Jul 30, 2023

Canada, Quebec and Cars - Caucasians on Highways

Back in year 2000, a young Sikh boy arrives in Toronto, Canada, and immediately he removes his hair to merge with the crowd- visible majority, as he felt he had Greek looks, :-) he thought he will become a part of the visible majority just like that. :-)

Some Greeks in Montreal are barbers also.

But while working in Tim Hortons, he realized with in 6 months, that he was different then the visible majority of Canada - Toronto, so he started to grow his hair back, and started to go back to Gurudwara's to mingle with his flock, :-) he took 6 months to understand it, because he never read history and he came directly from Punjab after his high school, through some churning family sponsorship, allowed by Canada.

Then he bought a second hand Toyota Corolla for 13,000 $, and he took it for a long drive to USA, with his friend, who was also a Punjabi, while driving in USA, the drivers change and the new driver gets carried away and he drives the car at around 120 KM per hour speed, and with in seconds they are stopped by highway patrol and their car is towed, :-) and they are left high and dry in USA with out a car.

The first thing the Sikh boy does after returning to Canada is sell his car. :-)

He tells me not to buy new car particularly Toyota Camry, as it was expensive.

I arrived on 17th March 2001, and through two past connections I join him in his small semi basement apartment, and the next day as his friends arrive, I walk out in my Lungi, Banian and flip flops, even though the temperature was sub zero, his friends were surprised that it took them six months to walk outside in informal dress, when ever they had to go out they would always wear a formal suit, :-)

Poor guys must have taken the western narrative little too seriously, I told them, look around, do you see anyone in formal attire, every one is in just ordinary clothes, regular clothes.

Within  six months, I buy my first ever car of my life, Toyota Camry 2002, :-) in the month of Dec 2001, and I drive it home from Toyota Brossard  about 30 kms, since I learned driving both in India and Canada, it was a cake walk.

(Note: If you drive at 100 KM per hour on any highway where the higher speed limit is 100 KM, you can see that 99.99% cars will overtake you, and this overtaking will happen repeatedly every few minutes,  and the Police department seems to ignore it, as the majority drivers are Caucasians in V6 SUV's)

First six months, I got help from few employees, first one was from France, I asked him, why in Quebec, when you are from France, :-) he said, to you people it might appear like that, but in France, we have differences, and he came to Quebec to avoid the indifference extended to him, :-) then there was this elderly gentleman, a Quebecois, rare to find someone like that in Quebec, :-) then there was another good employee from Quebec, and few others, they would pick me up from some Metro and drop me off at the same Metro in the evening, and there was one Indian also who asked me to pay 35$ per month for the lift, I paid him, :-)

While he would drive on Auto route towards the company, our lady QC Manager driving her Taurus at 100 plus, would pass us, while my Indian friend drove his second hand Honda Civic at 70 KM per hour, he would immediately quip, my goodness, did you see, how she drives, and then he would smile in awe.

Then, when I got my car, I asked him to join me, and told him he need not pay me 35$ for the lift, he accepted with a smile, :-) I have been driving all kinds of vehicles since I was 5, :-) and my father drove vehicles at 100 plus on Indian roads, :-) so for me, QC Manager driving at 100 plus was ok, there are many good drivers.

I think once I caught her on the Auto route and parked my car behind her car, both of us were at 100 KM per hour, she immediately moved to the right lane, and with in few days, I saw a Police Car parked behind my car at 100 KM per hour, I looked at the female driver in uniform, in my rear view mirror, she signaled at me with her right hand, please let me pass, I immediately moved to the right lane, she passed and vanished from my sight with in seconds, the Diwali lights and the Police Flute were off. :-) 

With in few days, My Indian Friend had resigned and joined an ex employee who was fired from our company, she was a Production Manager, and she was from Romania, and what followed was, our Human Resources Manager Sin'D from Toronto, called all employees working at the manufacturing unit in Quebec in the conference room in a row, and one by one she asked us not to communicate or keep any kind of touch with the fired Romanian Female Employee, that was a first for me, :-) I knew the company was in losses but a warning towards a fired employee, :-) what people do after 5 is their business.

One day in Jan 2002, while returning from my work, I was stopped by a Police car, the cop informed me that he saw in a Cinemetography I was going above 100 KM per hour, since that was my first Traffic ticket ever and I did not know that I could contest it, it was for 220$, for speeding, I paid it, and I got entry into the Speedsters of Canada and Quebec. :-)

Every ten years the database is revised, and all speedsters are given a new speeding ticket on the anniversary, so that their name remains in the database, and when ever any corrupt cop needs a name for his extra curricular activities, this is the database they go after, :-).

