Jun 3, 2023

Dumb Era - And Deception is the game

 I think If you consider the entire human history, or rather we should say history of Home Sapiens, by the way "Sapiens" in Latin means wise, :-) the current era, past 300 years or 400 years in general  and the last 50 or 75 years in particular, appear to be the dumbest.

Before I write more about it, few things I dug up from my past and found the answers for few unanswered questions.

My second employer, a Reddy from Rayalseema, Andra Pradesh, connected with Congress party of India through Late Mr Y R Reddy, taking the situation for granted lied about few things with his partners, also Reddy's, and assured himself, Dominic Selim and her termites style, let's lie now and we will take him down slowly, we will have all the time. :-)

After few indications that Mundala Reddy was using his connections and trying to create doubts about my professional profile, while I was busy in my sister's marriage before joining IIL.

I joined IIL on 20th Oct 1995, and the first thing I got was the seat of my bike was slashed, the bike was parked inside the IIL parking lot, and the Human resources Manager, Verma told me, he knows I was kicked out of the company by Mundala Reddy, :-) instead of a discussion, I just gave him a smile. :-)

And after one month as per protocol I had to go back to Mundala Reddy's company and get my Provident Fund Account transferred, so I went and asked the lady at the reception If she can find out Mundala Reddy is available, :-) as expected he called me inside immediately.

And the other MD also a Reddy, he returned from Africa, let us call him Africa Reddy, a medical doctor, he comes out of his office and stood near Mundala Reddy's office looking at me, the expression on his face was like, now you know our power. :-) 

I invited him and his family to my marriage the same year, but they never came to my marriage, including him, so that was the right moment to give him a taste of his own medicine, which would be like "How do you feel If you are ignored in your own office in front of your staff, by an ex employee, who worked for 6 years, :-) I ignored him like there was no one standing and entered Mundala Reddy's office. :-) 

He was eagerly waiting and asked me to take a seat with a smile, and called the boy for a cup of tea and immediately started to narrate a story how four workers got killed while working on a centrifuge.

It was a general practice for the workers to stand on the metal support of the one meter wide stainless steel centrifuge, lean on it, and wash the freshly crystallized API about 350 Kgs of it with D M Water, while the centrifuge would run at a very high speed, it seems that day the centrifuge came free from its base and flew towards the concrete roof killing all four instantly.

He looked worried and slightly scared, he then looked at my pocket, I had a pen with picture of Shirdi Sai Baba on its clip, it was my wife's pen, as she was a Sai Baba's devotee even before our marriage, so I just borrowed it, then he asked me, how was it for me there in my new company, IIL, :-) I just smiled and said it was OK.

Then I told him the purpose of my visit and nothing more to talk, he nodded and asked me to see the GM, another Reddy, who had joined few months after me in 1990 as GM, he still works with them in 2023 as GM, he wanted to have his own plant in 1993 itself, but it seems the Congress Party of India locked him up with Mundala Reddy for a life time, he remained GM for 33 years. :-)

He saw me, not a word, no smile, he just signed the papers and gave me, no goodbye, nothing, when he joined he had some air of confidence, it was missing, he sat in his 4 feet by 4 feet office, which appeared small, I took leave, not one employee in the administration looked at me, we had worked 6 years, the fear in their faces was evident, the fear of prosecution by Congress party of India and its goons, the Reddy Mafia in Telangana and Rayalseema, outside the office few managers stood and greeted me, these were same managers who never answered my good wishes in 6 years, :-) I smiled and left.

Then :-) all the curious, worried, insecure, must have tried to find out what did we talk, and that was a big opportunity for Mundala Reddy to brag and lie, and he could not resist, his inner ego made him tell lies, "he told everyone that I wanted to come back to his company, as it was not good for me in IIL, his main worry was to install that fear in employees from Rayalseema, that no one can escape the powerful Reddy Mafia, and he immediately called his connections in Congress party to do anything and see that I am forced to join his company ASAP.

