Apr 24, 2024

The domestic and international Black and White Game

The Black and White game, 

It is not a TV program, it is the only game for which almost all the governments of this world directly or indirectly work for, some willingly and some not so willingly, and it is the sole reason why UNO is not taken seriously but since the benefits are attached to the games, almost every government at some point play them willingly, and being politically correct is one of the requirements to play it perfectly.

Few rules, can not say a word against Jews and LGBTQ community, etc., I think these are two most important things of being politically correct, rest every thing is like OK, to err is human.

Obama did it, Pope did it, India also did it, Muslim countries will also do it, :-) after all every one wants the benefits.

The structure of the game as it is designed and played,

First the True North or the real White, it is the white white, 

Second the Black but not so Black, because these people are actually White but dress up in black, like Men in black or Women in black, :-) but jokes apart they are also white.

Third the White Blacks or Black Whites, those who work for the True North but are actually considered Black, like Indians, Jews not Zions, Russians, Ukrainians, Palestinians, Muslims, etc.

Fourth the Black Black, the real Black, who look black.

The Benefits and the Punishments,

The whole purpose of this Black and White game is, who should get the benefits and who should be punished, it does not matter those who are punished are innocent or not, they had to be black black, or in some cases Black White or White black, which ever suits you.

Rules for benefits:

The True north always deserves benefits by default, but due to some reason If the benefits can not be enjoyed openly, like now the Black is winning and the White is playing the victim, because some White person thought it is better to be on the Black side and enjoy the benefits than enjoy them by default and be hated.

Then that white person will have to wear black clothes and act like they are the real black, suffering, at least this drama is needed to enjoy the benefits, rest assured, the Black Black will not be given the benefits, :-) ya, that one thing needs to be kept in mind, they will be given something else, which goes to them by default.

So, by following these two simple rules, they have made sure that all people who are White get the benefits, no one is left behind like Rambo. :-)

Rules for punishment:

The Black Black by default were given punishments, one can check the history, go back 300 or 400 years, they have the first priority for punishments, it is irrelevant whether they have done anything wrong or not, their skin color If it is black that is enough, they will be given punishment, the pattern followed is different for every country, but rest assured they are always have been given punishment.

Take South Africa for example in 2024, President looks black and talks like finally he is awake and has the power, but the person who actually runs South Africa is White in Black dress or might not even care to wear a black dress also, the army of retards who run both sides of the spectrum, the left and the right are with her, that is enough,  and I think she lives in Canada, and her boss might be in Australia, no wonder the South African Fire Fighters came to Canada singing to help their people fighting forest fires in 2023.

Few British businessmen were told by a king in Ghana, recently, " We have our friendship from our colonial past", so we can sure do business, I thought Oh! that is what it was, "Friendship".

In USA, the prisons are packed with them, just because empty beds cost money to the private company which maintains them, so first they break the tail light of their car and then make them run, after that they are either dead or in the prison, maintained by a private company, because the US government pays the private company per bed basis, so the private company can not afford to keep beds empty.

The other rule for punishment is If someone refuses to kiss Arse of the designated political queen, representing black or white side, who has been always white, hence the audacity to enjoy benefits by default.

If black is winning, don't you think the entire USA can not be with just six white families, there were few black families also which were given lot of land but taken back. :-)

The White international family,

It is not difficult to see which country is part of this family, actually more than the skin color it has to do with the political side, and mainly the benefits, they might call themselves Right side or Left side, Red side or the Blue side, but the games are strictly based on the Black side and the White side, because the benefits are the main reason.

The Black international family.

It is kind of difficult to see which side is Black, because here they are not talking about the real black black, :-) those who get punishment by default, :-) here these are people who get benefit when it is deemed that it is time black people should get the benefits, again please do not jump to conclusion, and say, hey! , we did not get the benefits, our skin color is black, :-) these people's skin color is pale, like their counter parts, the White White, but they consider themselves black, because it is a game which is safe to play and they can enjoy benefits and avoid hate. :-)

"Chit bhi mera Pat bhi mera", "Head is mine Tail is also mine".

Native people in the USA or Canada or Australia are also part of the Black side but not the benefits, their lands were also taken away, in Canada they live a very miserable lives and are always under surveillance of RCMP.

Common !, India is playing this black and white game so well, :-) but the benefits always go to some White person in Australia/Canada/UK/Europe or USA, because he or she is India's white mummy, the political queen. :-) it took just 60 years for India to give away the control to a white person.

