May 10, 2017

Astakavarga - II

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!


Surya Phalam - 

When the Sun is in the rising sign, with 3 or 2 benefic points in Aries or in his enemy's sign, the native is sickly.

When the Sun is in the rising sign with 5 or more benefic points in Libra or Leo the native becomes a king and is endowed with long life.

No work shall be commenced when the Sun passes through signs where there are no points in Astakavarga of Sun, during such periods the native suffers from diseases, misery and quarrel. (Varaha Mihira)

Chandra Phalam - 

If the Moon is in Lagna and with less then 3 benefic points the native will suffer from disease and debility.

If the Moon in the above position be with 2 or 3 Grah, the native will pass away in his 37th year.

If the Moon is in Kendra (1,4,7,10) or Trikona (1, 5,9) or the 11th bhava and is also in its depression (Scorpio) or Inimical sign and is not waxing, and the benefic points happen to be 3 or less then 3, the bhava in question is extinct.

If the Moon is in Kendra (1, 4, 7, 10) or Trikona (1, 5, 9) or 11th bhava and the benefic points be 4 or more then 4 that bhava is advanced.

If the Moon in Kendra becomes asociated with 8 benefic points that native will be eminent for their learning, fame, wealth and strength and will become masters of men.

Kuja Phalam -

When Mars is in exaltation (Capricorn) or in own house (Aries or Scorpio) occupies 9th, 4th the 1st or 10th bhava and has 8 benefic points, the native will be lord of wealth.

If Mars occupies Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, Capricorn or Scorpio, be the rising sign with 4 benefic points, the native will be a king.

If Mars be associated with 8 benefic points the native becomes a petty prince.

If the above be in 10th or in 1st bhava, the native will be a king.

If in above situation he be the scion of a royal family he will become lord  of the whole country.

If Mars is in Capricorn (exaltation) or in Aries , Scorpio (own house) in addition to the above situation he will be an emperor.

Budha Phalam -

When Mercury is in a Kendra (1,4,7,10) or Trikona (1,5,9) and has 8 benefic points, the native will be pre-eminent in the learning peculiar to his caste and will have great enjoyment.

If Mercury is in exaltation (Virgo) and has 3 or less then 3 benefic points the bhava will be still be advanced.

Find the house with maximum number of benefic points for Mercury, find the month corresponding to that house the commencement of any serious study will culminate in the acquisition of every branch of learning.

Mark the house which is void of any benefic points for Mercury, when Saturn passes through that house some bandhu, Jnati a near paternal relative will pass away, so any benefit or advantage enjoyed will then be lost.

Guru Phalam -

Find the house with maximum number of benefic points for Jupiter, and its lagna, impregnation will result in offspring, cattle, wealth, and vehicles located in the direction indicated by the sign in question will begin to multiply.

If the Sun occupies the Astakavarga of Jupiter with least number of benefic points the native will be luckless in any undertaking he takes.

If Jupiter occupies 6th, 8th or 12th bhava and has 5 or more benefic points the native will be long lived, very opulent and victorious over his enemies.

If Jupiter is in exaltation (Cancer) in Sagittarius or Pisces (own houses) in Kendra (1,4,7,10) or in the 9th bhava or in a portion of some Rasi unconnected with the planet in depression or in inimical house or not in close proximity to Sun, that Jupiter if has 8 benefic points will make the native a king by virtue of his own fame and glory.

If persons of Brahmanical extraction come under such a yoga as described above they will be equal to a king and be admired for their conspicuous intelligence, energy and other great qualities.

If Jupiter in conjunction with the Moon becomes associate with 7 benefic points in the positions described in 4th point above such a native will have women, wealth and sons in abundance.

If with 6 benefic points then the native concerned will have much wealth and many vehicles.

If with 5 benefic points they will have victory and virtue.

Shukra Phalam - 

When Venus occupies a Trikona (1,5,9) or Kendra position (1,4,7,10) and is associated with 8 benefic points the native will be a head of an army and transport animals.

When such a Venus has 7 benefic points, the native will be lord of wealth and precious stones and have unfailing enjoyments up to the end of his life.

If Venus be in depression or occupy the 7th or 8th bhava the aforesaid (Raja Yoga) will be destroyed.

Shani Phalam - 

If Saturn passes through any sign which is void of any benefic points such a native will sustain loss of wealth, health and relatives.

If Saturn occupies a Kendra and has 4 or less then 4 benefic points and If that Kendra be the planets exaltation sign, any child delivered from the womb at such a time will be short lived.

When Saturn occupies 1st bhava and has abundant strength and has 5 or 6 benefic points, the native will sustain loss of wealth, accompanied by much suffering from his very birth.

If the planet is in depression or in  inimical house abd has 5 or more benefic points and If Moon occupies an auspicious Varga, the native will have a long life.

When Saturn occupies the 5th or the 1st bhava and is in an eclipsed state or in the house of an enemy or in depression and is associated with 5 or 4 benefic points, the native will possess female slaves, camels, and property.

If Saturn in the same position be associated with 8 benefic points, the native will be lord of a city,

If the benefic points be 7 the native affected by the yoga will possess abundant wealth.