Otherwise, 99.99% people drive over 130 KM per hour on a highway or freeway regularly, where the upper speed limit is 100 KM per hour, and these people are all from visible majority, the problem was I overtook a Caucasian woman on the highway, :-) and she must have complained about it to some Bitch from Hell, as she was also the daily informer. :-)

"How dare he", does n't he know in Canada - Quebec, Caucasians have priority, :-) her complain must have been redirected by like minded ladies various government departments, you know Sin'D the Human Resource Terrorist must have done the favor.

The series of traffic tickets followed, I contested most of them, few I paid but it become a regular cat and mouse game between me and the Police department, :-) then they started sending traffic tickets by mail, we contested all of them, and all of them with so much proof of stupidity on their part, any one with ordinary common sense would not allow such tickets, anyway we won them all, except few, which we paid.

On the 10 year anniversary of speeding ticket from Jan 2002, in Jan 2012, I was given a huge 625$ ticket, which I contested, as I was going at 60 KM per hour and there was a car in front of me going at same speed, the cop said it was 90 KM per hour while exiting a highway, the speed limit drops to 50 KM per hour abruptly in the exit, everyone involved manipulated it with out any shame, openly, :-) so eventually I had to pay 695$ and 10 points stayed on the license for two or three years, and as a result I remained on the database of speedsters for another 10 years, I was expecting a similar ticket in 2022, as another 10 year anniversary came by, but nothing happened. :-)

May be they could not use me in any of their extra curricular activities, because the people in this databases are like sitting ducks, any cop can smear anything they want based on lies, rumors, and mischief, no one gives a rat's ass, 

The last ticket was in 2019, I contested it, but it appeared the video was modified to show that I stopped at a stop sign for a second and then drove away, so 240$, I could have asked them to check the time on the video footage but then I let it go, as we were in a new area, that would start another cat and mouse game.

Since then I have been watching all other drivers how many actually stop on the stop sign, none, every one slows down, keeps rolling and then drive away.

So, it was clear that someone was not happy to see a colored man driving a new brand Toyota Camry on a highway like Caucasians (Visible majority), :-) "How dare you", try to mimic us, :-) and the Police department was taking undue interest, every day they would either lead me or follow me on the highway, :-) you know the ball bursting exercises :-)

Sep 2003, My car was stolen from our apartment parking lot, and the Police came and told us, it is ok, just call Insurance, they will take care of it, and they left, the Insurance gave us a new brand Toyota Camry 2003, :-) .

So the unhappy Caucasian man/woman, who ever arranged "the steal" must have been pissed off, when he or she saw me back in a new brand Toyota Camry, and driving like Caucasians, :-) I think this is when their number increased, you know, the leghorns were unhappy that a country rooster was among them and behaving like them. :-)

So all the puk puk puk, gathered. :-)

Then the UPS truck started blocking me on the highway, I think that was the first one, then it became a new game and it continues even today in 2023 with a large number of leghorns in V6 SUV's criss-crossing on almost all high ways, trying to show off their strength, numbers, we are in large numbers, and all connected through a network, and we all are Arse kissers.

If one can see with little thought, the highways in Canada-Quebec are badly flawed, which is the main reason for all the traffic jams during rush hours, and then the way they are constructed, it projects a sharp narrow mindedness and on top of that we have criss-crossing political or mischief mongers, everyone has a complain, and every one wants an unconditional apology. :-)

And then there are slow driving ladies, who get this advantage of driving at 30 KM per hour on a highway, where the lower speed limit is 60 KM per hour, and all the leghorns dutifully follow them like obedient boys and girls, no one would dare to cross that slow driver, it is an exercise on the highway to show someone like me, that she is an top Arse Kisser of some other top most Arse Kisser on the political or corporate ladder, who controls all the Arse kissers in all the spheres of life in Canada - Quebec.

Many times the Police department also can be seen blocking the left most lane and keeping the lane open on which the top Arse kisser is driving at  30 KM per hour. :-)

All this nuisance and drama, because few Caucasian ladies want priority over rest, just like that, :-) the narrative says so.

In 2005-2006 my Car was such an eye sore for the Police Station number 6 on Rue Grenet, Saint Laurent, :-) anyway, once my Employment Benefits stopped, they got it in March 2006, as I could not pay the monthly 521$ and 151$ Insurance, the dealership send a lawyer to fetch the car, I had paid about 15000$ till then, it all went down the drain, they sold the car but never gave me any information about it, stolen again, this time by the dealership.

The Caucasians fight tooth and nail as one entity, does not matter who wins the election.

