Jul 7, 2024

The domestic and international black and white games III


Last month i.e. June 2024 the temperatures were so high our AC was running and making a terrible noise, and then the temperatures dropped so low, we had to switch on heating in our basement, now it is OK, looks like the weather pattern is slowly sliding forward by at least two months, which means we should expect early winter, like in Nov itself and then spring by March 2025, which also appears like our Earth is readjusting the weather patterns all over the world.

Imagine this, If weathers reflect the intentions of the people living in that area, one can easily see the ups and downs like our intentions, :-) after all we are all made of five elements, If the  elements in our bodies are in an imbalance, then the elements outside should also be in an imbalance, microcosm in macrocosm, macrocosm in microcosm.

For our bodies one can do :

Samana Mudra, which when held in position can bring the elements to some balance, and it might as well help the Earth to balance its elements, may be we should have an International Samana Mudra day, when all 8 billion people should sit holding this Mudra for at least 45 minutes, I am sure it will bring some balance to the Earth with respect to its elements.

The imbalance in the elements also effects all spheres of our lives as each planet again is controlling some element,, Jupiter controls the air, Moon the water, etc.

When this imbalance happens in our solar system, guess what must happen to Mercury and Venus, and to our Earth and Mars, to Jupiter and to Saturn, and to our star the Sun.

Earth looses its entire upper environment including the top soil and Mars pops out of it,

Venus becomes our new Earth, right now it is in the incubator.

Mercury becomes our new Moon, and the current Moon also moves with the Mars as its deformed moons.

And all the debris floating around the Sun might become the new Mercury and Venus.

Something like that, :-) after all everything is running in circles.

Same thing about our black and white games, which also go in circles, I have been watching them for 23 years now, you are black so you don't deserve anything, I am white so I get everything on a platter, seems to be the general idea.

The woman from Switzerland,who ran after a black guy from Cuba, whatever  was the reason, she sure was nymphomaniac, Saturn in 12th house in general and in Libra in particular gives this anomaly.

And this woman after living in Mexico for 15 or 16 years in Mexico, 1984-85 to 2000, moves to Quebec with her Mexican partner in the year 2000, who was 6th in line, apart from her 250 one night stands, ya she counted, :-) and she would also explain each encounter, she loves to explain how her Greek husband used to make love with a laughter, no, it is a monologue, no coaxing is needed. :-)

Not my problem, :-) I used to call her mom,  not because I needed a mother or I was not biological, I had a biological mother in India, it is our culture in Andhra Pradesh, India, every woman irrespective of age is Amma, in 2003 she asked me " What can be done for the comfort of the white man", :-) and given the vibes around me today, it seems she talks about commitment in marriage, :-) ya, the adage in Hindi sits very well here, " Sau Chuhe Kha Kar Billi Haj ko chali", it means Cat goes to Haj, after eating 100 rats. :-)

As far as I am concerned, I will be completing 30 years of marriage to one wife on Feb 19, 2025, my only partner in 58 years of clean life, and my two daughters, both are adults now, two projects of 21 years each also over, that too in Canada - Quebec, tough job.

Canada has 6 million kids, India has 600 million.

In India it did not appear bringing up children was that tough, :-) only people with children will understand that kind of project, or responsibility :-) children teach responsibility, I think I should talk about "commitment", what say you ?, "dear reader", :-) someone who changed partners like bed sheets should not even open their traps in this regard, then it becomes a problem, right.

This woman with in two years in Quebec, joins some shady outfit, since she never told me the name, or she was very ashamed of it, because the kind of things they are involved in, which is mostly domestic terrorism. :-)

Hence I named it , "Homo Rainbow Gang", as their main agenda was/is promoting homosexuality, because they are also considered black, meaning less deserving, anyone who did not accept the advances of any woman, politically motivated, programmed or did not appreciated her beauty, :-)  irrespective of their status is also considered Homosexuals.

Because blacks do not deserve easy life like the whites, the hardest working people in Canada - Quebec are black people, they mostly do 12 hour night shifts and 15 % income tax is taken at source by both governments, how I know, I did one such shift in 2004, I never saw so many colored people looking at the clock so frequently in my entire life.

Canada - Quebec are famous for these sweat shops, it is not that the white people do not know about it, they know, and they keep tabs on them, through illegal surveillance, and in winter they switch off the heating to save power, which is only possible If they keep dumb guys as Prime ministers and Ministers, :-) who follow, Don't ask, Don't see, Don't listen policy.