Trikona Shodhana 

Deductions of benefic points for groups of Houses,

1) Aries, Leo, Sagittarius,
2) Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, 
3) Gemini, Libra, Aquarius,
4)Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces,

Examine benefic points in these groups of 3 signs each, 

Balabhadra views- If in any one sign of a group has less benefic points then the remaining two, or be equal to other two or be equal to zero, the same will have to be subtracted from the number of benefic points in each of the three signs of the group chosen.

Contradicting view-

If a sign in a triangular group has the least number  of benefic points the other two signs must have their benefic points altered into this least number, 

or If a sign have no benefic points then the other two signs will keep their benefic points unaltered.

Or If all three signs have same number of benefic points they must all be removed and replaced with zeros.

Ekadhipataya shodhana.

Except Leo and Cancer,

All other signs are in pairs with the lordships of Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, have to be subjected to the reduction styled Ekadhipatayashodhana, and their net value obtained.

If two Rasi haveing a common lord be both occupied by Grah,- No reduction need be made,

If one of the two Rasis (whether occupied or unoccupied) have no benefic points, then also ther eis no reduction.

If one of the two Rasis be occupied and cantain more benefic points then the other, remove benefic points from the later and If both Rasis be unoccupied then remove from both.

If one of the Rasis is occupied by a Grah and the other not, and both have same number of benefic points, remove from the unoccupied Rasi.

If both Rasis are unoccupied and have unequal number of benefic points then the greated benefic points to be replaced by smaller number.

When only one of the two Rasis with a common lord is occupied by a Grah and has a smaller number of benefic points than the unoccupied Rasi, the figure in the later to be made equal to the former.

First Trikona Shodhana needs to be made and then Ekadhipatayashodhan reduction.

The net figures after the two reductions in several signs are to be multiplied each into its Rasimana.

Rasimana i.e. Rasi factor,

Rasigunaka : The products made in to a total,

The net figures associated with the Sun and other Grah in several signs are to be multiplied wach in its appropriate planetary factor or Grahmana, the total of these products is called Grahagunaka.

Ayus = Period of life given by the Grah,

Grah in exaltation -  Double Ayus,
Grah in Depression - Half Ayus,
Gah in Combustion - Half Ayus,
Grah in enemy sign, -  Reduction by 1/3,
Grah like Mars in Retrograde - Double Ayus, 
Retrograde Mars, Ayus is doubled,

All these Shodhanas are automatically taken care of in the Astaka varga calculation of softwares.

Ref: - Jataka Parijata, By Vaidyanatha Dikshita (14/15 century astrologer) his work in Sanskrit translated by Mr V Subramanya Shashtri in 1932.  His Ref: Horamakaraada, Varahamihira, Yavanaeshwara, Devakirti.


Sthanabala (Strength due to position )

All Grah in their houses of exaltation have Sthanabala, then in their friends house, Navamsa, Kshetra house.

Directional Strength:

Sun and Mars have Digbala in the South (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) or 10th house,

Moon and Venus are powerful in the North (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and 4th house (Patala)

Mercury and Jupiter are powerful in the East (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius,)

Saturn is powerful in the West (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius,) Setting signs, 


The Sun and The Moon possess Chestabala when in 6 signs from Capricorn,
All other grah possess Chestabala when in Retrograde motion, when in conjunction with the Moon (Samagama).
Yudba - Greatest brilliance or in Northern planetary conjunction.

Kalabala: (Temporal Strength)

The Sun, Jupiter, Venus - Day,
The Moon, Mars and Saturn - Night,
Mercury - Day and Night,

Benefic Grah - Waxing Moon (Shukla Paksha)
Malefic Grah - Waning Moon (Krishna Paksha)

And also all Grah has it in their Year, Month, Day and Hour.


Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, The Moon and The Sun are naturally stronger then the immediately preceding Grah in that order.

BhinnaAshtakavarga - When Ashtakavarga of Sun and other planet is considered separately.

SarvaAshtakavarga - The sum of all Ashtaka vargas of all planets.


ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, 10 May 2017,

Astakavarga I

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Astaka Varga 

 Astaka Varga - Seven Grahs and Lagna, and their good or evil effects.

 Sun is exceedingly auspicious:

 In 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th , 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th places from itself, Mars  and Saturn, 
 In 6th, 7th and 12th places from Venus, 
 In 5th, 6th, 9th and 11th places from Jupiter, 
 In the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th places from the Moon, 
 In the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th from Mercury,
 In 3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th, 11th and 12th places from the Lagna.

 Moon is auspicious:

 In 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th, and 11th places from Itself,
 In 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th places from Lagna,
 In 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th and 11th places from Mars, 
 In 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th places from the Sun,
 In 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 11th places from Saturn,
 In 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th places from Mercury,
 In 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th places from Jupiter,
 In 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th places from Venus,

 Mars is auspicious:

 In 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th places from itself,
 In 3rd, 5th, 6th, 10th and 11th places from the Sun,
 In 3rd, 6th, and 11th places from the Moon,
 In 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th places from the Lagna, 
 In 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 11th places from Mercury,
 In 6th, 10th, 11th, and 12th places from Jupiter, 
 In 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th places from Venus,
 In 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th , 10th and 11th places from Saturn.

