Jun 9, 2024

The domestic and international Black and White Games - II

 After I posted my last post "The international and domestic black and white games", lots of changes took place around the world. :-) what did I get, :-) the attention of lots of instigators, who bait themselves for some side, left or right or both, they just want me to react and get into trouble, :-) then the rest you know, one can watch a C grade Hollywood or Mumbai movie. :-)

And the sad part of this story is the 83 years old woman from Ontario, Canada, could not take credit for it, :-) like she always does, :-) at least for the last 15 years or so, she has been trying to get hold of my blog for quite some time, because it is ready made, all she has to do is show it to some lunatics in the Caucasian circles (International mafia, political families like left parties, right parties etc. etc., and brag "look how she trains people like me", :-), just the lip service is enough, no need to even write one word or face the music. :-)

And at the same time, she has been trying to develop a man, some man, any man from India, who would dress up like me, talk like me and claim that he is the writer of this blog, :-) for the Caucasian lunatics managing these hidden manipulation centers, all people brown or black look alike, and they do not give a rat's ass who is the writer, :-) all that matters to them is "Are we (the Caucasians ) getting the benefits or not", :-) but the woman has been working very hard, of course she uses the govt machinery, you know the electronics cum IT savvy guys.

Another thing that has happened is the electronic voodoo guys got hyper, :-) and last two months they tried everything they have in their arsenal, :-) like almost every part of the body was under attack, 24/7, it is not new for me, they have been trying this since 2003, but seriously since 2004, this time they felt real bad or rather say they were pissed off, because of two reasons, one I blamed some Caucasian woman outfit operating from some 12 countries, that they were behind Sep 9/11 in New york and second no Caucasian particularly the 83 year old Fraud from Ontario could take the credit for it. :-)

Even If anyone predicts the end of the world, like the day dooms day is going to happen, :-) the Caucasian mafia (Both sides Homo Homo gang and Home rainbow gang) would like that some Caucasian should get the credit for it, :-) not some colored guy from some third world country. :-)

This is also the main reason why I stopped predicting the election results, first reason is some Caucasian woman from Ontario or Switzerland would take the credit, :-) second the loosing side  in the election in question, If in government would make manipulations to change it, which is not democratic.

Homo Homo Gang:

These are mostly Caucasian males but a woman leads them , and all they do is promote homosexuality, and then they would highlight the target as a homosexual, and then they would use it as a reason that that person is not good enough to lead their outfit.

My goodness how hard they work, If they would put same efforts in finding "The GOD", they might find him.

Homo Rainbow gang; 

These are all Caucasian females, (I think they have some kind of lesbian culture) and are led by a woman, their focus is to destroy people's marriages, separate them, turn married woman with children into single mothers, and put them on a difficult path, but they get them some money from the government, and then they target the separated men :-) (The looser's) to accept some Caucasian woman as wife boss, :-) who would ration everything to the looser, :-) and the wife boss would run everything and act like they run this world. :-)

Remember the rainbow colors and the big brown donut as a decoration in the cross roads in Ayodhya, when the temple was ready, missed it, happens, by the way the fat woman from Ontario loves donuts, looks like the one sprinkled with rainbow colors is her favorite. :-) 

Both these sides of the same coin are actually very dumb, " Not So Sapiens", leave alone Sapiens Sapiens. :-)

Right now they are very pissed off at me, :-) because I am not accepting their superiority even If they have pale skin, and refusing to kiss their sorry ass, :-) like most people in general, particularly from India like Gujarati's, Punjabi's, there are more, who are ready to kiss arse at a drop of a hat oh! rather pants should I say, etc. etc. some of these retards with electronic voodoo  are so sure that the closure  is just round the corner, they are this close, :-) just few more minutes, that's it, it is going to be a fight or flight, Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee there we go. :-) Fussball, nothing happens. :-)

But unfortunately for them they have been fooling the top lunatics who run these countries, they run the political parties around the world, and even the outfits since a long time, I think, they were almost similarly sure in 2005, when they called me, "Rabbit" , :-) Halwa, just grab and swallow. :-)

And they went to India and said, "Rest Assured", it is all done, ask what you want you will get it.