The president of India who looks black gets the raw treatment, on the other hand N B Modi gets special treatment at least for the screens, behind his back the story is quite different.

So, one should not worry about whether Mr N B Modi will get the third term or not, does not matter, what matters is, If Mr N B Modi gets the third term, will India become the White white or remain the Black white like now, because the current status India is in, is the Black white or the White black, as a result they can not get all the benefits, some punishments yes for sure, because the benefits will always go to the White White or the White in Black clothes. :-)

Take Canada for example, 

Canada is by default the True North, so benefits are always there for Canada, irrespective of who forms the government, the White White, or the White Black, the real black black were given a new fund in 2023, they called it "Fund for the black entrepreneurs", something like that, I am not sure how many availed it, I do not see many black entrepreneurs, driving a taxi If considered being an entrepreneur, then yes there are many.

But they are are never taken out of the surveillance/racial profiling/radicalization  program, because by default they are supposed to get the punishments and not the benefits, the black kids are always subjected to electronic voodoo, does not matter where they are, and their noses are always running, because again the black black as per the black and white game, needs to be shown in poor light, and many might be surprised, this was the precursor for development of Corona - Marona episode. :-)

Running nose, then stuffed nose, then coughing, then sore throat, then sneezing, then Knee pain, then eye troubles, then others etc were added slowly over a period of 20 years, and finally they were all pooled to form the symptoms of Corona - Marona, and the black countries like India grabbed them at the first advent, :-) because India under Mr N B Modi had to show that they can be very loyal. :-)

India is not the only country turning their country upside down to get into the best books of the White White side, for the benefits, any country where some form of blast or terrorist attack happened or happens  killing people of that country, take it as a cue that, that country is getting prepared to join the White White side at a much lower level, do not worry the benefits will not be given like "Chappar Faad Ke", (some kind of windfall) but they sure might start to trickle down slowly. :-)

The custodians of the Black and White game.

It is not the royal families of UK, or any other country, :-) there are two sets of people, mostly nominated based on how nasty they are, all are white white, one side surprisingly are mostly male, but lead by a female, and the other side again surprisingly are mostly female and also lead by a female, but one side is considered above the other, I guess the Male side with the female lead is number ONE and the female side with the female lead is considered number two, it must be due to the control and electronics they have, used for surveillance and voodoo.

e.g., They can make someone's nose run continuously or make them cough, sneeze, suffer from stuffy nose, breathlessness, asthma like symptoms, etc, all those symptoms the news channels repeatedly aired during the pandemic, and no one bothered to wear shoe covers while exiting or entering their homes, offices, schools, or even hospitals, :-) (Please note I have worked 16 years in Pharmaceuticals, including Vaccine manufacturing".) to me it was the best mockery of science. :-)

There is some form of hierarchy in these two sides of the same coin, whose main agenda is to control the democratically elected or nominated folks, and put them to work on their agenda e.g. Mr N B Modi, before him, Singh was king, :-) now Mr N B Modi wants to be that king, that is his focus, and all that pomp and festivities during G20 was to show, he can deliver, :-) not for the people of India, :-) common guys !, people of any country are never the topic of discussion, :-) it is always about the nasty people who are part of the two sides of the same coin who control or are the custodians of the black and white game. :-)

The Hierarchy:

When Sep 9/11 happened, The Political queen from Australia was numero uno, I think she was a blonde woman leading the white white side, may be she still is, otherwise why would Mr Nitin Gadkari go to Australia to give a lecture, and explain his biodata there, like how many PhD's he has, :-).

Plight of the USA under such a foreign queen:

As the entire drama is about puppetry, one dictum from such a queen is or rather has to be honored by one and all, who are part of such a family, :-) so anything can be/is carried out without a hiccup, :-) no one will object, it is the most shameful display of cowardice, absolutely no regard for ethics, principles, rules, law, anything, no shame, no guilt, no remorse, the dictum and the dictum only has to be honored.