But time passed and nothing happened, they even changed the Human Resources department in IIL with all Reddy's, others were all ready working for him, but 6 years passed, nothing happened, on Jan 01, 2001 when I received Canadian Landing papers, I resigned, and Mundala Reddy of my ex company immediately arranged for a small party by my staff in IIL, :-) at a place where his GM was waiting, he was looking at me, I sat on my bike, I looked at him few times but his posture spoke of some script dictated to him, :-) and the three people from my lab, two Reddy's and one Khamma, did not turn up at the said location, after waiting for an hour I left. :-)

Then another Reddy in IIL R&D department who was also working for them, arranged for some drama at the Hyderabad airport on 16th March 2001. :-)

So, after I left India, Mundala Reddy had to lie again and again to his partners and employees, so he kept trying for 27 years. :-)

This was the same guy who felt I was not worthy of half a kg sweet, which was given to all employees every Dusshera, and he also forgot the days when he worked as a Chemist with Dr Reddy's Lab, his humble beginings and how he moved his product, employees, lock, stock and barrel, when Dr Reddy told him to wait for some more time, before he would offer him some form of partnership in his firm, :-)as he got just married and had received a hefty dowry, so he was all set to start his own API manufacturing company.

That was his fear, so he kept me at loggerheads with other departments and employees, and deception and betrayal was also the game played by all Industralists towards each other, even Dr Anji Reddy came out of IDPL, with two or three products and started manufacturing them in his firm, IDPL was a pharmaceutical established in Hyderabad with the help of Russia.

Bottom line: Lies are like seeded clouds, 

I could write a novel on things Mundala Reddy and Congress party of India- Reddy Mafia did to force me to return to his company, people suffer from such mental blocks and ego, he could not let go the fact that a Chemist had walked away refusing to see his greatness.

I saw him, pump millions of liters of effluent with 250,000 mg/liter COD in to near by fresh water lake every night, each batch of 350 kgs API produced about 10,000 liters of effluent and every year they produced some 50 tonnes of it, you can calculate the amount of untreated effluent pumped into the near by lake at night time, and they sold the API to companies like Roche Pharmaceuticals UK, and the Auditor from Bengaluru never asked about the effluent, he just checked it was BP grade and export.

In this bargain, U.K. got the finished API,the local area in India got Air, Water and Land pollution, lakes got polluted, government of India got no taxes, Mundala Reddy and his partners amassed wealth, they might have donated to Congress party of India some of it, even the employees never paid income tax as their official income would stop at income tax cut off limit, rest was paid in cash, all black money.

So what greatness I was supposed to see, the corruption, the pollution, the insults hurled at people of Telangana, the fear in the eyes of employees imported from Rayalseema, the meagre wages, I started with 800 Rs per month, and reached Rs 7000/month in 6 years.

But others were making less then Rs 3000/month after 10 years, the managers were making roughly about 10,000 Rs or less, I think the income tax cut off was 6000 or 6500 in 1995.

Which one is the greatness, stealing the product, employees and equipment from a man who gave him break.

Which one was a great man's deed, when he saw I was not giving him much importance, he asked his ex-boss to meet me at one of the seminars in Central University and explain to me his financial worth, :-) his boss said Mundala Reddy was my employee once but today in 1994 he is worth Rs 300 Crores, I was like shhhhhhhhhhh he does not pay taxes. :-)

And he felt giving me a half kg sweet on Dusshera was a burden on the company, while I worked my ass off with out any overtime, and finished all the projects, reported to him as is, and kept all of it confidential even after I left his company, I could have sold them for a huge profit, as everyone was working more or less on same products then.

His other worry was, who was that someone, who was helping me do my projects, hence he felt I did not qualify for a promotion, and wanted to know everything before he would even consider a promotion. :-)

One thing popped up while travelling through 1995, The congress party of India organized an event in the month of Aug 1995,to inaugurate a new building in IICT, and Prime Minister of India Mr P V Narashima Rao was invited and he gave a speech, I was one of the delegates and I sat in the second row right in front of the podium, I was keenly listening to the Prime Minister speak about how India was wasting money on research on Allopathy, and not on Ayurveda, an Indian Prime Minister was pleading Scientists at IICT to focus on Ayurveda, during his speech, it seems someone did something behind me, like pointing at me, or was it my gaze, the Prime Minister stopped speaking and looked at me for a brief few seconds and then continued speaking. :-)

Anyway, I resigned after that event and survived to see the world, otherwise I would be still working as Research Chemist tied to a R &D table, like the GM, who still works as GM for 33 years.

