Feb 12, 2024

Canada, Quebec, Cars and Politics

For the last 23 years I have seen -25 degrees in the first and second week of Feb, this year it has been raining and the temperatures are around 0 degrees, we boasted it feels like -35 or -45, now we cannot even boast about it, it is raining in Montreal and it is snowing in Vancouver, where it used to rain.

Anyway.....Are the elements learning how to play mischief, like most Canadians - and Quebecoise. :-) under the proxy games program.

Sometimes it feels like the weather in each country is mimicking the intentions and behavior of the people of that country towards others.

After all Varuna is custodian of Water and Ethics and Sun is his friend. :-)

Canadian government has decided that by 2035 all Canadians will be allowed only E.V. cars, and that means lot of business for EV Car manufacturers. :-)

For E.V.Cars with auto drive, we need to have roads like China, and in Canada - Quebec Roads are very good for making rap music, all one has to do is connect a recorder to the chassis of the car and drive around on any auto route. :-)

I was impressed by the driver less public transport in China, a small, cute public transport for 6 passengers, no driver, and drives all by itself, and the population of China is 1400 millions, and the only other country with similar population is Mera Bharat Mahan.

Ahem! Population in Canada has touched 40 million in 2024, which is equal to the population of the state of Telangana in India, but the area of Telangana is some 100 times smaller than Canada. :-)

More people die on the roads in India than any other country, and auto pilot vehicles are the only mode of transport India needs, :-) with an extra fixture in the front, the Canadian arm kind of arm, Bajuuuuuuuuuu........

The problems E.V. Vehicles would face:

1) Given the technology available with local authorities (Including Police) to suck power out of batteries, this is done wireless, and right now it is done on vehicles that belong to certain people who were barred from availing CERB during Carona - Marona international drama, few people in these (Govt) circles have been working very hard 24/7 to trap certain people and turn them into puppets, (Turn them into Arse Kissers) so that they merge with the majority, hence they did not allow them to avail CERB, they took three years to find out who availed CERB.

And If few availed even though they were not eligible, then a waiver was issued next year to those who did not come under the special trap and blackmail program, and those who availed it and were not eligible, and were under the trap and blackmail program, they were asked to pay it back.

Knowing all this would be done, based on our experience with Canadian and Quebec governments since 2003, we did not touch CERB or any other Carona - marona financial help program dished out in a hurry by the Canadian government, we managed with out any help.

Question: Did you ask If the Vaccines for Corona - Marona prescribed to every one three times and four times, were tested for Nanobots with eyes and ears, which can be lodged in various organs and cause havoc internally.

They (Retards) are installing them (Nanobots) in the pets like dogs, Nanobots in their eyes, you know free surveillance 24/7, the pets go through some discomfort, and it is free, poor thing can not speak, we have some 6 million dogs and 8 million cats in Canada, that is a lot of money.

Question: What does the Canadian Pharmacopoeia say about medical devices and vaccines?

And Elon Musk is planning to install a chip in Human brain, may be he does not know that all governments in the west have the advanced wireless technology which can strengthen the muscles wireless, they were used rampant on athletes, and the reverse is also available which tires out the muscles very fast like the draining of the batteries, which was used on athletes from third world countries, :-) I always think why Milkha Singh and P.T. Usha came fourth in their respective disciplines, and when China learned the technique, China also reached the top of the Medals tally. :-)

Last Olympics, The USA was asking Britain and Australia, If they can reach above China in the medals tally or leave it to them, such guaranteed technology is available and it is wireless and lot of data is also available.

Question: How do I know?

Answer: They have been using it on me since 2004, particularly when I am doing any physical chore, :-) does not matter inside our home or outside, anywhere, depends which day it is, on Mondays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays for sure, they drain me like so fast, I feel like Ram Vilas Paswan of India, other days it depends, Wednesdays they let me do my work, so on Wednesdays I am fit as a fiddle, but you never know the political queens choose days of the weeks as their days. :-) and sometimes the operators are busy or distracted, and I am half way through my chore, then it hits me suddenly, :-) but it has been 19 years, they do not want me to win even Bronze medal, :-) but I have learned to do my physical chores with the electronic voodoo on, it feels like there is 20 kg sand bag on your back, C'est la vie en Quebec - Canada.

I guess AI would do a better job with out failing or leaving gaps, which expose the retards. :-)

"Kiss her arse and say sorry, everything will go away, as if nothing had happened", says the retards, given our experience with the British in India for 300 years, I doubt their every intention, Naaaa I don't trust them, particularly the political queens, I love to do my physical chores with the sand bag on my back, it makes me very strong.

"Or just behave like nothing has happened". :-)

"Or only strong people forgive others for all the wrong doings", :-)

"Or only weak people look for revenge", but we will continue to do what we do, because we are very strong. :-)

Don't worry before this they had already installed them in your car head lights and rear brake lights, and If those cars were sold to third world countries, then free surveillance, :-) such obsession, and this obsession has reached chronic levels, and this I think is a direct effect of ladies taking over the surveillance department.

2) Few people carried out experiments on E.V. Vehicles during peak winter this year, and found them slightly time consuming but with frozen outlets.

3) Have you noticed some times, how fast the cell phones run out of power, and some times they remain solid with power for days, :-) it is the same technology used against citizens by the governments to help corporations make extra buck, at the cost of the citizens.

My wife's old I phone goes dry very fast, not always, with in few seconds it is out of power, I am now using it, in addition to my two old Samsung phones, they hold on for a week at least, I don't get that many calls, because in 23 years in Canada- Quebec, barely anyone knows me, my my they have been working very hard on keeping me isolated, people are questioned If they say even Hello to me, immediately they are put on surveillance.