Once you wrap your mind around this scenario, now ask yourself one simple question, with CIA, FBI, 40 top universities, 16 plus retard agencies, scores of police departments, Pentagon, any other son of a gun, Tom Cruise, :-) put together did not move a muscle while Sep 9/11 happened. :-) 

And all of them including half a dozen TV channels blamed one man wandering in the wilderness of Afghanistan with his family, even Afghanistan was under their control, some six countries operated there with all their military might, and they said one man hoodwinked all of them and carried out something like Sep 9/11. :-)

I would say Houdini must have have been jealous of that one man. :-)

Or was it the dictum of the political queen not to move a muscle until the job is done, :-) because the after shock that cae out of it shook the foundations of 165 dumb countries, some countries like India are still talking about it, and all of them got their NSA's and got them in to a network reporting to the white white side. 

Voila ! in one shot 165 countries started playing the same game at least to show that they are not on the terrorists side, " boss we are on your side", and some of them went little too far to prove their loyalty by inflicting themselves. :-)

And as the USA, I think stands at number 6 or 7 in the hierarchy of the political queens who control and run the black and white game, they sure did not had the mandate to refuse or say otherwise but to honor the dictates, it has not changed even today, though they have been trying very hard to climb the ladder and take some higher number If not the numero uno, which I think is still with Australia.

And some political queen or queens from Canada stands at much higher level, 2nd or third, then there are political queens from Europe, UK, etc. and India under Mr N B Modi, wants to get at least 2nd place behind the political queen from Canada or Australia. 

But India has to understand that the benefits till now were given only to the White White side, and India is not that white white side, take a look at your President, the way she is treated is a constant reminder that India is not the white white side, I know retards in India who have been working towards this goal for the last 20 or more years, do not like me, :-) 

China and Russia they are like the countries which do not want to be part of this tomfoolery, but since they have to earn the US dollars or do trade with other 165 dumb countries which are not on the white white side :-) and also with the 35 or more countries which get the benefits on a platter of being white white, for them it is like the necessary evil.

Japan, Germany and Italy are given the raw deal because they fought with the true north during the world war II, does not matter 75 years or more have passed, that equation can not be changed, hence for all the drama to show that the black black is finally getting what they have been waiting for, Germany is doing the honors of taking the flak, so it is expected that people should think that the white white side is in trouble, look even a black guy from South Africa is giving us the flak. :-)

In Telugu there is a saying" Hold by the hair or drop on their feet".

And suddenly the presidents of the African continent have become so courageous that they are talking their mind on TV, face to face in front of those who sold them like cattle, but not bad.

Portugal, Netherlands, and France take the plum roles, UNO, ICJ, World bank, etc.

Recent Blunder: :-)

The white white side due to its greed and lack of  empathy, no shame, no guilt, and no remorse is the policy, use anything, lies, rumors, cockamamie stories, the white white side has to win at any cost, being the only agenda and is considered smart, particularly against the countries which work their ass off to export the best produce, clothes, and other stuff and in exchange they always get a raw deal at various international forums, I am not sure why still the 165 countries remain members of such biased forums.

Current Status:

The smart guys made a blunder at a very low level or rather I would say at the street level and it is fast catching up with the top guys in this biased, one way traffic international mafia, :-) always playing "Head is mine and tail is also mine games, :-) though they are trying very hard to revert it back but it looks like the control is slipping out of their hands, and it is getting out of hand very fast. :-)

I am one person who is keeping my hands behind my back because they always treated me with great respect, :-) wink wink, :-) since 2001, they have always kept me with the loosing crowd, does not matter which party formed the government in Canada, Quebec, UK, The USA, France, and India, :-) India had been particularly very serious about this, :-) so the effects of that blunder will sure spill over to over enthusiastic countries like India, :-) the dictum from India for the white white side has been , " Maafi Maango", :-) don't you think the same logic should apply to every one including India, who were very vocal for the white white side, with out any evidence.

India, "Kaan pakad kar Naak jamin par ragad kar maafi maango". :-)

Bottom line: "When you point your finger at someone, your other fingers are actually pointing at yourself", there was no need for Cong-I or BJP or even smaller regional parties in India to play the top gun for the white white side, without knowing the hidden agenda, the white white side had always received the benefits, and the other side the punishments, and it was ONLY the white white side, and it is always them who get served, be it their country or your country. :-)

And India is no True North/ white white country. :-)

There was this story in NCERT school books about peacocks and a crow that puts a peacock feather in his ass and tries to join the peacocks and the feather slips and falls down at some point from crow's ass, and the peacocks kick crow's ass, when they come to know it was not one of them, which class was it 2nd grade or third grade.


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