed up probably by the Cong party of India.

But Mundala reddy did not stop, he kept trying, at least seven attempts were made, but Ja ko Raakhe Sayinyan, Maar Sake Na Koi", seems to have worked, but this was never the reason to move to Canada. :-)

The question asked by Mr Barua (Real name) then CEO and President of IIL and London returned Assamese Gora, :-) asked me in the final interview, Are you Brahmin ? and before I could answer, the Personal Manager Verma answered, He is Kayasth

I had no clue what Kayasth meant then, I did not even knew that Naidu means Leader, because Caste was not a parameter because of our upbringing in Air Force Stations, but in Andra Pradesh or Telangana everything is Caste based, people communicate strictly on Caste lines or they ignore each other, people educated and working as scientists would not even speak with each other leave alone cooperate with each other, If the Sub Caste was different. Such backwardness.

Saidappa, who never spoke to me back in my first company, along with few others, they refused to even acknowledge a simple hello, I think he too was Khamma, because he felt threatened by my presence and I was standing shoulder to shoulder with all the senior guys who were in their late 40's or early 50's and I was in my 20's, and Saidappa was brain washed by another QC Manager, a Brahmin, who also felt threatened, both worked with Mundala Reddy in some company named Unilides of Dr Reddy's group, all more or less born before 1950.

Had they all said, "I don't know", today some Dumbanic or some Bitch from hell or some Cat on the wall, or some Caucasian women in Pharmaprix or Chomady Nissan would not have to work so hard to maintain the narrative that people with pale skin are smart and need privilege over others, :-) and those who do not have the pale skin should fall in line and respect the white man's narrative, and work towards the one common agenda, "What can be done for the comfort of the white man". :-)

And here in Canada, 

The CEO was a Lawyer from York university Toronto, what was she doing in a Pharmaceutical, :-) she appointed Bitch from hell as Director Operations, who had spent all her life in call centers, :-) and then at 50 she did some MBA so she was hired as Director operations, she had no clue what she had to do, what was she doing in a Pharmaceutical, so she hired bunch of Jewish people, and appointed them as Managers and directors, and few from Cosmetics, one such guy was PhD from UK, one was an Italian who was the plant director or leader, he was not able to understand why so much fuss was being made for D M Water, because he came from Cosmetics, then the High school drop out from Switzerland joined with a claim that she has PhD in Bio chemistry, why someone needed a Biochemist in a Pharmaceutical making a Topical solution, :-) there were three Microbiologists for a Topical solution, :-) Nine people worked in the QC lab for one Topical solution which was not yet approved by FDA or TPD or MCA, :-) what do you call it, Management. :-)

DM Water sample was analysed by three Microbiologists, then the report was given to a receptionist CB, who would check it and pass it to a woman with PhD in Physical Chemistry from University of Montreal, CP, who did not want to touch glassware but wanted to become Manager directly with out learning the trade :-) someone told her it is easy to become a manager, just scream and insult, poor thing did just that, why choose Physical Chemistry and then why Pharmaceutical, and why QC, or R&D, she would check it and pass it to the QC Manager, a MSc from Quebec, she would check it sign it as manager QC and pass it to the QA department where a QA associate would check it and pass it to the QA Manager, who would check and sign it as pass, then it will be passed to another QA associate to file it.

So every day I found the Manager QC checking some documents for one Topical solution, I wondered what would they do If they had to manage QA-QC for 40 pharmaceuticals products.

I am not bragging but when I joined IIL, the KRR, the BSc Chemist, and the technician all took 1 or 2 months vacation and left with out informing me, I just joined, again they lacked any knowledge about my experience, what they knew was what ever Saidappa told them about me or what ever Mundala Reddy wanted to be told, and when they returned everything was on time, then they wanted to find out who helped me, :-) and during that time few Managers were so impressed by my work that it helped me get confirmation on time, when extending people's probation was the norm.

Like Mundala Reddy also always thought that someone was helping me do the projects, the main reason he did not promote me, he wanted to find out who that person was, Dumbanic also repeats, someone is telling him or helping him. :-) 

Just because I do things effortlessly, it does not mean every one can do, and when people fail they turn vindictive and jealous.

To me it was like a joke, because I managed both QC lab, Instrumentation lab and also QA functions for some 40 products (Vaccines, Injections, Tablets, Formulations, Chemicals, API's etc etc) and 400 specifications, with just one BSc chemist, and two High School technicians and two apprentices, :-) which included Microbiology also, the technician with high school did all the Sterility testing, and we also had ISO documentation, which I managed all by myself, with at least 10 senior managers always looking for an opportunity to pull my leg, thanks to Mundala Reddy and Congress party of India - Reddy Mafia.

And there is some Caucasian retard who has been working very hard since 2002, hell bent on pushing me into a car garage, he even prepared a car garage owned by an Arab, because Dumbanic learned or worked in a car garage probably when she dropped out of high school or when her father died, or her father was a mechanic.

The chain reaction continues ........ Now some folks in UK - India - Canada feel I should go back to India, because they think it is easy for them to play their dumb games If I was in India.


" Look I have pale skin color, I am superior, :-) so kiss my arse, but don't expect anything in return, because I am superior I will fuck you up any way whether you work for me or not, but make sure you provide me with the best produce, best clothes, and the best attention, and then I will create an international narrative at your cost and send all the used stuff back to you to sort out or for your use, all this because I have this pale skin color, which my friend you don't have, hence you have to give me the privileges again at your own cost but at my terms". :-)

That is all............This is the only fight the 40 Narcissistic countries are fighting with 155 dumb countries.

White man's nightmare.......................Equality

White women's nightmare..................Loosing the platter of privileges and the white man.

For the dumb countries......

If there can be OPEC for Crude oil exports, there can be whole lot of co - operations among countries who produce, Rice, Wheat, Veg Oil, Sugar, pulses etc. etc. after all, all are products like Crude oil, If Crude oil price goes up, increase the price of all other commodities by ten folds specially for the OPEC countries, they will have no option but to grow them or reduce the Crude oil prices.

Make a list of products imported by each country, and then make your foreign policy based on that, custom made for each country. 

It is not rocket technology, If you need Crude oil, they need Wheat or Rice or Veg oil. :-)

Western countries are covered in snow 8 months a year they need everything, all they grow is corn, exception USA.

And yet Wicked Seven control everything....Tch Tch Tch.


Next post: Cars and Canada. :-)

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