Jul 7, 2016

Karakatwas (Significance) of Grah/Planets

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Karakatwas of Grah (Significance of Planets)

Sun: Atma (Soul), Courage, Cruelty, Descipline, Father, Fire, General well being, Gold, Heat, Heart, Honour, Horse, Influence, King, Kingdom, Medical science, Political power, Prestige, Self Esteem, Self  Realization, Right Eye, Royalty, Royal favour, Valour, Wisdom, Yagna,

Moon: Mind, Beauty, Comforts, Emotions, Facial lustre, Good name and fame, Happiness, Left Eye, Mother, Resources, Sleep, Travel, Water,

Mars: Anger. Accidents, Agriculture, Adventure, Blood relations, Burns, Blisters, Brothers and Sisters, Commander of Army, Controversies, Descipline, Desires, Doctors, Enemies, General, Injuries, Immovable properties, Lands, Leaders, Mechanical engineers, Opposition, Police, Scientists, Sports persons, Stamina, Strength, Valour, War, Younger brother,

Mercury: Astrology, Accountancy, Analytical and logical thinking, Banking, Business, Communications, Description, Education, Friends, Intellect, Mathematics, Maternal uncle, Medical knowledge, Poetry, Precious stones, Publishing, Script, Scientific, Speech, Writting,

Jupiter; Children, Banking, Benevolance, Chubby, Devotion, Dharma, Donations, Elders, Elder brother, Fame, Finance, Fruity trees, Holy, Husband, Judiciary, Knowledge, Learning, Mantra, Merit, Philosophy, Priests,  Proficiency, Respect, Religion, Scholar, Temples, Vedas, Wealth,

Venus: Beauty and all beautiful things, Cows, Decorations, Family, Enjoyment, Entertainment, Dance, Flowers, Love, Lust, Luxury, Genitals, Husband, Jewellery, Marriage, Music, Ornaments, Perfumes, Pleasures, Sex, Singing, Spouse, Vehicles,

Saturn: Addictions, Bondage, Descipline, Karma, Longivity (Or Death), Servants, Sorrow, Thefts,

Rahu: Languages, Detachment, Distant places, Foreign travel, Gyana*, (True Knowledge), Troubles,

Ketu: Begging, Disputes, Misery, Moksha, Mantra Shastra,

*Gyana: Some one said it means, " I know what I know, I don't know what I dont know" is true Gyana and he also said now a days where everything is commercialized, Gyana is being sold as philosophy, which is not true.


ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala Montreal, 07 July 2016

Navamsa Chart- D9 chart

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Navamsa chart (D9): Out of all the divisional charts Navamsa chart is considered very important after the base chart or Rasi chart.

Navamsa means 9th part, which means each house of Rasi chart is divided in to 9 equal parts, 306 degrees divided by 12 gets to 12 zodiac signs of 30 degrees and each house when divided by 9 times gets to 3.33 degrees of each amsa, and then 9 such amsas of each house are spread across 12 houses, and for each lagna there is a different starting point, basically it means that we are zooming into each house and spreading it to see things in detail and when each house is disected into such fractions (amsa) when they are all placed over each other, like Rasi, followed by D2, D3, up to D60 and then see how many points are matching in each divisional chart, e.g. Ascendant in Rasi is Gemini and Ascendant in D2 is also Gemini, and D3 also, then it strengthens the Ascendant three folds, which is also called Vargottam meaning Fraction of high quality, similarly see where the Jupiter is in Rasi, and other charts if it matches its position particularly in Rasi and Navamsa, Jupiters strength increases by two folds being Vargottam.

Total there will be 108 amsas which are divided in to four groups,

1) Aries, Leo and Saggitarius for which amsas are spread from Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Saggitarius.
2) Taurus Virgo and Capricorn for which amsas are spread from Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo.
3) Gemini, Libra and Aquarius for which the amsas are spread from Libra, Scorpio, Saggitarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini.
4) Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, for which the amsas are spread from Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Saggitarius, Capricorn,  Aquarius and Pisces.

For Gemini Lagna, Start the first amsa with Libra, Scorpio, Saggitarius, Capricorn, Aqaurius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, then start over with second house and so on and so forth.

Navamsa Chart is also read in similar manner like Rasi chart, so it has Ascendant, and remaining 11 houses similar to Rasi chart.

9th part is dharma amsa, so it relates to your dharma and also to your spouse which is your prathama dharma, followed by children, job, earnings, wealth, duties, social obligation, family obligation, etc. and it represents oversll fortune of the native.

Learning astrology start with south Indian chart which is very simple compared to North Indian and Western astrology (Iraq Astrology), the south indian chart is a square with four equal squares in each direction, the zodiac signs are fixed, the number of house changes with Ascendant, If Ascendant is Gemini then Gemini becomes the first house (Tanu bhava) and same for Navamsa and other divisional charts also.

There is RASI and Navamsa charts of Late Shri M K Gandhi (Father of Indian Nation) at http://ianala.blogspot.ca/search/label/Astrology

Ascendant rising (Lagna) or planet in 1st Navamsa in a chara rasi (movable sign), 5th Navamsa in a Sthira rasi (fixed sign), and 9th Navamsa in a Dwiswbhava rasi (dual sign) will be Vargottam hence gains in strength.

Lagna rasi or lagna lord should not form or occupy 6th, 8th or 12th house in Navamsa chart, and lord of 6th, 8th or 12th house should have any association with the Lagna rasi or Lagna lord.

Lords of 1st, 4th and 7th Navamsa are deva guna or Godly beings, 
Lords of 2nd, 5th and 8th Navamsa are Nara or Humans,
Lords of 3rd, 6th and 9th Navamsa are Rakshasa or Demons, these terms should be understood strictly in terms of materialism and accumulation of wealth, deva or godly beings will earn and keep what they need there is lot of charity and humans might go both ways and there might be some charity, but Demons will just accumulate and accumulate for self and no or very little charity.