This policy gives the gangs misguiding the Left and Right sides, lots of freedom to freely operate and carry out all their mischief's.

Political system to help them:

To get maximum help for their lies, rumors and mischief's they have created a political system, and we also call it democracy, :-) it is also some form of democracy, votes are cast, they are also counted but lot happens when the results are declared.

This happened in the USA, couple of times and recently this happened in India, 2024 elections, as per my system, Modi was not supposed to become the Prime Minister, they (NDA) were to get some 235 seats, and the India bloc was to get some 298 seats, the results were manipulated by the TV channels, because the result were declared by them and not by the Election commission, the results were based on who is leading and were not declared after the counting is completely finished, one Minister from BJP declared victory with in two hours of vote counting on some TV channel, :-) he lost his ministry this time.

Proxies for these mischief's.

People, regular people, who might be living a regular lives, are used as proxies, with or with out their knowledge, and some of them they know some part of it, but not the complete story, or the history, this includes elected and nominated folks in various countries, even children as small as 2 years are used as proxies for grown up, fat ladies, ,the aspiring political queens or the ladies sucking up to some political queen.

And when they do this with out any shame, guilt or remorse, they expect that unconcerned people, who have no business with any of this, to feel scared of not just the political queens also their arse kissers, and even proxies.

Now, If almost every person in your neighborhood is a proxy for some arse kisser or some political queen or their proxy, then those unconcerned people will have to be afraid 24/7 and everywhere they go, because the CIRCUS is everywhere. :-)

Now the new games:

Back yard and Front yard, it is easy, one side takes backyard, another takes front yard, I think back yard is given to the black side, :-) any back yard, or any front yard, in Punjabi there is a word, "Velley Bande", so what do you expect, :-) then there are back yard and front yard terrorists, who visit them frequently to make some changes to plants, and things, they do not like a plant with four flowers, or white flower on the right side, anyone If they have black rose seeds please pass them, the idea is Tantra and they want their political queen (They might not know) to get some points, it is Tantra.

Your dogs and our dogs, yours are expendables, ours are special, and poor dogs, cats and even stray animals, worse the small birds in nests which are still days away from full wings, are pushed, poked, disturbed while they are asleep, all with wireless voodoo.

The official royal opposition should ask the government how much money is allocated for this kind of activities by the governments, but to ask such a question they need to know about the wireless voodoo, how it works, how it looks, who is having them, who develops them, where they are stored, who is responsible for their logistics etc. etc., they can go to any police station they have it, one button If pressed incorrectly can cause a person's heart to stop, there are so many cases where young people have died just like that, it is wireless voodoo, I know they blame the Carona Virus or its Vaccine because Carona also is either Black or white, so is the vaccine, your friendly neighborhood police department has them all. :-)

Your children and our children, it begins from the day care, primary schools, high schools, no one is out of it, because the Fugitive from Switzerland does not give a rat's ass for any of this, as long as one works for the comfort of the white man, children are Aagh! for her, her sister who lives in Paris has five of them. :-)

It is not the end of the list, nothing is left un-turned, because the comfort of the white man is at stake here.

Now 35 countries where the majority population is white, they are ok, I am not sure why Russia with its resources is kept outside, If Canada is True North, Russia should also be True North, both are in opposite sides of the Northern hemisphere, and they look same to me, the mindset of Canadians might be much narrower, or else we should not be having housing crisis, and these 35 countries which formed a union based on one enemy, If they offer NATO membership to Russia, the problem becomes in house issue, but then what will they tell the gullible people of their countries, why they need money for, or what will they tell the "DUH....guy with the purse" the USA, why they need the money for, now they have to carry out a proxy war with Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa, you can include Iran and Palestine as well.

BRICS as it is called, :-) but how many people know all these five countries have their own political queens to dance for, and who happens to be from the west and more surprisingly they are all from one small company in Ontario and Quebec, for India it is a worse nightmare because there are millions of people who are yet to digest the fact that East India company was a small self motivated company in Netherlands and Britain. :-)

The people interested to dig deeper, dig where the money is exchanged like IPL auctions, 

And these people who are already apalled, If they come to know that their PM has to dance to the whim and fancy of few ladies from a small company in Ontario, what will they do :-), don't worry it is not just India which has to abide by the undocumented rules of this global setup, all the countries are in this one boat, which is rocked by few ladies from a small company in Ontario, :-) imagine Russia, China and the USA sitting in the same boat. :-)

These ladies pulled the company from 16$ share value in 1993-1994 to 6 cents in 2004 with millions of out standing shares, and then poured it in a new bottle, :-) and one of them calls herself Genie.

