Dec 4, 2023

Canada, Quebec , Cars and Politics

We are at the door step of 2024 and we in Canada still do not manufacture or we cannot manufacture an ordinary car, :-) which runs on good old gasoline,  :-) leave alone on some flimsy clean energy, this includes Quebec also.

This situation is by design by some very narrow minded people who at first place designed all the cities in North America in such a way that one can not transport themselves with out a personal car and a cell phone.

USA is better off because they have few car manufacturing companies, but Canada - Quebec are in a fix because they depend on other countries including on USA for all their needs.

Public transport is there but one should have few extra hours at hand to reach on time.

But we have an efficient system in place coast to coast to coast :-) in fact a very efficient system in place to screw the cars we import from other countries like Japan, Korea, Europe and USA.

Chinese cars have not yet come to Canada, though we talk about open competition, hope soon they will flood the western market with their cars, which I am sure would be 1/3rd the cost of the current lot, :-) for us, we can have two cars for 40,000 $CAD, instead of just one.

If a person keeps his new car worth 40K $ CAD for 15 years the federal and the provincial government would make around 15% of that money, plus whatever he or she will spend for repairs in 15 years,  but If the person would sell it after 4 or 5 years because the car is screwed by the government agencies and the car gets sold every 4 or 5 years, then the federal government and the provincial governments would make 4 or 5 times the initial amount, hence the cars are on top priority of the wimps in Canada and Quebec.

The modern cars have on board computers which manage everything and the manufacturers of almost all the cars do not see the car's operation through the consumers eyes, :-) as a result, one example is, the software If corrupted can not be set to the factory default by the consumer simply by pressing a button, a reset button, a easy button, this would discourage the hackers working for various political parties in Canada - Quebec, who are using cars as proxies for their political ambitions and mileage, and again these cars are not manufactured in Canada or Quebec. :-)

First they started with the make of the cars as proxies, then they included the colors of the cars as proxies, then they extended this mischief to car service outlets, and even to accessories of the cars.

As a result the cars are being screwed by the people (wimps) working for these political parties, all sides are involved, left, right and middle, the arm twisting is "choose a side", or your car will not be serviced as you wish, does not matter to which garage you take your car to, and these garages they take all the money without any guilt or shame, in fact many times more than they deserve, but they do not do the job as requested or as required.

There was a time not long ago when the garage would check everything for 30$ and recommend a list of things as urgent or recommend for near future repair or replacement, and then do the needful as requested by the customer after informing the price.

What ever happened to the customer satisfaction in Quebec, this was the sole reason why all the Travel agents, and all the Real estate agents were forced to write exams in Quebec in 2012 by OPC, to protect the customer satisfaction was the logic, :-) now they do not give a rat's ass, what customer wants or the car wants, their main concern and focus is what the political wimp wants, in fact the mischief is the top priority. :-)

And I think this new technique of politics used by various political parties in Canada and Quebec is the result of a few very lazy people who got into these political parties or want the political parties to consider them as queens and kings. :-)

Yes!, these political parties have Queens and Kings, :-) and the jurisdiction of these political Queens and Kings extends to other countries also, :-) which they call as global governance, :-) particularly to the 165 dumb countries, and some of the dumb countries are so excited and enthusiastic to take part in this national and international mischief, example India, some of the countries have thrown not just caution but all decency to wind, because they were/are promised some second place under some political Queen or King, whom they might not even know at a personal level. :-)

The TRUTH, everyone is promised second place. :-)

And the dictum's of these political Queens and Kings are taken at a face value, some of these Queens have proxies who drive only on the right lane of the highway, even If it means they have to block the incoming cars, and some drive on the left lane of the highway, even If it means they slow down the entire traffic, and there are some who plan accidents on the highway by blocking the right most lane.

How do they do it?

Normally one can see a train of 5 to 9 cars going in a loop in almost every locality connected to the highway, they come on to the highway together and they leave the highway together, some wants to drive in pairs, :-) meaning they want to stay together even where stop signs are there in all four directions because they were told to stay together by some political Queen or a King, :-).

When the train of 5 to 9 cars are on the entry ramp, they slow down to 30 or 40 km per hour, and this, they do it in front of the target car, :-) and as I said some of them drive only on the right lane, even If that means they would block the incoming cars, even though the middle lane might be free, they remain on the right most lane, there are a lot of women who do this, :-) the speed limit on the highway usually is around 100 km/hr, and when a train of 5 to 9  cars all black or all white, jam on the ramp or drive very slowly coming to total halt on the ramp in front of the target car, the best option for the target car is to stick with the train of cars.

But If the target car gets emotional and breaks the solid line rule and drives on to the right lane or middle lane, there is a high possibility they would be hit by a fast moving truck or SUV, because the speed limit on the highway is 100 km/hour and most vehicles in Montreal -Quebec - Canada drive at and above 130 km/hour, by doing so the target car would help the original plan of the train of cars working for some political party, as this is also one of the arm twisting techniques applied.