 Mercury is auspicious:

 In 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th places from Itself,
 In 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 11th places from Venus,
 In 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th places from Mars and Saturn,
 In 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th places from Jupiter, 
 In 5th, 6th, 9th, 11th and 12th places from the Sun,
 In 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 11th places from Moon,
 In 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, and 11th places from Lagna.

Jupiter is benefic in:

In 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th places from itself, 
In 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th places from Mars,
In 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th places from the Sun,
In 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th and 11th places from Mercury, 
In 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th places from the Lagna, 
In 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th places from the Moon,
In 3rd, 5th, 6th and 12th places from Saturn,
In 2nd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th and 11th places from Venus.

Venus is auspicious:

In 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th places from itself, 
In 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th places from the Moon, 
In 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 11th places from the Lagna,
In 8th, 11th and 12th places from the Sun,
In 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th places from Saturn,
In 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th places from Jupiter, 
In 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, and 11th places from Mercury,
In 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 11th, and 12th places from Mars,

Saturn is benefic:

In 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 11th places from itself,
In 3rd, 5th, 6th, 10th,11th and 12th places from Mars,
In 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th, and 11th places from the Sun,
In 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th places from Mercury,
In 3rd, 6th, and 11th places from the Moon,
In 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th, and 11th places from the Lagna, 
In 6th, 11th and 12th places from Venus,
In 5th, 6th, 11th and 12th places from Jupiter.

All other places are to be understood as Malefic.

Grah in their own, friendly or Upachaya houses (3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th from Lagna) invariably advance the benefic effects revealed by Astakavarga.

Grah in their depression, inimical or Apachaya places generally fail to sustain whatever good may appear from the Astakavarga process.

The Upachaya and Apachaya places to be reckoned with respect to the Lagna  or the Moon at the time of birth and not by the position of Grah at the time of its transit (Gochara).

Several places reckoned with respect to the Rasi and not Bhava, occupied by the 7 Grah and Lagna, at the time of birth, out of 8 counting, If benefic effects preponderates the malefic effect then the net result is beneficial to the native.

Calculations of Benefic or Malefic, Total points eight,

8/8 Benefic, 8 benefic points and none malefic  = 1 Full Benefic,

7-1/8 , 7 benefic and 1 malefic, = 3/4 Benefic, 1/4 Malefic,

6-2/8, 6 benefic and 2 malefic, = 1/2 Benefic and 1./2 Malefic, 

5-3/8, 5 benefic and 3 Malefic, = 1/4 Benefic and 3/4 Malefic, 

4-4/8, 4 benefic and 4 Malefic, = 0 Benefic and 0 Malefic, Neutral,

So on, 

Astakavarga is used in connection with gochara (Transits), 


Saturn transiting the 3rd, 6th and 11th places from the Moon is good provided the benefic points in those places are above 4.

48 points is the maximum fixed to pass a nativity for good in all respects, so the native will be free from worry or loss.

Number of benefic points (dots) and the effects related for Sun and all other Grahs.

If 1 benefic point then - Disease, Miseries, dangers,

If 2 benefic points then - Mental anguish, condemnation by one's king and deprivation of food by robbers.

If 3 benefic points then - Bodily privations and discomforts due to a wandering life as much mental uneasiness.

If 4 benefic points then - mixed kind of fruit consisting of pleasure and pain, expenditure and income.

If 5 benefic points then - Attainment of good apparel, children, association with good acquisition of learning and wealth.

If 6 benefic points then - Secures a form fresh and fascinating, excellence of character, victory in war, wealth, fame, strength and fine vehicles.

If 7 benefic points then - Brings honour such as accrue from the possession of horses and other means of transport, an army and superior riches.

If 8 benefic points then - It opens up a prospect of kingly glory graced with its seven fold adjuncts.

General comments:

A Grah is invariably benefic in his own varga in any sign which has five or more points, or it yields no good effect and in a sign which is without any points it becomes positively hurtful.

A Grah produces untoward effects If it is short of benefic points (less then 4) irrespective of its position in Exaltation sign, or friendly sign etc.

A Grah produces invariably good effects If benefic points are in excess of the prescribed minimum, even If they are placed in a bad position or in depression or Inimical sign or portions. 

(My comments -Nonsense)

When Saturn passes through an empty (void of figures) house in the Astakavargas of the Sun and the other planets, he occasions on a large scale diseases dangers from enemies and other troubles to the father and other relatives whom the several other Grah represent.

Ref: - Jataka Parijata, By Vaidyanatha Dikshita (14/15 century astrologer) his work in Sanskrit translated by Mr V Subramanya Shashtri in 1932.  His Ref: Horamakaraada, Varahamihira, Yavanaeshwara, Devakirti.