Vargottam planets are superior and fortunate,

Rahu and Ketu do not rule any Navamsa division.

Planet in its own Navamsa is superior then in its exalted Navamsa,

Planet in its Exaltation sign in Rasi chart but in its Debilitation sign in Navamsa produces bad results early.

Planet in its Debilitation sign in Rasi chart but in its Exaltation sign in Navamsa produces auspicious results.

Planets occupying Navamsas ruled by Jupiter act like natural benefics,

Saturn in its own house (Aquarius or Capricorn) or exaltation sign (Libra) does not afflict natural benefics provided it does not occupy its debilitation sign (Aries) in Navamsa chart.

A planet whichis very strong in Rasi chart does not produce desirable good results during its maha Dasha or Antara dasha with respect to that bhava or its lord, if it is placed in 6th,8th or 12th house from the bhava or its lord in question in Navamsa chart.

A planet as a lord of the 2nd house is in conjunction with lord of the 10th house in 10th house and the lord of the lagna is involved in raja yoga that native can secure a very high political or administrative position in the maha dsha or antara dasha of the lord of the 2nd house but If lord of the 2nd is in 6th,8th or 12th house from lordo f the 10th in Navamsa chart the resutls will be contrary.

BPHS: Navāńś. The Navāńś calculation are for a Movable Rāśi from there itself, for a Fixed Rāśi from the 9th there of and for a Dual Rāśi from the 5th there of. They go by designations Deva (divine), Manushya (human) and Rakshasa (devilish) in a successive and repetitive order for a Movable Rāśi. (Manushya, Rakshasa and Deva are the order for a Fixed Rāśi, while Rakshasa, Manushya and Deva are a Dual Rāśi’s order)

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala Montreal, 07 July 2016

Jul 5, 2016

Karakas or Significators, Istadevata,

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Karakas or Singnificators of Self and others related to self.

Atmakaraka: Significator of Soul (self)

Calculation; Look for the planet with highest degrees 0 to 29 degrees in your chart.

Natural Atmakaraka is Sun,

Personal Atmakaraka is one of the planets SUN, MOON, MARS, MERCURY, JUPITER, VENUS  SATURN and RAHU which ever is with highest degrees,

Others KARAKAS to note which follow the ATMAKARAKA as per their degrees are

Atma karaka, it is the significator of soul. (self)

Amatya karaka, Amatya karaka is the significator of career, intellect, mind,

Bhratru karaka, Bhratri karaka is the significator of siblings,

Matru Karaka, Matri karaks is the significator of mother, education,

Putra karaka, Putra karaka is the significator of Children,

Gnati Karaka, it is significator of cousins and relatives,

Pitru karaka, Pitri karaka is the significator of father,

Dara Karaka, Dara karaka is the significator of wife or Spouse,

Ista devata: your personal deity who will help your soul get liberation....

Karakamsa:  The zodiac sign or house which is occupied by the Atmakaraka (AK) in Navamsa chart.

Jeevanamsa: The zodiac sign or house  which is 12th from Karakamsa,

Ista devata: The planets posited in the 12th house from Karakamsa in Navamsa chart, (D-9), or If the house is empty then see which planet is aspecting that house, if no aspects then take the lord of the house, and if more then one planet in jeevanamsa, then chek which planet is the strongest.

If Sun in Jeevanamsa then the Ista devata will be Vishnu, Rama and Shiva.

If Moon in Jeevanamsa then the Ista devata will be Krishna, Shiva and Parvati.

If Mars in Jeevanamsa then the Ista devata will be Hanuman, Subramanya swami and Sri Narashima Swami.

If Mercury in Jeevanamsa then the Ista devata will be Vishnu.

If Jupiter in Jeevanamsa then the Ista devata will be Vishnu, Dattatreya.

If Venus in Jeevanamsa then the Ista devata will be Lakshmi, Parashurama, Maa Gauri.

If Saturn in Jeevanamsa then the Ista devata will be Vishnu, Shiva, Hanuman, ShaniDev.

If Rahu in Jeevanamsa then the Ista devata will be Varaha swami, Maa Durga.

Mantra for Ista Devata: Ganesh is first no matter who is your Ista devata.

Ganesh:   ॐ  श्री  गणेशाए  नमः! ( Aum Sri Ganeshaye Namah!)

Vishnu/Dattatreya: ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय नमः! ( Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya namah)

Rama:  ॐ  श्री  रमा  रमा  रामेति , रमे रमे  मनोरमे , सहस्रनाम तत्तुल्यं रमा नामा वरानने !! ( Sri Rama Rama Rameti, Rame Rame Manorame; Sahasrenama tattulyam, Rama Nama Varanane) (Sri Rama raksha Strotram)

Krishna: ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय नमः! ( Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya namah)

Lakshmi: ॐ  श्री  महलक्ष्मीए  नमः ( Aum Sri Maha Lakshmiye Namah!)

Shiva:   ॐ नमः शिवाय  ! ( Om namah Shivaya)

Parvati/ Gauri, Durga:  ॐ  ऐंग  ह्रीम  कलीम  चमुंडाए  नमः !! (Aum Aing Hrim Kleem Chamundaye Namah!)

Hanuman: ॐ नमो हनुमते , ॐ  ह्रम  ह्रीम ह्रूम  फट  स्वः !! ( Aum namo hanumate! Aum hram hrim hrum phat swaha!)

Subramanya Swami: ॐ श्री सुब्रमन्यस्वामिने नमः! (Aum Sri Subramanyaswaminey namaha!!)

Sri Narashimha Swami: ॐ श्री नरसिम्हास्वामीने नमः! (Aum Sri Narashimhaswamine namaha!!)