We in west need an enemy to keep our people busy with fear, fear of Nuclear war, fear of anything as long as it works for the comfort of the white man, except Russia, If you want to know who the real white man is then watch this episode of the family guy where he explains who the real white people are, it is not far from the truth. :-)

"Samajh Ne Wale Samajh Gaye Hain Jo Na Samajhe Wo Anadi Hain", it is a Hindi song.

One last thing, the elections in UK are over, the conservatives got their scapegoat, and Labor party with 400 plus is in a solid seat to drive the UK out of the quicksand it has been in for at least 15 years, looks like Modi's wish went in that direction, problem in sankalp, instead of BJP must have said Labor party, :-) 

It is not a co-incidence that the woman from Switzerland, who left Switzerland to live in Mexico, and later in Quebec, :-) and wants to know why people from India come to live in Quebec and Canada, and thinks Indians are well off, because the one Indian in Geneva she had a one night stand with was well off and good looking, and also thinks these guys who claim to be from India must be from Africa, and this thought becomes the basis for more investigation by all the retard agencies in 12 countries for 23 years, and it is still on, she was also very close to the wife of the political queen in Britain, I think 2003 to 2024, what was her role in pushing the Great country into the quick sand, they still call " the great Britain", it is all about the attitude.

Thanks to her, I can sing, "Aare Diwano Mujhe Pehchano, Main Hoon"........ and " Don ko Pakadna Mushkil Hi Nahin Naa Mumkin Hain", 

Regarding the attitude needed to call yourself Great, follow the two guys, one from the USA and the other from the UK, they sit together to rank the world universities, they rank their universities from 1st to 80th then they see Canada standing and waiting, they give Mcgill university in Montreal some 84th rank, then Australia gets some in 90 ish, then the universities from other countries are ranked, like China around 100 or so.

And my university (Alma Mater) from where I did my BSc and MSc in Chemistry, Jamia Osmania in Hyderabad, Telangana is ranked 1201, the founder of this university Nawab Osman Ali Khan donated 2 crores Rupees to the Great Britain to fight in the 2nd world war, still ranked 1201. :-)

Given the situation both these smart countries the USA and the UK are, one need to ask a simple question, really ?

The economy of the UK was laughed at in a Hollywood movie, "The million pound note", starring Gregory Peck, I think it was copied as Fantoosh by  Indian Cinema in Bombay, starring Dev Anand who copies most of the mannerisms of Gregory Peck.

And the USA also followed the same system later and today is trying to find a solution to get rid of 31 trillion $ debt, and now in 2024, one of the dumb countries like India are trying to ape their folly, hence Adani is projected as a billionaire par excellence to stand shoulder to shoulder with the big boys.

If you see the West as a society, it looks like a Pyramid, few wealthy or super wealthy guys on the top of the Pyramid and everyone else supporting the cause, they call it capitalism, and then you see the countries where the populations are black, it looks like a reverse Pyramid, one guy holding the entire weight of the Pyramid and the rest, everyone else fighting with each other to get closer to that one guy, hence the rate of failure is very high, and very prone to exploitation.

If you see India, one can see few huge skyscrapers one is Ambani, the other Adani, benefits go only to the near and dear etc, rest everyone else live like rats, I am not saying, "GODREJ"  said this back in 1980's in "India today" or "Time Magazine".

China looks more or less like the west, and looks more stable as they have the same system politically also, a perfect Pyramid with a large base, XI on the top, and they are at least 50 years ahead of India.

1% Growth of the USA is equal to 

1.5% Growth of China, which is equal to 

8% Growth of India.

and the USA is growing at 2.5%, China at 5%, which means to reach them, India will have to grow at 25 % or more, I am not saying to beat them, which is impossible for India.

And the big problem for India is "Ghar Ki Murgi Daal Barabar", the political queen will have to be a white person only from the west, does not matter which country, "gora hi hona chahiye nahin to majaa nahin ayega", BJP ya Cong or any other party, same funda apply hota hain.

"Agar desi hain to Bhagwan ka avatar hona chahiye, bas, nahin to gori ya gora koi bhi chalega", :-) Switzerland se Tadi paar bhi chalegi, Gori to hain naa. :-)

Same here in the west Gora hona chahiye.

Babay! all Goras use this even in India, look where it comes from?

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