Ref: Brihat Jtaka - Varaha Mihira, (501 CE, One of the gems in Vikramaditiya's court, in India, Translated by Mr N Chidambaram Iyer, 1885,


ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, 10 May 2017

May 9, 2017

Hora / Drekkana / Trishansha /Vela / Kalahora Phalam - Jataka Parijata

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Hora Phalam - Jataka Parijata

If the Lagna be an odd sign -

Hora be owned by Sun - The native will be cruel disposition, lustful, rich and honoured by kings.

Hora be owned by Moon - The native will be eloquent, liberal, handsome, compassionate but will have an intriguing wife.

If the Lagna be an even sign - 

Hora be owned by Sun - The native will be clever in counsel, sensible of favours received, but irresolute and exceedingly timid.

Hora be owned by Moon - The native will be fearless, lazy and fond of a virtuous wife.


Drekkana Phalam - Jataka Parijata

Malefic Drekkana - First Drekkanaa of Simha, Mesha, Kumbha, Vrischika and Makara,
Malefic Drekkana - Last Drekkana of Meena, Vrischika, Simha, Tula,
Malefic Drekkana - Middle Drekkana of Karkataka, Vrischika

Water bearing Drekkanas - First Drekkana of Karkataka, Meena, 
Water bearing Drekkanas - Middle most of Meena and Kanya,
Water bearing Drekkanas - Last of Vrishabha and Mithuna.

Benefic Drekkana - The second of Mesha, Dhanus, Vrishbha, Kumbha and Makara,
Benefic Drekkana - The first of Tula, Kanya and Mithuna,
Benefic Drekkana - The last of Dhanus, Kanya adn Kumbha.

Mixed Drekkanas - The last of Makaa, Mesha, and Karkataka, 
Mixed Drekkanas - The first of Vrishabha and Dhanus,
Mixed Drekkanas - The  middle most of Mithuna, Tula, Simha.

Drekkanas Phala:

Malefic Drekkanas - The native will be evil minded of wandering habits, addicted to evil deeds and in bad repute, 

Water Bearing Drekkanas - The native will be liberal, voluptuous, compassionate, bent on agriculture and irrigation and void of morality.

Benefic Drekkanas - The native will have rich and happy sons, al lovely form will be tender hearted.

Mixed Drekkanas - The native will be ill behaved, addicted to young women not his own, of cruel aspect and fickle minded.

Trishansha Phalam - Jataka Parijata,

If a person be born in a Trishansha (Thirtieth portion) owned by:

1) Mars - In any sign he will be fickle stiff voiced and cruel minded, 

2) Mercury - In any sign he will have great respect for his preceptors and the Gods, delight in the society of virtuous men and be attended by relatives.

3) Jupiter - In any sign, he will be wealthy.

4) Venus - In any sign, he will be loving, lovely and happy.

5) Saturn - In any sign, he will be addicted to wandering and of a depraved mind.


Vela Phalam - Jataka Patijata,

Satva Vela - The native will be eloquent, conforming to the duties and practices of the wise, devout, constantly persevering, pure, bountiful, possessed of lustre, learning and beauty, truthful and without enemies.

Rajo Vela - The native will have happiness, wealth, fame, beauty and strength, he will overcome his foes and will be lovesick at heart, his mind will not be kindly disposed towards his relations.

Tamo Vela - The native will try to secure the wealth and women belonging to others and will lose his happiness there by he will be a master rogue, at variance with his relations and venerable superiors and fickle minded.

Calculation :

Each day = 16 Ardhayama (Half Yama)
Half Yama = 1 hour and a half or 33/4 Ghatikas,

In the order, Thamas, Satva, Rajas, Thamas, Satva, Rajas, From Sunday forward through the other days of the week.

First and Last Ardhayama of a Sunday is a Tamo Vela,
First and Last Ardhayama of a Monday is a Satva Vela,
First and last Ardhayama  of a Tuesday is a Rajo Vela,
First and last Ardhayama of a Wednesday is a Tamo Vela,
First and last Ardhayama of a Thursday is a Satva Vela,
First and last Ardhayama of a Friday is a Rajo Vela, 
First and last Ardhayama of a Saturdday is a Tamo Vela,

Satva   = Purity,
Rajas   = Passion,
Tamas = Darkness,


Kalahora Phalam -Jataka Parijata,

Order of Grah - Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon and Saturn.

e.g. The first hora of Monday is the Moon, next Saturn then Jupiter, and so on, 

The first hora on Monday night is to be reckoned from 5th day i.e Friday,

The lord of the first hora on Monday night is Venus, 2nd belongs to Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun and so on.

Sun's Kalahora - The native will be in pain and fatigue,
Moons Kalahora - The native will be prosperous,
Mars Kalahora - The native will be in sorrow and be sick,
Mercury Kalahora - The native will be learned and wealthy,
Jupiter Kalahora - The native will be in possession of every kind of blessing,
Venus Kala hora - The native will be in conjugal bliss,
Saturn Kalahora - The native will loose his property.

Ref: - Jataka Parijata, By Vaidyanatha Dikshita (14/15 century astrologer) his work in Sanskrit translated by Mr V Subramanya Shashtri in 1932.  His Ref: Horamakaraada, Varahamihira, Yavanaeshwara, Devakirti.