Varaha swami is again same as Vishnu.

ShaniDev: ॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रौं  सः शनैश्चराय नमः ! (Aum Pram Preem Praum Saha Shaneshcharaye Namah!)

Then Mantras for each planets are as following :

Sun: ॐ श्री ह्रां  ह्रीं  ह्रौं सः सूर्याय नमः !! (Aum Sri Hran Hreen Hraun Saha Suryay Namah!)

Moon: ॐ श्री श्रां श्रीं श्रौं सः चंद्राय नमः !! (Aum Sri Shran Shreen Shraun Saha Chandraya namah!)

Mars: ॐ  श्री  क्रां  क्रीं  क्रौं  सः  भौमाय  नमः ! ( Aum Sri Kraan Kreen Kraun Saha Bhaumaya Namah!)

Mercury: ॐ श्री  ब्रां  ब्रीं  ब्रौं  सः  बुधाय  नमः !! ( Aum Sri Braan Breen Braun Saha Budhaya Namah!)

Jupiter: ॐ श्री ग्रां ग्रीं ग्रौं सः गुरवे नमः !! (Aum Sri Graan Green Graun Saha Gurave Namah! )

Venus: ॐ श्री  द्रां द्रीं  द्रौं  सः शुक्राय नमः! (Aum Sri Draan Dreen Draaun Saha Shukraya Namah! )

 Saturn: ॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रौं सः शनैश्चराय नमः ! (Aum Pram Preem Praum Saha Shaneshcharaye Namah!)

Rahu: ॐ  श्री भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रौं  सः  रहावे  नमः ! ( Aum Sri Bhraan Bhreen Bhraun Saha Rahave Namah!)

Ketu: ॐ श्री स्रां  स्रीम  सरौं  सहा  केतवे  नमः ! ( Aum Sri Sraan Sreen Sraun Saha Keteve Namah!)

Each  mantra needs to be chanted 108 times in each sitting, for their natural karakas.

Please note for people who can read devanagari script they can pronounce it like it shoul dbe but htose who can not read devanagari script then they would read transliteration and the problem is with pranounciation of beeja akshara (words), because some write it Pram, some Pran, some Prang, I used Praan to get the correct devanagari equivalent, but all end with same m like in Aum.

Kula devata:  Kula is family, Kula devata is your fmaily goddess who should be appeased in all your family gatherings, puja, inaugurations, birthdays, marriage celebrations etc.

Though each family follows certain deity as Kula devata, ostly people in south follow Balaji or Venkatesha as kula devata but still each person also has a kula devata seen from their Astro chart, like If Ista devata is Vishnu then Kula devata will be his female cosort Lakshmi because the blessings of a god are always in form of female energy which is Lakshmi for Lord Vishnu.

Palandevata: Sustaining deity of this world, It is seen in the 6th house from Amatyakaraka in Navamsa chart.
Atmakaraka (AK):  Atmakaraka is significator of soul or self, it actually shows the desire of the soul in this life, and each planet will show what that desire  is...and Atmakaraka is almost equal to the lord of 10th house when it comes to profession, and if Atmakaraka or lord of 10th house comes in to association with Amatyakaraka then success in the field of work is sure, Atmakaraka is also teh significator of self that is 1st house or Tanu bhava.

Sun: If Sun is the Atmakaraka then the desire is for fame, success, and power, and challenge is ego.

Moon : If Moon is the Atmakaraka then the desire is for comfort, happiness, love, challengeis to spread it to others.

Mars: If Mars is the Atmakaraka then the desire is for bravery and courage, and the challenge is self control in most voilent situations.

Mercury: If Mercury is Atmakaraka then the desire is commerce, business, communication, intelectual superiority, challenge is to understand others with low intellect and abilities.

Jupiter: If Jupiter is Atmakaraka then the desire is for greater knoweldge or ultimate knowledge to understand the creation, brahma vidya, and  utmost wisdom, and challenge is to deal with fools and mandbuddhi and in case of females it is to accept their husbands as guru no matter they might be mandbuddhi but the husband is a women's guru.

Venus: If Venus is Atmakaraka then the desire is for beautiful things, sex, love, lust, and in absence of  Jupiter or its aspect Venus tends to become little dirty, so the challenge is to have self control, and for females it is to remain chaste and keep or guard the power that emnates from chastity, it is a great women power but lot of descipline is needed, in Hinduism it is called Pativrata, meaning staying devoted to one man as husband (physically and mentally), guru and leader of her life this gives an immense power or healing and blessing to a women who is pativrata.

Saturn: If Saturn is Atmakaraka then the desire is for descipline, to bring that into the lives of the people in form od democracy and individuality and to follow strict path towards self elevation, and the challenge is people and only people, because people can be real pain in a democracy.

Rahu: If Rahu is the Atmakaraka then the native might be cheated in his or her life so the challenge is to remain honest and truthful even in the most adverse situations. tough!!

Rahu is stronger then Saturn when it comes to giving pain.

Amatya karaka (AmK): Significator of Career, Intellect, and Creativity and Amatya means minister.

Amatyakaraka is the planet with the second highest degrees in your chart, and its role is like minister to a king, and hence it guides the Atmakaraka towards its destiny with its intellect, mind, creativity, and profession.

Amatya karaka is significator of 2nd house (dhana bhava), 5th House (Putra bhava), 9th house (dharma bhava) and 10th house (Karma bhava)

Sun denotes power, authority, politician, leader,

Moon denotes, comfort, public servants, and all those who use their mind and intellect to perform.