And, the funny part is all the cars in Canada are imported from Japan, South Korea, Germany and USA, Canada even though designed its cities in such a way that with out a good car it is very difficult to move around, and Canada does not manufacture even one car, :-) but they love to screw the cars with illegal surveillance installations, then once installed they want to get them out, because immediately they realize, that it was a mistake, so they start trashing the cars, then they get involved through the car garages and screw the cars over and over and over again, does not matter which car garage one takes their car to. :-)

So we did not had a car from 2006 March to 2009 June, The Caucasians were very happy, :-) because we were travelling by bus now and walking on the streets with groceries, in the public buses they could play their other mischieves, particularly with the skunk urine.

Then we bought a new Car, :-) June 2009, the first model of Dodge Journey, Chrysler, and the car was brought from some other dealership 900 kms from Montreal, and Dodge Boulevard in Saint Laurent was the dealership, while the car was being brought to the city of Montreal, the unhappy leghorns got hold of it, :-) it is not very difficult to find out where they might have taken it, the driver who drove it can tell, but question is who will ask. :-)

The car was an eye sore from the day one, every one seems to dislike it, Dodge Journey was discontinued in 2020, we drove it for almost 13 years, even though the dealership disowned it, and treated it like a step son, or rather we should say step car, today in 2023 no one is able to sell Dodge cars in Canada, and Chrysler is on verge of bankruptcy.

And it seems almost all Dodge Journeys were targeted by the unhappy leghorns, :-).

In 2022, ,they tried very hard to trash the car, but every time, they failed when I was driving it, then on the day when Queen Elizabeth II passed away, almost at the same time in the evening, my wife drove it to the bus station to pick up our daughter, who was returning from her college, while trying to maneuver the car in a construction zone, as the lanes were merged, she drove into another car, the car got completely damaged in the front and the battery was dangling on the tire.

The other car was driven by two Caucasian ladies, the Police man arrived and immediately called for a tow truck to take their car away from the scene, it is good I reached there in time and told my wife to take pictures of all the cars involved, the police man did not ask my wife If she needed any help, :-) and filed a report against her, when the accident happened, the Police man was not there, :-) and the Insurance also tried to play, and refused to send the tow truck, so we drove it home, and parked it for the insurance to make a inspection. :-)

Time and again I have observed one thing, when ever you are down, that is the moment when all the parties refuse to co-operate, in Canada- Quebec.

During all this the unhappy leghorns were involved double time trying to undermine all our efforts, and for all the work they do against the citizens of Canada-Quebec, they get paid. :-)

Eventually the insurance paid us 4500$, and the leghorns were very happy they got rid of our car all over again, the third time.

Then within a month, we bought a 2012 Dodge Journey for 9000$, this time from Nissan Chomady, and the car drove like a new car, it had 1,30,000 KM, but it looked like new, 100 times better then our 2009 Dodge Journey.

The unhappy leghorns, when they saw us in a better car, which drove way better then our 13 years old car, which they trashed it, again they were pissed off. ........Tch Tch Tch :-)

I think they got it opened in a parking lot while I was inside a grocery store, Super C, the car started to show Check Engine Light, when I returned from Super C, and then series of problems cropped up, all one after another, all of a sudden the gasoline started to leak, the symptoms were like Covid-19, eventually after some 1000 $ the car is ok, but I am sure the unhappy leghorns are still not happy to see us  back in car and driving it like Caucasians on the highway. :-)

Note: People who brought Covid-19 to you are not happy with the results, they are looking for something with more clear symptoms, so that people can be prosecuted just by their visible symptoms, so take precautions.

It has been a tooth and nail fight between the unhappy leghorns on one hand and we on the other hand trying to keep a car running for our daily transportation needs.

For them (Unhappy Leghorns) it is a daily mischief towards trap and blackmail, eventually leading to Kiss the Cunt's Arse, :-) the agenda, some times to appease one Caucasian Cunt (Male or Female) and other times for some other Caucasian Cunt (Male or Female) who gets pissed off because we are not behaving like the visible minority at least on the highway .:-)

It has been 23 years, :-) now they have wireless technology, :-) AI is not connected yet to this governments sponsored mischief mongers, they drive our car at the same time we are driving, only difference is, they apply brakes when we want to accelerate, or they accelerate when we want to apply brakes as a result the car's transmission had to work overtime, even then we still drive on the highways like we used to drive in 2001. :-)

In fact we have more experience now to drive any car in any conditions. :-)

And the unhappy leghorns are as usual unhappy, tch tch tch can't help them, in fact they are in much larger number and much more unhappy, all my neighbors have joined them, :-) every one has a complain and every one wants an apology for behaving like a Caucasian. :-)

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