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, 09 May 2017

Dwadashansha Phalam - Jataka Parijata

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Dwadshansha Phalam - Jataka Parijata,

If a person is born in a Dwadashansha owned by:

1) Mesha (Aries) - He will be a mischievous robber and take to the evil ways and practices of such a vicious class of people.

2) Vrishabha (Taurus) - He will have plenty of women and wealth and will suffer from diseases.

3) Mithuna (Gemini) - He will be a gambler but well conducted.

4) Karkataka (Cancer) - He will be addicted to bad practices.

5) Simha (Leo) - He will be virtuous, engaged in the business of a king and will be attended by brave men.

6) Kanya (Virgo) - He will be a gambler and addicted to women.

7) Tula (Libra) - He will  be engaged in trade and have abundance of money.

8) Vrishchika (Scorpio) - He will be a murder loving master of rogues and robbers.

9) Dhanus (Sagittarius) - He will be diligently pay homage to the Manes and the Gods.

10) Makara (Capricorn) - He will be the lord of growing corn and will have servants.

11) Kumbha (Aquarius) - He will be a mischief maker.

12) Meena (Pisces) - He will be rich and learned.

Ref: - Jataka Parijata, By Vaidyanatha Dikshita (14/15 century astrologer) his work in Sanskrit translated by Mr V Subramanya Shashtri in 1932.  His Ref: Horamakaraada, Varahamihira, Yavanaeshwara, Devakirti.


ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, 09 May 2017,

Navansha Phalam - Jataka Parijata

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Navansha Phalam - Jataka Parijata,

If a person be born in Navansha of:

1) Surya - He will be evil minded, strong, prolific, rich tawny eyed and lustful.

2) Moon - He will be voluptuous, addicted to young women not his own, learned and rich in cows.

3) Mars - He will be addicted to cruel deeds, fickle minded, of wandering habits, afflicted with bilious complaints and avaricious.

4) Mercury - He will be liberal, impassioned, handsome and well known for his learning and good name.

5) Jupiter - He will have golden hair in his person and will eminent talented, beautiful, clever in counsel, speak learnedly, of cheerful mien and liked by emperors.

6) Venus - He will delight in the society of women not his own, be liberal, comfortably placed and learned.

7) Saturn - He will be evil- minded, indigent, with large teeth and afflicted with ailments.

Ref: - Jataka Parijata, By Vaidyanatha Dikshita (14/15 century astrologer) his work in Sanskrit translated by Mr V Subramanya Shashtri in 1932.  His Ref: Horamakaraada, Varahamihira, Yavanaeshwara, Devakirti.


ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala Montreal, 09 May 2017

May 8, 2017

Lagna Phalam - Jataka Parijata

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Lagna Phalam - Jataka Parijata.

To read this phala (effects) find your Ascendant (Lagna).

1) Mesha (Aries) - The native will be hostile to his relatives, of wandering habits, lean in person , hot-tempered, quarrelsome, proud, weak-kneed, possessed of uncertain wealth and heroic.

2) Vrishabha (Taurus) - The native will own many cows, pay diligent homage to elders, will be fond of learned disputations, inclined to wandering, fortunate, lustful, calm-minded and with but few sons.

3) Mithuna (Gemini) - The native will voluptuous, fond of relatives, compassionate, exceedingly prosperous, worthy, acquainted with the real nature of the world and the spirit, contemplative, liked by the virtuous, very beautiful, but ailing.

4) Kakataka (Cancer) - The native will have sumptuous meals, clothing and jewels, a soft voice and a mind inclined to fraud, but will be virtuous, bulky and taking delight in dwelling in the mansions of other people.

5) Simha (Leo) - The native will have few sons, be hostile to people contended with what they have ( but would not better themselves) brave, will charm kings, overcome foes, long for women and repair to a foreign place.

6) Kanya (Virgo) - The native will be skilled in various works, prosperous, talented, of sound judgment, taking pleasure in the blandishments of lovely women, fond of relations and sincere.

7) Tula (Libra) - The native will have a lovely face and charming eyes, he will be honoured by kings, learned, fond of the pleasures of love, possessing women, wealth and lands, his principal teeth will not be close but apart, he will be calm pensive, but irresolute and exceedingly timid.

8) Vrishchika (Scorpio) - The native will be silly with cruel looks, exceedingly fickle minded, proud, long lived, wealthy, learned hostile to good men and nursing sorrow (pensive).

9) Dhanus (Sagittarius) - The native will be wise, the best of his family, prosperous and posssessing fame and wealth.

10) Makara (Capricorn) - The native will be fond of lovely women perfidious and will speak dejectedly.

11) Kumbha (Aquarius) - The native will be crafty minded, fond of dalliance with women not his own , of misery habits and master of much wealth.

12) Meena (Pisces) - The native will be learned, sparing in his enjoyments, kind to his friends and endowed with spirit and strength, while possessing much corn and wealth.

Note: Jataka Parijata, page 638, Being silly is not inconsistent with being learned; James I of England was declared by some historian to have been the most learned fool in Christendom.