Mars denotes, Bravery, courage, so all those who need these two to perform like Military, Police (But not in Canada) :-))

Mercury denotes, business men and women, commerce related, comuunication based,

Jupiter denotes, knowledge, so teachers, professors, instructors, guides, guru, pathfinders,

Venus denotes, the beautiful people (Physical beauty) all those related to Films, TV,

Saturn denotes hard work, slow and steady, dirty and dark,  mostly workers who use physical strength to perform.

Rahu: It denotes shadow, deception, crime, pain, so people related to Politicians, :-)

Katu: It denotes "to let go", Saints, Mystics, Sanyasins, Yogis,

If a planet comes into association with both Atmakaraka and Amatya karaka then the profession of that graha will come to pass.

Bhratru Karaka (BK): Significator of siblings, and the planet with third highest degree  in your chart falls in this category, it is also the significator of 3rd (Sahaj bhava), 9th and 11th ( Labha bhava) house, and 3rd house signifies younger siblings, neighbours, short journeys, death of parents, courage, bravery, hobbies and abilities.
Pitri Karaka (PiK): Significator of father, the planet with 4th highest degrees falls in this category and it signifies 9th house, dharma bhava, it signifies father, guru, dharma, long journeys, univeristy education.
Matri Karaka (MK) : Significator of Mother and the planet with fifth highest degrees in your chart falls in this category, it is also the significator of 4th house (Bandhu bhava) and it signifies Mother, Vehicles, education, relatives, happiness, land andbuildings, throne.
Putra Karaka (PK) : Significator of Children, and the planet with sixth highest degree of longitude falls inthis category, it is also the significator of 5th house (Putra bhava) and Putra bhava signifies children, intelligence, education, wealth, punya, creativity, Mantra and sacred spells, pregnancy, and wisdom.
Gnati Karaka (GK) : Significator of cousins and relatives, the planet with 7th highest degrees falls in this category and it signifies 6th house (Ari Bhava) and also 8th (Randhara bhava) and 12th houses (Vyaya bhava) and 6th house signifies enemies, disease, vocation, income, earnings, maternal uncles, legal, debts, competitions, disagreements, etc.
Dara Karaka (DK) : Significator of wife or girlfriend or spouse, the planet with lowest degree of longitude falls in this category, and it signifies 7th house (Yuvati bhava) and it signifies Spouse, Business partners, relations, trade, protection against enemies and disease.

The significations of the 12 houses from the rising sign (Ascendant) are,

1st House (Kalpa - power)- Native's body, Fame, Limbs,  
2nd House (Sva -wealth) - Family, Wealth, Eyes, Speech, Truthfulness, 
3rd House (Vikrama - Prowess) - Brothers, Bravery, Meals, 
4th House (Graha - Dwelling place) - Relations, Education, Mother, Cows, Dwelling place, Carriage,                                                             Comfort,
5th House (Pratibha - Intelligence) - Sons, Intelligence, Previous Karma, 
6th House (Kshata - Wound) - Enemies, Disease,
7th House (Manmatha - Desire) - Wife, Generosity, Respect,
8th House ( Randhra ) - Death, Duration of Life, 
9th House (Guru - Father or Preceptor) - Deed of Virtue, (Iyer's English translation of Dharma) 
                                                                   Father, Medicine,
10th House (Mana - Respectability) - Avocation, Knowledge, Clothes, 
11th House (Bhava - Acquisition) - Gain,Earning,
12th House (Vyaya - Loss) - Loss, Bad deeds, Travels,

4th and 8th housese are known as Chaturasra signs,
7th house is known as Dyuna,
10th house is known as Ajna,

(Ref - Varaha Mihira)


ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala Montreal, 05 July 2016

Mantra- Istadevata and Grahas

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Mantra for Ista Devata: Ganesh is first no matter who is your Ista devata.

ॐ श्री विनायकम  गुरुं  भानु  ब्रह्मा  विष्णु महेश्वरन !

सरस्वती प्रणम्यदौ सर्व कर्यरथे सिद्धये !!

Meaning: Vinayaka ( Ganesha) Guru and Sun, followed by the trinity Brhama (Creator) Vishunu (preserver) and Mahesh (Destroyer) if worshipped in that order goddess Saraswati automatically is appeased and all your works and actions will come to pass.

Ganesh: ॐ श्री गणेशाए नमः  ! 

Meaning: Aum is the witness that I salute Shri Ganesha.

Vishnu/Dattatreya: ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय नमः! 

Meaning: Aum is the witness that I salute Shri Vasudeva narrator of Bhaghavad Gita.

Rama: ॐ श्री  रामा  रामा  रामेति , रमे रमे मनोरमे , सहस्रनाम तत्तुल्यं  रामा  नामा वराणंने  !! 

 (Sri Rama raksha Strotram)

Meaning: Aum is the witness that  when I recite or repeat the name of Shri Rama the purushottam, reciting his name one time is equal to reciting names of other deities 1000 names.

Krishna: ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय नमः! 

Meaning: Aum is the witness that I salute Shri Vasudeva narrator of Bhagavada Gita.

Lakshmi: ॐ श्री महलक्ष्मीए नमः 

Meaning: Aum is the witness I salute Cosort of Shri Vishnu Sri Maha Lakshmi.

Shiva: ॐ नमः शिवाय

Meaning: Aum is the witness that I salute  Shiva.

Parvati/ Gauri, Durga: ॐ ऐंग ह्रीम कलीम चमुंडाए नमः !! 

Meaning: Aum is the witness that I salute Mother goddess Chamundi with her beeja Aim Hrim and Kleem. 

Hanuman: ॐ नमो हनुमते , ॐ ह्रम ह्रीम ह्रूम फट स्वः !! 

Meaning: Aum is the witness that I salute Sri Hanuman, follows his beeja mantra for homam.

Subramanya Swami:

ॐ श्री सुब्रमन्यस्वामिने नमः! 

Meaning: Aum is the witness that I salute Shri Subramanya swami.