Imagine there is someone who has some unused wishes, :-) and because that someone is trapped by the Caucasian mafia, :-) at least as per the lip service, :-) that some one will use his or her wish to get anything anyone asks for, :-) even though he or she can ask your death as well, :-) right he or she can ask for the death of the one keeping him or her under a trap, silly isn't it, :-) but the fat woman doesn't understand it, :-) she understands how mafia works, :-) and when that wish is fulfilled, she would take the credit, :-) voila! investment zero dollar, :-) and then she would ask that person (Some dumbo)  who asked for 400 plus, with out investing a dime, :-) to do things for her and her precious people (Golum Golum) from the west.

Because they need more comfort, they need every thing on a platter, because it is very hard for them to work, you know, as they they have been so lazy for the past 75 years.

You know, 

"Least governed are most governed and

Most governed are least governed" 

India 2024:

No one in India from any party said a word about the election commission, which allowed 240 seats for the Modi government in power for the last 10 years. :-)

Or is it that they didn't want to put their foot in their mouth by manipulating too much and what If Modi's wish would have come true, 400 plus, and  150 manipulated, 550 seats out of 543 seats, :-) that would have looked very bad for Indian democracy in general, and that would have looked very bad, particularly for the fat woman from Ontario, the "rest assured" gang.

The main reason why they wanted to know the result way ahead of 4th June, which would give them enough time to hack the EVM'S (If anyone still thinks they can not be hacked please get an upgrade) and make the changes, but in absence of correct figures, they could not take the leap, and came up with an exit poll as a curtain, I think as a carpet to shove everything underneath it.

Anyway, Mr Chandra Babu Naidu got resurrected from the dead, :-) thanks to Mr Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy, Mr Nitish Kumar got a shot in the arm after 8 terms in Bihar, thanks to Tejeshwar Yadav,  :-) petty state politics, and it was fun to watch Mr Nitish Kumar born Mar 1951 touching Mr N B Modi's feet, born Sep 1950.

But the whole scenario looks like, 

There was a successful man called Modi, he was walking past a field, singling and frolicking for his success, he was getting what ever he asked for, then he wanted 400 plus, and there happens to be a bull eating grass, which was known for giving boons, he kicked it (Aaaaaa Bail Mujhe Maar.) and asked for 400 plus, and he signaled or else, :-)

The bull had two horns, 

One was called Nitish and the other C B Naidu, then what happened, you can very well imagine. :-)

If you want to know how it feels If such a bull comes your way, ask Lallu Prasad Yadav, Tejeshwar Yadav, N T Rama Rao, he is no more, he died after the ambush. :-)

Poor N T Rama Rao, instead of walking past the same bull and enjoy the success he got due to acting in 500 plus movies, he asked for a boon, his boon was, he wanted to do something for the Telugu people, but he did give an identity to Telugu people in narcissistic places like Punjab, or else we from south India were called "Madrasi", and all from east were called "Bengali", :-) but after his coalition with Akali Dal, people in Punjab started asking about N T Rama Rao, and they knew about Telugu people, :-) anyway, that boon caused him so much harm that he eventually died a very isolated and painful death away from his family, which had already discarded him by then, 

There was this lavish bedroom on the roof of Safe Pharmaceuticals in Narsaraopet, Andhra Pradesh, it had a large bed, no windows, no TV, looked like it had some carnal purpose, I had to audit it in 1995, and I was told to get down from the train midway in the fields by my new colleagues at IIL, one of them who was getting instructions from Mundal Reddy of Rayalseema was a khamma, :-) I have watched too many Telugu movies, :-) and with Mundala Reddy of Rayalseema behind my ass, because I resigned from his company few months earlier, I took the suggestion of getting down in the fields as a bad idea, :-) and instead I chose to proceed straight to Narsaraopet and checked in to a small motel, and then called the people at the Safe Pharmaceuticals, :-) but still they took me to some Congress - I or TDP MLA's office and made me wait for hours before I reached the location, which was right in the center of the fields, and then they showed me the bedroom which was made for Late Mr N T Rama Rao and his new wife Mrs Laxmi Parvati, and I was told to sleep in it for next three nights, :-) I politely refused and stayed at the small motel instead and came back with out a scratch. :-)