Lagna can be with any planet, Moon, Sun etc, but does not have any thing to do with Moon sign or Sun sign, the general newspaper forecasts generally use Sun signs which are not good for general predictions, for that one should use Lagna (Ascendant).

Ref: - Jataka Parijata, By Vaidyanatha Dikshita (14/15 century astrologer) his work in Sanskrit translated by Mr V Subramanya Shashtri in 1932.  His Ref: Horamakaraada, Varahamihira, Yavanaeshwara, Devakirti.


ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, 08 May 2017

Karana Phalam - Jataka Parijata

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Karana Phalam - Jataka Parijata, 

Karanam is a part of basic details with Tithi.

If a native is born in following Karanam (Fixed):

1) Kimstughna - he will work for others and be fickle - minded and fond of mirth.

2) Shakuni (Sakuna)- he will be an astrologer and enjoy steady prosperity.

3) Chatuspada - he will have multitude of misfortunes, will be acquainted with every business, be very gentle, intelligent, famous and wealthy.

4) Nagava (Nagavakarana) - he will dignified rich, exceedingly strong and boastful.

If a native is born in following Karanam (Repeating):

1) Bava (Bavakarana) - he will engage in juvenile works and will be valiant.

2) Balava - he will be modest in his dress and deportment and will be honoured by kings.

3) Kaulava - he will have elephants and horses with him and will do all that he does in a handsome way.

4) Taitula (Thaitila) - he will speak softly and impressively and will be virtuous.

5) Garaja karana - he will be without foes and powerful.

6) Vanija (Vani) - he will be a clever speaker and intrigue with mistresses indulging a guilty passion for him.

7) Vishti (Vishti karana) - he will be hostile to every body, addicted to sinful deeds under public censure, but honoured by his attendants and self - reliant.

Ref: - Jataka Parijata, By Vaidyanatha Dikshita (14/15 century astrologer) his work in Sanskrit translated by Mr V Subramanya Shashtri in 1932.  His Ref: Horamakaraada, Varahamihira, Yavanaeshwara, Devakirti.


ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, 08 May 2017

Yoga Phalam - Jataka Parijata

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Yoga (Yogam) Phalam - Jataka Phalam,

Yoga (Yogam) is a part of basic details along with Tithi.

If a native is born in the Yogam:

1) Vishkambha - The native will be victorious over his enemies and possessed of wealth and cattle.

2) Priti (Preeti) - The native will be subject to the will of other people's wives.

3) Ayushman - The native will be long lived and healthy.

4) Sowbhagya - The native will be happy.

5) Sobhana - The native will be voluptuous.

6) Atiganda - The native will be murderously inclined.

7) Sukarman (Sukarma) - The native will be wealthy and devoted to the practice of virtue.

8) Dhriti (Dhruti) - The native will take away other people's wives and money.

9) Shula (Sula)- The native is wrathful and quarrelsome.

10) Ganda - The native will be addicted to evil practises.

11) Vriddhi - The native is able to discourse wisely.

12) Dhruva - The native will be exceedingly wealthy.

13) Vyaghatha - The native will be ferocious.

14) Harshana - The native will be wise and far famed.

15) Vajra - The native will be wealthy and lustful.

16) Siddhi - The native will be the refuge of all and lord like.

17) Vyatipata (Vyathipatha ) - The native will be deceitful.

18) Varigha (Variyayoga )- The native will be lustful to a culpable extent.

19) Parigha - The native will be inimical but wealthy.

20) Siva - The native will be well -versed in sciences and scriptures, wealthy, quiet and liked by kings.

21) Siddha - The native will be devoted to virtue and engage in the performance of sacrifices.

22) Sadhya - The native will be virtuous.

23) Shubha (Subha)- The native will beautifully formed, wealthy, love sick and affected with phlegm.

24) Shukla (Sukla) - The native will be virtuous, eloquent in speech, wrathful, fickle-minded and learned.

25) Brahma - The native will have a lofty sense of honour with secretly kept wealth, be liberal and capable of forming sound judgements.

26) Mahendra (Aindra) - The native's life will be universally beneficent, his intellect will be all comprehensive and he will possess much wealth.

27) Vaidhriti (Vaidhruti) - The native will be cunning, calumniating others (Make false statements), powerful, liberal and opulent.

Ref: - Jataka Parijata, By Vaidyanatha Dikshita (14/15 century astrologer) his work in Sanskrit translated by Mr V Subramanya Shashtri in 1932.  His Ref: Horamakaraada, Varahamihira, Yavanaeshwara, Devakirti.

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, 08 May 2017

Rashyanshaka Phalam - Jataka Parijata

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Rashayanshaka Phalam - Jatak Parijata.

If at birth the Moon is in Navamsa owned by:

1) Mesha:(Aries)- The native will be a commander of an army, opulent and distinguished by reddish eyes and destined to become a freebooter.

2) Vrishaba:(Taurus) - The native will have fat body, face, and shoulders but his frame will not be compact or well knit.

3) Mithuna (Gemini) - The native will have  a lovely form, will serve under a master as a scribe and will be learned.