Sri Narashimha Swami: 

ॐ श्री नरसिम्हास्वामीने नमः! 

Meaning: Aum is the witness that I salute Shri Nara shimha swamy.

Varaha swami is again same as Vishnu.

ShaniDev: ॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रौं सः शनैश्चराय नमः ! 

Then Beeja Mantras for each planets are as following : all Mantras, Aum is the witness that I salute the planet with its beeja aksharas.

Sun: ॐ श्री ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रौं सः सूर्याय नमः !! (Aum Sri Hran Hreen Hraun Saha Suryay Namah!)

Moon: ॐ श्री श्रां श्रीं श्रौं सः चंद्राय नमः !! (Aum Sri Shran Shreen Shraun Saha Chandraya namah!)

Mars: ॐ श्री क्रां क्रीं क्रौं सः भौमाय नमः ! ( Aum Sri Kraan Kreen Kraun Saha Bhaumaya Namah!)

Mercury: ॐ श्री ब्रां ब्रीं ब्रौं सः बुधाय नमः !! ( Aum Sri Braan Breen Braun Saha Budhaya Namah!)

Jupiter: ॐ श्री ग्रां ग्रीं ग्रौं सः गुरवे नमः !! (Aum Sri Graan Green Graun Saha Gurave Namah! )

Venus: ॐ श्री द्रां द्रीं द्रौं सः शुक्राय नमः! (Aum Sri Draan Dreen Draaun Saha Shukraya Namah! )

Saturn: ॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रौं सः शनैश्चराय नमः ! (Aum Pram Preem Praum Saha Shaneshcharaye Namah!)

Rahu: ॐ श्री भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रौं सः रहावे नमः ! ( Aum Sri Bhraan Bhreen Bhraun Saha Rahave Namah!)

Ketu: ॐ श्री स्रां स्रीम सरौं सहा केतवे नमः ! ( Aum Sri Sraan Sreen Sraun Saha Keteve Namah!)

Each mantra needs to be chanted 108 times in each sitting, for their natural karakas.

Please note for people who can read devanagari script they can pronounce it like it shoul dbe but htose who can not read devanagari script then they would read transliteration and the problem is with pranounciation of beeja akshara (words), because some write it Pram, some Pran, some Prang, I used Praan to get the correct devanagari equivalent, but all end with same m like in Aum.

ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala Montreal, 05 July 2016

Jun 30, 2016

Planets and their Avastha (situation or condition)

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

One should understand that when you say Grah or Planet it also means a person in your social circle, and mostly they are your family members also, like

SUN IS FATHER, the best position is Aries, Leo, as 1st, 5th, 9th, 10th 11th house.

MOON IS MOTHER the best position is Taurus and Cancer as 4th house,

MARS IS BROTHER AND MALE FRIENDS best position is Capricorn, Aries and Scorpio as 3rd or 11th house.

MERCURY IS SISTER OR DAUGHTERS best position is Virgo and Gemini as 3rd, 5th and 11th house.

JUPITER IS GURU AND HUSBAND IN WIFE'S CHART best position is Cancer, Saggitarius and Pisces as Lagna, 9th, 11th , and 7th.

VENUS IS WIFE OR GIRLFRIEND best position is Pisces, Libra and Taurus as 7th, 4th or Lagna.

SATURN IS UNCLE OR OLD MAN best position is Libra, Aquarius, Capricorn as 9th, and 10th then 11th house.

So If one of them is afflicted it will effect you as well.................

Then we have seenmany many times that we talk about Grah or Planet being Exalted (Uccha Avastha) or Debilitated ( Neecha Avastha what exactly it means,


So the planet is all happy and exalted with excitement so the effects from it will fllow its avastha.

Sun gets exalted in Aries and deep point of exaltation is 10th degree.

Moon gets exalted in Taurus and deep point of exaltation is 3rd degree.

Mars gets exalted in Capricorn and deep point of exaltation is 28th degree.

Mercury gets exalted in Virgo and deep point of exaltation is 15th degree.

Jupiter gets exalted in Cancer and deep point of exaltation is 5th degree.

Venus gets exalted in Pisces and deep point of exaltation is 27th degree and

Saturn gets exalted in Libra and deep point of exaltation is 20th degree.

Rahu gets exalted in Gemini and Ketu gets exalted in Saggitarius,

(Ref - Varaha Mihira )


Sun Moola Trikona is Leo

Moon Moola Trikona is Taurus

Mars Moola Trikona is Aries

Mercury Moola Trikona is Virgo

Jupiter Moola Trikona is Saggitarius

Venus Moola Trikona is Libra

Saturn Moola Trikona is Aqaurius

OWN HOUSE PLANET                      ---- BEHAVES LIKE IT IS AT OWN HOME (Relaxed)

Sun own house is Leo

Moon own house is Cancer

Mars own houses are Aries and Scorpio

Mercury own houses are Gemini and Virgo

Jupiter own houses are Saggitarius and Pisces

Venus own houses are Taurus and Libra

Saturn own houses are Capricorn and Aquarius

FRIENDS HOUSE                        ----  BEHAVES LIKE IT IS AT A FRIENDS HOME (Freedom)

Sun permanent friends are Moon, Mars and Jupiter, 

Moon permament friends are Sun and Mercury,

Mars permanent friends are Sun, Moon and Jupiter,

Mercury permanent friends are Sun and Venus,

Jupiter permanent friends are Mercury and Saturn,

Venus permanent friends are Mercury and Saturn,

Saturn permanent friends are Mercury, Venus and Rahu as well,

Then check the pemporary friendship and deduce the compund friendship to see the effects.

NEUTRAL HOUSE                           ---- BEHAVES LIKE IT IS NOT BIASED.

Mercury is neutral to Sun,

Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are neutral to Moon.