R&D labs became a regular item in most industries in India and also in Canada, as it qualifies the company to avail certain government grants, hence they employed two people and show the government they are investing in R&D and avail all the grants etc. etc.

In the west, If white people see any talented white kid they would do everything to safe guard his or her interest, and in return he or she would safe guard the interest of the entire white race.

But in India, they want only their kids to grow no one else, and the political parties are used by them to achieve this purpose.

After working 12 years in India, I moved out of India, but today when I see the Central Minister Mr Nitin Gadkari, he amazes me, how the hell he is getting things done in India, :-) because it is very difficult or almost impossible to bring all Indians on a common ground, I saw that as a General Secretary of the employees club, everyone concerned or unconcerned tried to throw their spanner. :-)

Mr Nitin Gadkari, hats off to you, that is some talent.

Here in west since the entire white race moves like termites, it is easy for any white guy to excel and get things done, Mr Elon Musk does not impress me, and more over the wimp club drives everything in the west, but in India, to get things done it needs some special talent, and Mr Gadkari is not a North Indian and he is also not from Delhi, that is another constrain in a Punjabi Dominated India. :-)

In Indian Air Force, the selections are done By Punjabi, Of Punjabi and For Punjabi, :-) their population is about 2% in India and at least 40% or more officers in IAF are Punjabi, :-)

Late Mr Milkha Singh came fourth in Olympics, that's all, all sports ministries, all PE teachers, anything related to sports was handed over to Punjabi's, and India never won a single medal, have you seen a Sikh winning a single medal in Asian games or Olympics in individual events, :-) but they spoiled the entire sports industry in India from Mr Milkha Singh's Olympic participation till Blue Star operation in 1984.

I went for zonal cricket selections in Pathankot, Punjab, the Punjabi guy had no time for us, :-) and our Yoga teacher who was also Punjabi from Jalandhar, who was supposed to take care of it, was busy teaching Yoga, particularly Chakra Asan to the Prostitutes in Pathankot's red light district which was right in front of the Air force station. :-) and in the school he was very keen on teaching only Chakra asan to 11th and 12th grade girls, there were no cell phones then, or cameras, otherwise imagine the number of you tube videos. :-)

India needs to seriously renew their view point with respect to Punjabi's in general, and Bangali's in football, I tried for football also, but the two Bengali's were busy discussing who was good, Mohan Bagan or East Bagan, and they put 50 kids with one ball in one ground. :-)

Anyway, I wanted to get it out of my system, because there were many questions with out answers, now I think I got them all cleared.


Actually I wanted to write about Canada and Cars, then this thing came up about Mundala Reddy, he has been chasing me for 27 years, that is some obsession. :-) 

But he is not alone, there are few more from Canada, chasing me for 18 years or more, but when I was with them, they felt I was good for just some job, which anyone can have it.

And I wanted to write more frequently, at least every week one post, but the retards working for some political party or all political parties wanted me to remove my last post, :-) so I kept it for six months. :-)

And currently the retard clubs focus is on our second hand car, Dodge Journey 2012, :-) some retard from that club thinks that If they play with its check engine light, ( Malfunction Indication Light)they can arm twist me into accepting some Caucasian woman as their head, of their wimp club, :-)I am neither a member of that wimp club nor of any political party or with any Caucasian woman, but the retard strongly thinks that the car registered on my wife's name, who is also not a member of any Caucasian clubs, is the key to their much needed success. :-)

Actually they have been trying to confuse me since 2001, but it seems they are more confused, and as they have nothing to do, or no handle to play with, they are playing with its MIL, which makes the car function like it is suffering from Corona Virus, because the symptoms are same. :-)

Pa Pa

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