4) Karkataka (Cancer) - The native will have dark skin and will be without any joy of having a father or a son.

5) Simha (Leo) - The native will have a fat body and lofty nose and will be famed because of his wealth and strength.

6) Kanya (Virgo) - The native will be distinguished for his sweet words, lean in person and clever at dice.

7) Tula (Libra) - The native will be a gallant in the service of a king and with lovely eyes.

8) Vrishcika (Scorpio) - The native will have defective limb, will be poor, lean, wandering in quest of service and diseased.

9) Dhanus (Saggitarius) - The native will be lean and long armed, liberal, devout and wealthy.

10) Makara (Capricorn) - The native will be covetous, dark in personal appearance and will have a wife and sons.

11) Kumbha (Aquarius) - The native will be hypocritical and henpecked.

12) Meena (Pisces) - The native will have a soft voice, but speak spiritedly and will visit holy places and be blessed with sons.

Ref: - Jataka Parijata, By Vaidyanatha Dikshita (14/15 century astrologer) his work in Sanskrit translated by Mr V Subramanya Shashtri in 1932.  His Ref: Horamakaraada, Varahamihira, Yavanaeshwara, Devakirti.


ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, 08 May 2017

May 7, 2017

Rashi Phalam - Jataka Parijata

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Rashi Phalam - Jataka Parijata, 

Moon in various Rashi:

Mesha (Aries) - The native will eat sparingly, long for women and have enterprising elder brothers.

Vrishabha (Taurus) - The native will be liberal, lovely, rich in fame, of excellent behaviour and have his children all daughters.

Mithuna (Gemini) - The native  will be blessed with long life and skillful in ministering to love during amorous pleasures and evincing a fondness for jest and merriment.

Karkata (Cancer) - The natives heart will be impassioned with love, he will lead a wandering life and will speak eloquently.

Simha (Leo) - H will have broad eyes, a beautiful face , grave looks and will be happy.

Kanya (Virgo) - The native will be afflicted with a craving for sensual enjoyment of graceful address, eminent in learning and prosperous.

Tula (Libra) - The native have reverence for Gods and show affection towards his relatives and will be opulent.

Vrischika (Scorpio) - The native will be heedless, ailing avaricious and given to wandering.

Dhanus (Saggitarius) - The native will have handsome limbs and bright eyes, he will be choicest specimen of his family and conversant with the arts.

Makara (Capricorn) - The native will be acquainted with music, broad minded and addicted to women not his own.

Kumbha (Aquarius) - The native will be with out virtue or morality and be inimical to learned men while surpassing in knowledge.

Meena (Pisces) - The native will be a handsome person, be learned and become the lord of many wives.

Ref: - Jataka Parijata, By Vaidyanatha Dikshita (14/15 century astrologer) his work in Sanskrit translated by Mr V Subramanya Shashtri in 1932.  His Ref: Horamakaraada, Varahamihira, Yavanaeshwara, Devakirti.


ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, 07 May 2017

Nakshatra Phalam - Jataka Parijata

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Nakshatra Phalam - Jataka Parijata.

Aswini - The native will have great of intelligence, wealth, modesty, sagacity and fame and will be happy.

Bharani - The native will have a defective limb, be addicted to another's wife, cruel, ungrateful and will possess wealth.

Krittika - He will be energetic, lord like in status , not dull but with some valuable learning.

Rohini - The native will know weak points of others, be lean, enlightened but addicted to women not his own.

Mrigasirsha - The native will be soft hearted, wandering, squint eyed, love sick and ailing.

Ardra - The native will be destitute of wealth, fickle with much physical strength and addicted to base actions.

Punarvasu - The native  will be dull witted, strong in wealth, famed, learned and lusting for women.

Pushya - The native will love Gods, possess wealth and intelligence, enjoy royal favour and have a large circle of relations.

Aslesha - The native will be silly, betraying, ingratitude by his speech, of hasty temper and depraved.

Magha - The native will be lustful but devoted to virtue, indulgent to his wife, proud and wealthy.

PoorvaPhalguni - The native will be restless, practising evil, liberal strong and longing for women.

Uttara Phalguni - The native will voluptuous, with a lofty sense of honour, grateful and intelligent.

Hasta - The native will devoted to love and to virtue, be friends of learned and live in opulence.

Chitra - The native will be very wary, good natured and endowed with a high sense of honour, though longing for other men's wives.

Swati - The native will try to please Gods, devote himself to enjoyments and will have much wealth but little intelligence.

Vishaka - The native will be proud, but uxorious (having or showing an excessive or submissive fondness for one's wife.), overcome his enemies and betray much irritability.

Anuradha - The native will be very affable in speech, opulent, ease loving, honorable, famous and powerful.

Jayestha - The native will be ill tempered, addicted to women not his own, lordly and lust.

Mula - The native will be eloquent, but dishonest, with his happiness marred, ungrateful and indigent.

Poorva Ashadha - The native will be uniformly well behaved, endowed with a high sense of honour, well off and calm minded.