Venus and Saturn are neutral to Mars,

Mars, Jupiter, Saturn are neutral to Mercury and Rahu and Ketu as well,

Saturn is neutral to Jupiter and Rahu and ketu as well,

Mars and Jupiter are neutral to Venus,

Jupiter is neutral to Saturn,

ENEMY'S HOME                                ---- BEHAVES LIKE IT IS WITH AN ENEMY.

Venus and Saturn are enemies of Sun

Ketu and Rahu are enemies of Moon,

Mercury and Rahu are enemies of Mars,

Moon is the only permanent enemy of Mercury,

Mercury and Venus are enemies of Jupiter,

Sun and Moon are enemies of Venus,

Sun, Moon and Mars are enemies of Saturn and Ketu as well.


Sun gets debilitated in Libra and deep point of debilitation is 10th degree.

Moon gets debilitated in Libra and deep point of debilitation is 3rd degree,

Mars gets debilitated in Cancer and deeppoint of debilitation is 28th degree,

Mercury gets debilitated in Pisces and deep point of debilitation is 15th degree,

Jupiter gets debilitated in Capricorn and deep point of debilitation is 5th degree,

Venus gets debilitated in Virgo and deep pointo f debilitation is 27th degree,

Saturn gets debilitated in Aries and deep point of debilitation is 20th degree,

Rahu and Ketu at 15th degrees in Saggitarius and Gemini respectively,

(Ref - Varah Mihira)

Now when ever you come across these terms then understand how that planet in that situation will behave when it comes to delivering the results, it will be exactly like they behave.

So the phala or effects will be all positive and happy for a Exalted planet and like wise the effects go down as they move down the list and the worst effects are delivered by a planet in enemy's place and followed by in prison or debilitated.

The worst situation is if debilitated planets depositor or lord of the sign is also debilitated, e.g. Mercury in Pisces is debilitated and its lord Jupiter is posited in Capricorn, it is worst situation for both the planets.

Neecha Bhanga: Effects leading to Raja Yoga or Good results instead of adverse effects.

1) Lord of the house where a planet is debilitated is posited in kendra, 1,4,7,10th house from Lagna,
2) Lord of the house where a planet is debilitated is posited in kendra, 1,4,7,10th house from Moon,
3)It is aspected (dhristied) by its lord of the house, e.g. Jupiter aspects pisces with Mercury,
4)It is aspected (dhristied) by its exaltation lord, e.g. Venus aspects psices with mercury,
5)It exchanges sign with the lord of the house, e.g. Mercury in Pisces and Jupiter in Virgo or Gemini,
6) It is aspected by another planet in debilitation, e.g. Venus from Virgo aspects Mercury in Pisces.
7) The debilitated planet is exalted in Navamsa chart,

Neecha bhanga converts the planets effects from adverse to favourable.

Neecha Bhanga raja yoga gets cancelled,

1) If such a debilitated planet which gets its debilitation cancelled is combust.
2) If such a debilitated planet which gets its debilitation cancelled is in 6th,8th and 12thhouse.


ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala Montreal, 30 June 2016

Jun 23, 2016

Questions on Astrology from 01 June 2016 to 18 Aug 2016

ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Following are the Questions asked by people from 12th June 2016

(Note: What ever you read at sites like Astrosage.com etc. might not be correct as lot of information is being added by the intelligence agencies as Varshphal, particularly to certain targeted audience, so take precautions whatever you read, if you find it too negative, be ceratin the information is from Intelligence agencies in India or Canada and not from the Astrologers or authors.:-))

Question 1,

I have Capricorn lagna and Shukra becomes a marak by being in the 12th house. 
Is it OK to wear Shukra ratna opal, zircon, diamond? on Tanu Bhava- First House, Lagna/Ascendent, Signs/Houses

Brijesh Rana on 6/12/16

Answer: I don't wear any gem stones. thanks!!

Question 2,

Kindly help me with your knowledge of Horoscope
Sent: June 16, 2016 10:47 PM

Name - Devesh
Date of Birth - 23 June 1983

​time - 17:29 pm
Place of Birth - Birpur, Bihar

Please do let me know about carrier and finance.

Answer: Lagna is Scorpio, Jupiter and Moon in Lagna, 2nd house is with Ketu, 3rd, 4th,5th and 6th are empty, 7th is Taurus with Mercury, 8th with Sun, Mars and Rahu, and 9th with Venus, 10th,11th empty, 12th is Libra with Exalted Saturn. Navamsa, Lagna Capricorn with Venus, 7th Mercury, 9th Jupiter, 10th Mars and Rahu, 11th Saturn, 12th Sunand Moon, Nakshatra Jayestha, Tithi Shukla Chaturdashi,

Jayestha Nakshatra can give over confidence, and Career is seen from 1st, 6th and 10th, Finance from 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 9th, 11th, Loss from 6th,8th and 12th, Career, 6th is empty, 10th is also empty, Did you try Army, Defence, Police, BSF, etc, on the other side you can be a good story teller, good teacher, physical education, PT teacher, Astrology, :-) Finance is average, Vyaya bhava is strong so careful in investments, Saturn is exalted so it can show you the worse of worse and your Saturn maha dasha is 2084 :-) lucky you, your current maha dasha is Venus till 2027 and Venus is in 9th house, dharma bhava so things should be ok and favourable but they keep changing due to various Antara dashas, thanks!!

Question 3,

I hv sun jupiter Venus ketu in 8th house Asc. Sagittarius Saturn in asc. Rahu in 2nd Moon in 3rd MARS in 5th Mercury in 9th Tell about my marriage life nd remedies on Three and more than three Planets in one House at the time of Birth

THE HINDU on 6/18/16

Answer: Please read Yuvati bhava in my blog, Date of Birth, Time of Birth and Place of Birth is required to see the chart. thanks!!