Khamma people in Andhra Pradesh were known to have slit the throats of their own family members in the middle of a night, because they moved away from the communist ideology, If that is what they did to their own family members, Imagine what they would do to the outsiders. 

And people from Rayalseema are known for taking revenge for small small things, like he looked at me, :-) oh! they just make natu bombs in their homes and throw at each other. :-)

Anyway, some old memories came back to me after I saw Mr C Babu Naidu resurrected from the dead.

His last image I remember was with a small black lamb kid on his shoulder. :-)

There is one thing very common in all Telugu people, doesn't matter they are from Andhra Pradesh or Telangana, it is "Ghar Ki Murgi Daal Barabar".

Now Mr Modi all dressed up in White, and Mr Rajnath was wearing a black waist coat, so was Mr Nitsh Babu, :-) now after getting 240 seats, Mr Modi would be the last person to be in the books of the Black side of the international political mafia, someone misguided him and he was all Gale Milo with Black Politicians from Africa and the West. :-)

Some time back I suggested that Mr Rahul Gandhi, who has been always on the looser's side, he lost so much, his sister at least got married and has a family, he can not lean on something like that, he should focus for 2029, because I am veldig sure Modi will bring BJP to below 100 in 2029, If Modi will not do, his English Mummy from Ontario Canada will make him do, because you do not know the pressure from the political family and the political queens in them, :-) they suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Depression, Frustrations leading to Suicidal tendencies, If they do not get what they want, they just want to Puck every thing up.

Even China is not free from it, even they have to dance from time to time, so does Putin, and so does Biden, Trudeau, etc. etc. and Zelensky is the top dancer as on today.

Now China has refused to even process Garbage from the west, :-) such a behavior is taken very seriously by the lazy people of the True North, "How Dare You", hence they want someone to fight with them, and destroy them and get destroyed at the same time, I think the best country that fits the bill is "Mera Bharat Mahan". :-)

There is a big opportunity for Mr Modi for another "Aaaaaaa Bail Mujhe Maar", episode, this bull also has two horns, the west will be very happy, particularly the English mummy from Ontario, Canada.

The ladies in Canada - Quebec like men who crawl on their four appendages, better If you can use the fifth short leg also, they love it, :-) and men who sit on the floor near their legs, :-) they would boost them, but one poor fellow from Quebec, who would sit on the floor in front of every woman, even my wife from India, :-) eventually had to take some therapy, too much is too bad. :-)

And all the psychologists in demand in Canada are ladies, :-) and they have read Sigmund Freud's un-validated Psycho Analysis used by the west like Bible to screw people, it seems he wrote 18 volumes of them and just passed them un validated for the people to screw them selves, the ladies who m ostly use dog's psychology have no problem, If he drew a neud picture of his own daughter, or gave a term, Oedipus complex for people who show affection towards their parent of opposite sex, someone should have told him "Sir, please remove your dirty glasses". and see the world, :-) at least remove them while you see your parents.

Even too much water also becomes a poison, too much love, too much loyalty, too much of anything is too bad.

Bottom line: The white white wants all the benefits, and give the Black Black what they have been getting, for this they want to use India and Indians, mostly to show how White White are suffering with out comforts and benefits. No Shame here.

Hence always choose the middle path.

Take a look at this video taken in my back yard, this little birdy sitting on the middle electrical cable seems to preach this to the rest sitting on the top cable.

Ah!, ignore the ugly dangling wires, that is our Hydro, Bell and Videotron.


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