Uttara Ashadha - The native will be honorable, of a tranquil nature happy, possessed of wealth and be learned.

Sravana - The native will have reverence for Gods, be of governing class, opulent and pious.

Sravishtha (Dhanistha) - The native will be credulous, wealthy, plump in thighs and neck and joyful.

Satabhishak - The native will be an astrologer, tranquil, sparing in diet and daring.

Poorva Proshthapada (Poorva Bhadrapada) - The native will be bold in his speech, mischievous, cowardly and weak.

Uttara Proshthapada (Uttara Bhadrapada) - The native will be gentle in his nature, liberal, opulent and learned.

Revati - The native will have a broad mark in his person, will be love sick, lovely, clever in counsel, will have sons, family and friends and will enjoy steady continuous  prosperity.

Ref: - Jataka Parijata, By Vaidyanatha Dikshita (14/15 century astrologer) his work in Sanskrit translated by Mr V Subramanya Shashtri in 1932.  His Ref: Horamakaraada, Varahamihira, Yavanaeshwara, Devakirti.

Nakshatra Phala is given under "Atha Nakshatrapahalm" , in Navamo Adhayay 9th Chapter, Page number 626 - 627, Sloka 84, The book is divided in to three books, so it is in second book. :-) 

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, 07 May 2017.

Vara Phalam - Jataka Parijata

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Vara Phalam - Jataka Parijata,

Sunday: (Sun) - The native will have a lofty sense of honour, with brown hair, eyes and figure and will be lordly.

Monday: (Moon) - The native will be gallant, with a lovely form and will ever be tender-hearted.

Tuesday: ( Mars ) -The native will be cruel and concerned with daring words and deeds.

Wednesday: (Mercury) - The native will honour Gods and will speak politely.

Thursday: (Jupiter ) - The native will perform sacrifices, be popular with kings, have noble qualities and become celebrated.

Friday: (Venus ) - The native will have corn, lands, wealth and be universally popular and devoted to gallantry.

Saturday: (Saturn) - The native most part be dull witted, living on food and money supplied by others, indulging in inconsiderate utterances, assuming an attitude of hostility and cleverly boycotting the whole body of relatives.

Ref: - Jataka Parijata, By Vaidyanatha Dikshita (14/15 century astrologer) his work in Sanskrit translated by Mr V Subramanya Shashtri in 1932.  His Ref: Horamakaraada, Varahamihira, Yavanaeshwara, Devakirti.

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, 07 May 2017

May 6, 2017

Lunar Days of Birth - Related Effects - Jataka Parijata

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Lunar Days of Birth and related effects to the natives born in them, names in English might have little variations from region to region.

As per this table, the lunar name of the current day is Krishna Chaturdashi (06 May 2017) , meaning all those born on this day will always have the Tithi -  Krishna Chaturdashi attached with their birth chart.

As per Jataka Parijata, Tithi Phalam.

1) Purnimasya (Poornima) - The native born on Poornima will sustain the reputation of his 
                                                family and will be wealthy and cheerful.

2) Pratipat (Pratipada) - The native will be industrious and lead a virtuous life.

3) Dwitya (Dwitiya) - The native will have abundance of splendour, cattle, strength, fame and wealth.

4) Tritiya (Triteeya) - The native will be virtuous and very timid and will have a sharp clear voice.

5) Chaturthi - The native will be credulous, accustomed to wandering and conversant with sacred

6) Panchami - The native will devote himself in study of all sciences, and the sacred scriptures, will 
                        be lustful, lean and restless.
7) Shashti - The native will be of small strength, will be equal to a sovereign, wise and of a very angry

8) Sapthami - The native will have stiff extended voice, lording over people, phlegmatic and

9) Ashtami - The native will be exceedingly lecherous (Excess sexual desire), fond of his wife and 
                     children and phlegmatic in temperament.

10) Navami - The native will have fame, be charming person, but a bad wife and bad sons and will be

11) Dashami - The native will be virtuous, with a clear voiced wife and sons, prosperous and wealthy.

12) Ekadashi - The native will revere Gods and Brahmin's, and will have many servitors and wealth.

13) Dwadashi - The native will be engaged in very beneficent works will be liberal, wealthy and 

14) Trayodashi - The native will be covetous, very libidinous and possessed of much wealth.

15) Chaturdashi - The native will have a fiery temper and he will be ever wishing in his heart to
                              become possessed of other people's wealth and women.

16) Amavasya - The native credulous and devoted to the worship of the manes of the Gods.

After Amavasya Shukla Pratipat begins till Shukla Chaturdashi and then Poornima followed by Krishna Pratipat till Krishna Chaturdashi, and observe the effects are similar to both Shukla and Krishna Paksha. :-) but otherwise Shukla Paksha Moon is considered Auspicious over Krishna Paksha Moon.

Ref: - Jataka Parijata, By Vaidyanatha Dikshita (14/15 century astrologer) his work in Sanskrit translated by Mr V Subramanya Shashtri in 1932.  His Ref: Horamakaraada, Varahamihira, Yavanaeshwara, Devakirti.


ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala, Montreal, 06 May 2017