Question 4,

Namashkaram Sir,
My Name is Amarjeet Singh

Date of Birth: 28/11/1981

Time of Birth: 5:30 AM

Place of Birth: Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India, 211003

Sir, I have got your mail addresses from your blog http://ianala.blogspot.in/
I am writing to you this mail in a hope to get some guidance to shape up my life in a correct manner.

Sir, please check my chart and suggest me some remedies which can help me to stable my life professionally and personally.

Answer: Hello Amarjit,  Keep going that is the Mantra and never give up..........
Lagna is Libra, with Jupiter, Nakshatra is Jyestha Pada 4, Tithi is Shukla Dwitya, All is well till now, 2nd house is Scorpio with Moon 27 Degrees, Sun 12 Degrees and Mercury is 5 degrees, and it has malefic (Krura) Mars 4th house aspect and Malefic Saturn 3rd House aspect, so this house whichi s your Dhana bhava is badly afflicted, actually Moon gets Neech Avastha in Scorpio at 3 degrees but your moon is at 27 degrees so debilitated but not fully, than Mercury is combust due to close proximity to Sun, as you said you had some inheritance but all lost due to internal brawls, but there is a parivartan dhana yoga, which should materialise in the Maha Dasha os Sun ( 2012 to 2018) and Antara dasha of Mars (2013) or 2034-35 if it did not happen, then from 1992 to 2012 was Venus Maha Dasha and this period shoul dhave been the best till now, Venus is in 3rd house, and free from any afflictions, and it also replaces Jupiter in Libra, both lords of 1st and 3rd house, 2008 Mercury is combust followed by Ketu, which is in your 4th house, Land and Buildings, and you said you lost them all to pay debts and shares, 5th to 9th house are empty, though Benefic (Subha Graha) Jupiter has 5th ,7th and 9th house aspect (dhristi) on 5th Putra bhava, 7th Yuvati bhava and 9th Dharma bhava, are well protected, but health of marriage is in trouble so don't be in a hurry to get married, 10th house has Rahu, and 11th has Mars in Leo, and Saturn is in 12th house, house of loss, and Saturn has dhristi on Dhana bhava, Ari Bhava (Income) and Dharma bhava, but very interesting thing is all planets are good to you in some way or other they have peotected you from total disgrace, but they are not able to give what you are expecting, after 2018 Moon maha dasha will begin and Moon is in its debilitation rasi, meaning in its Neech Avastha rasi, and the dasha will remain till 2028, and Mars in 11th is actually 10th from Moon, it is a karaka for one of the Maha Purush Yoga called Ruchaka yoga, which should trigger in Mars Maha Dasha begining 2028 till 2035, Money matters should improve in this dasha but this house is also the house of elder siblings and Mars is a warrior planet, so your elder brother or elder sisters attitude towards you will remain same like it is now, Mother is in trouble due to Ketu in 4th house, and Saturn from 12thhouse aspect on9th house casued some problems for your father also, 2002 to 2005 was the best period to get married, Aug 2017 to 2018 is again a good period to get married, but big question is are you able to support yourself and your mother, because you don't need a housewife, you need a working women wife, who can help you run your home but such women have certain standards, and in India it is very high, so I would suggest hold your marriage option for now till you are able to support yourself and your mother, then check the period Moon Maha Antara dasha 2018 Aug to June 2019 regards to money and make small investments and see the results, then Mars Antara dasha, June 2019 to Jan 2020, and then Rahu Antara dasha from Jan 2020 to 2021 July, then Jupiter antara dasha follows, based on this you can predict your future money situation for Moon Maha Dasha Aug 2018 to Aug 2028, Mars Maha Dasha, Aug 2028 to 2035, and Rahu Maha Dasha Aug 2035 to 2053, Since your Moon is in Scorpio where it gets Neecha the Moon-Moon Antara dasha Aug 2018 to June 2019 should be like 2012 to 2013 or If it turns out tobe better then Marriage will follow in Moon Maha Dasha because more then love it is Money which is required to stay married. :-)

Now the reality: All your planets are stuck between Ketu in 4th house and Rahu in 10th house and this situation is called Kal Amrit Yoga or Kal Sarpa yoga, (you can read about it in my blog)  which means when all planets are moving in clockwise direction in a chart during their transit through various rasi they are swallowed by counter clock wise moving Ketu-Rahu so the results are like eclipsed, Many temples conduct shanti puja for such people with Kal Sarpa Yoga, check with the local temple priest where such shanti Puja is conducted I think in Hyderabad they take 1800 Rs for this Puja, this I checked in Ganesh Temple in 2010, how it works depends on your faith, with out faith nothing works, then George Bush Junior has this same situation and later he became president of USA, :-)  that is because Rahu has a maturity periodof 42 years and Ketu 48 years, meaning they loose their grip after that period, and see what George bush Junior did tothe world, he screwed it so badly that millionso f people all around the globe are still suffering becaus of his actions, so there is something in store that you too will do this world and I think it has to be good because the way you have tried to soleve all your families problems it shows you are on the good side, :-)) so just keep going, babe the naa lo te chalde raho, thanks!!
Question 5,

Dear Sir,   Please check my birth details and guide:

DOB: 28/11/1981

TOB: 06:00 AM (approx)

POB: Allahabad,

i am dealing with serious financial crisis due to a highly unstable career graph,

please suggest what should i do to make it stable and

when can i get married and any suggestion on that.

Regards,  Colt

Answer: Lagna is Scorpio with Sun, Moon and Mercury, Moon gets debilitated here at 3 degrees, your is at 27 degrees but still there will be some negative effect of debilitation and then it is posited with Sun at 12 degrees and Mercury at 5 degrees, there is some degree of combustion, mostly for Mercury, Lagna is your most powerful house, and Lagna is aspected (dhristi) by Mars from 10th house Leo and also 3rd House dhristi by Saturn from 11th house.