And this way all my neighbors are under surveillance, the fear and insecurity of ladies involved in this campaign cuts party lines, If any neighbor has any booboo, many come to find out how they are doing, Ca Va, frequently few ladies go around asking their well being, but no one ever came to me asking me how I was doing.

4) Any Car manufacturer going full E.V. will have to consider this technology of draining batteries wireless available everywhere, provided unsolicited, at three levels, at municipal level by the police department, National level and even international level, by the retard agencies, it is mostly used for mischief.

May be Liberals and Conservatives should find out and declare in the august house of democracy, how much money they are spending on mischief, the retard agencies.

(Note: We do not have any intelligence agencies any more, all we have is mischief mongers, lie mongers, and rumor mongers, hence it is better to call them Retard Agencies.)

Instead of directly jumping to the 100% E.V.Vehicles, it will be much better If, all vehicles made available are Hybrid, 50-50 or 75-25, so that people do not get stuck in remote areas with drained batteries, particularly in Canadian winters.

Once any government agency (including the police department) begins any exercise, legal or illegal, they never close it, stop it, it goes on and on and on for decades, because every day they get new ideas, and all the smart people are with them, imagine all the smart people getting smart ideas at the same time, :-) and now everyone is involved in creating new proxy games to satisfy few ladies, who wants to screw the world because they did not get true love. :-)


Family name of a new citizen, :-) Government of Canada might give the citizenship, but the agencies do not agree, they continue to work on something as mundane as family name and first name, one, they do not have the knowledge or experience to understand the names and their origins, then they man the racial profiling agencies, some of them have not visited countries like India or Africa, but they take one look and prescribe "He is from Africa", or "He is from India", just based on skin color, how about "He is a Canadian citizen". :-)

I lived 17 years in North India, 17 years in South India, 17 years in Saint Laurent, Quebec,, and now for the last 7 years in the outskirts of Montreal, even today I come across so many things which are like wow, that I did not know.

Do you know what is Ulava Charu? :-) When we arrived in Secunderabad, A.P. from Punjab, due to Operation Blue Star disruptions in 1984, our relatives were so astonished that we did not know, what Ulava Charu was, :-) My uncles would go like, "Oh my god they do not know what Ulava Charu is", and they would tell their wives, make Ulava Charu and let them taste, :-) 

Charu is Rasam.

And there are few ladies from Europe and Canada, who never visited India, Africa or even South America, one look and they judge people from all these three continents, and they get paid. :-)

For Family name, 

Persons family name, His or her fathers family name, His or her Grand Fathers family name, that is some 100 years covered, :-) job done, it will take 5 minutes.

First name: Same process, it should not take ore than few minutes, If one is working for intelligence agency. :-) 

Most families with multiple children have middle name branding, like Kumar, Kumar, Kumar, 

Kant, Kant, Kant, Latha, Latha, Latha, Prakash, Prakash, Prakash, Deep, Deep, Deep, etc etc, there are so many of them, knowledge and experience with such branding is needed, but If ladies are working with out any of those, :-) like in Canada - Quebec, then it is going to take decades before they confirm the Family name and First name is correct. :-)

Obsessive thinking:

This is a bad habit and also a trait due to a debilitated planet, particularly Moon in Scorpio.

In Telugu there is a saying, "Tan patina Kundelu ki mude Kaallu", meaning the Rabbit he or she is holding has only three legs", no matter how many ways one may tell otherwise, they do not budge, "no, it has only three legs", :-)

So only way one can get over it, is by invading Iraq, turning the country upside down, recently Mr Trump said, "we pulverized Iraq", killed millions, displaced millions, got our own killed in thousands, all because someone was so adamant that the rabbit he or she was holding had only three legs.

And the funny part of this story is, these people, both male and female they go around prescribing therapy and psychological evaluations to people who show them the fourth leg. :-)

"He is psycho you know", "He says this rabbit has a fourth leg", :-) 

Look one, two and three, where is the fourth leg, stupid.

Ah! the one you are holding and the other three which you just counted, 

It took almost 25 years, and I have been writing since 2006, :-) now few of them are waking up, :-) 

What??? all this time we were holding a rabbit with four legs? 

But now they are looking for a scapegoat, :-) because smart people do not like to loose their reputation......:-)

" you know, someone lied to us, hence we thought the rabbit has only three legs". :-)

And they are also looking for a "The GOD" among 8 billion people, :-) because that GOD will solve their decade old, problem. :-)

"Hello, GOD, How did this fourth leg come from, it was not there back then in 2003 or 2004, suddenly it popped out, Is it magic, Miracle".

And now there are so many people particularly in India, who claim they are that, "GOD", so everyone kiss his or her arse. :-)

And the hidden game is once "that GOD" is confirmed by all the Arse kissers, that GOD will be told he or she has a Guru in Canada, :-)

All this hardship because someone did not count the fourth leg, that would have taken not more than 5 minutes. :-)

And they have taken 25 years, but still they have huge doubts. :-)

My biological mother when (1977) she was teaching us how to cook rice with out a rice cooker, and on a pressurized kerocene stove, she would say, "to check If the rice is cooked just grab few grains from the boiling pot and squeeze them between your thumb and index finger, If you feel no hardness than the rice is cooked", and "you can decant the excess water" (Ganji).

Here in Canada - Quebec, there are some very smart people who cook rice and eat it and they are not sure If the rice was cooked or not, they repeat it over and over again, and they have been doing this for the last 25 years or more, and they are not sure If the rice is cooked or not.

The reason why smart people should not be hired, average or below average people like me, would do just fine, because we just go about the business like a machine. :-)

Problem with smart people is they would judge people, with out having visited out side Canada. :-)

Bottom line: It is a bottom less pit.



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