One can observe this mischief, at every entry and exit, at least in Montreal, :-) does not matter which highway you are taking, they come together and they leave together, sometimes the first one suddenly applies breaks with out a reason and all of them break at the same time, If one is not careful, you know the consequences, :-) this is a regular mischief on the highways in Canada, Quebec in general, Montreal in particular. :-)

While this is planned and executed by people working for the political parties, left, right and middle, as they call themselves, because most highways have three lanes, hence left, right and middle, If highways had five lanes, then I think it would be extreme left, left, middle, right, and extreme right.

The original fight is between few ladies at the top, what you see on the highways is the ground level workers helping those ladies consolidate their position, so that the elected bozos would dance to their tunes like a street monkey on a lease.

As the political parties are not free, :-) or have any freedom of expression, :-) they have to dance, rather they have to play the stupid proxy games planned by the political Queens and Kings, you can watch any parliament in session, Canada, Quebec, India, USA, UK etc. etc. 

The police department and there are others I call them wimps, who plan the proxy games for the political parties on the highways, in the grocery stores, in the car service outlets, car dealerships, schools, shopping malls, shopping mall parking lots, bus stations, train stations, metro train stations, taxi stands, side walks, and also they don't leave the dogs alone.

Now they are using neighbors against neighbors. :-)

All these can be avoided , If the political parties play their politics with each other rather than police department planning for them on the streets, but for that first the politicians will have to be free from surveillance, it is so unfortunate everyone from top to bottom are on surveillance, and it is not just surveillance with a camera or a microphone, wire taps of old days or from movies.

Now the technology is way ahead of fiction, most writers who write science fiction have no clue the current technology used in surveillance, I will write another post on this and possible AI usage soon.

But in a nutshell, the technology is to create a digital replica of everything and connect it to various rays, infrared, thermal, microwave, and also lasers, and using them they can change your skin color as well, If you are supposed to be with black side then they change your skin color to black, or If you are supposed to be with the white side then they will change your skin color to pale, all by manipulating your digital replica.

I call it electronic or wireless voodoo

Wait till AI begins to control them, AI will decide who is loyal and who is a rebel, those who are loyal will be rewarded at every turn and those deemed rebels will have to face hurdles at every nook and corner, what will elected folks do, either clap or blame each other.

And If the political parties have a system in place not for mischief, :-) but for hiring or taking new members in to their political parties, for what ever reason, then the police department can be spared from planning "Trap and Blackmail", to trap people they want them to kiss the ARSE of certain political Queens and Kings.

To protect the narrative, "that a person with pale skin color is superior", after coming to Canada and Quebec I came to know that, it is not the Brain which contributes to the IQ or intelligence of a person, but, it is the skin color which is not only the largest organ of the human body but also the main organ responsible for high IQ or intelligence. :-)

Hence the skin color is the main and only qualification in Canada and Quebec, which is considered as needed, though it is changing slowly but still a long way to go, like even though the Canadian government might award the citizenship, after checking everything, the police department and there are other agencies (wimps) involved in surveillance, and political wimps from left, right and middle, and the political Queens and Kings, they all refuse to accept new citizens of Canada, :-) as citizens and refuse to extend the same courtesy towards them. 

May be this is the reason that when a pale woman see's a colored man they immediately take it for granted that this person with dark skin color is an idiot, :-) and they can treat them anyway they like, :-) all the bad behavior comes out.

Some people might have different experience, possible.

And now there is a new trend, people with pale skin color are changing their behavior after they check your NOSE, :-) Oh, check the nose, to make sure the person is not from certain continent, skin color alone is not enough.

This is so unfortunate for country like Canada that we are talking about it in 2023.

Anyway, two big changes happened in Canada this year, the new speaker in the house of commons is a person from visible minority, and same thing happened in Quebec as well.

Apart from these arm twisting techniques the grand old game of "Black and White" is still played at a grand scale by all the political parties and their legal or illegal extensions, like the police department, :-) may be in my next post, "The Black and White game".

Bottom Line: The politicians gingerly call it racism, but actually it is apartheid, in Canada and Quebec it is hidden but guarded and fought tooth and nail to extend it to few very special people, hence the large number of wimps involved, the Europeans get the maximum benefit, even in Quebec.

Having said that, no country is free from some form of Apartheid, even India with all the ancient knowledge base is also prone to Apartheid, there we call it by some other name, but the basic idea is to deny few, their basic fundamental rights or even natural rights.

The numerology of 2024 is number 8.

8 stands for Saturn, Saturn stands for dharma, and Saturn is in Aquarius, its Moolatrikona. 



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