Tithi is Shukla Dwitya, Nakshatram Jyestha Pada 4,

2nd House Saggitarius, Venus at 27 degrees it is your Atmakaraka,
3rd House is Capricorn with Ketu,
9th House is Cancer with Rahu,
10th House is Leo with Mars,
11th House is Virgo with Saturn
12th House is Libra with Jupiter

Your best part of your life has passed, 1992 to 2012 Venus maha dasha, and current dasha was Sun and will remain till 2018 April, then Moon from 2018 till 2028, which I think will be like 1996 to 1998, more or less, and then your highway of your life will approach in 2028 Mars maha dasha till 2035, because 10th house is fame, authority, ambitions, action, career growth, and Mars is also the lordof 6th house, income, and your 11th house has Mercury lordship but it is combust in Lagna and Saturn is posited in Virgo 11th house, :-) some tough times, luckily for you Saturn maha dasha will begin 2069 to 2088, which is very good, try to remember 2008 to 2011, hwo was everything as far as income is concerned, 2nd house which is dhana bhava, its lord is Jupiter and it is in 12thhouse, Libra and its lord Venus is in 2nd house, it qualifies for some parivartana dhana yoga, and Jupiter is also having 7th house dhristi on your 6th house income, how was 2002 to 2005?  

Marriage is not a problem for you but keeping it will be, as Mars is in 7th house from UL and Saturn is in 8th house from UL, 1992 to 2012 was the best period to get married, and I am sur elot of proposals must have come but your Lagna is afflicted with Saturn and Mars, so decision making is a problem for you, Saturn slows everything down, as far as your career is concerned, the ups and downs will continue and it will stabalise after 2028 with some good growth and prospects also.

Question 6,

Dear Sir,

I have a query regarding our career and financial stability.
Below are the birth details for me and mu husband.

DOB: 20 August 1989
Gender: Female
Time: 00:05
Place: Gulbarga (karnataka), India

DOB: 7 June 1983
Gender: Male
Time: 00:30
Place: Parbhani (Maharashtra), India

Please help us with your observations.

Answer: 20 Aug 1989, 00:05, Gulbarga India,
              Lagna Taurus, Tithi: Krishna Chaturthi, Nakshatra: Uttarbhadra pada 2,
              2nd house is with Jupiter in Gemini aspecting Libra 6th house Ari bhava, Saggitarius 8th
              house Yuvati bhava and 10th house dharma bhava, Saturn aspects 2nd house from
              Saggitarius, so Inheritance is their but in terms of knowledge or teaching.
              4th house is the most powerful house in this chart, Leo with Sun (3 degrees) in its own house, Mars (16 degrees) and Mercury (28 degrees) and Mercury is your Atmakaraka.Mars from Leo aspects 7th house Scorpio, 10th House Aquarius, and 11th house Pisces. 4th house denotes Learning, Vehicle, Conveyances, relatives, mother, happiness, treasure, lands and buildings, house, lands, immovable property, motherland, childhood, wealth from real estate, education, comforts, pleasures, peace, state of mind, heart, so all these are highlighted, which also means your desire to own property.
             5th house, Virgo and Venus at 8 degrees is debilitated in Virgo and it aspects 11th house Pisces where it gets exalted, and Venus is present in 7th House from Moon, and Venus is exalted in Navamsa chart, hence it qualifies for neecha bhanga and its effects will be more or less like a normal planet for 5th house which Putra bhava, Mercury and Venus are females so children will be in that direction and moon is also female which aspects this house, 8th house with Saturn and krura graha in dusthana is positive and 8th house is randhara bhava, aspected by Jupiter from Lagna, long life, and Saturn aspects 10th house which is its own house, 2nd house, and 5th house so it will impart its sickly effects to all these houses, so these houses will be highlighted during its Maha dasha and Antara dashas.
6th and 12th house are empty which is again very good.
10th with Rahu,
11th with Moon, aspected by Venus so 11th house is labha bhava and house of elders, so some female who is her elder has some control on this native. :-)


Answer: 07 June 1983, Parbhani India, Male,

Lagna Aquarius, Lord is Saturn, Tithi Krishna Ekadashi, Nakshatra Revathi pada 3,

2nd house, Moon, 3rd, Me, 4th Mars 21 degrees and Sun also 21 degreess, Mars is combust 100%, 5th Rahu, 6th Venus, 9th Saturn is Exalted in Libra, Ju in Scorpio 10th, 11th with Ketu.
8th and 12th house are empty which is very good and Venus in 6th house is also good but Venus is wasted here, :-) 

Saturn lordship in Lagna imparts certain sicklyness to the native mentally and physically also but Lagna otherwise is free from any afflictions, and Aquarius is Moola trikona of Saturn.

In his chart also 4th house is highlighted and 10th house with Jupiter and aspect of Mars its lord is also highlighted. 10thhouse is karma bhava,

For both of you Venus Maha dasha is ending 2016 for him and 2017 for you and Sun will follow deom 2016 till 2021 and from 2017 till 2022, and Sun is in 4th house for both of you and take a look at the 4th house what it denotes, all those things are highlighted, followed by Moon Maha dasha till 2032, and Moon is in psices for both of you, but 11th in your chart and 2nd for him, so some income, inheritance, profits etc.  

 Question 6,

I have jupitet venus ketu ccong. In 12 house in vrishab lagan.mars satutn in 3 rd house.rahu in 6 .moon in 8. Sun mer in lagan tell about what kind of business i do on Three and more than three Planets in one House at the time of Birth

Answer: Please provide birth details,  thanks

Question 7,

Is sun-sat-rahu conjunction in 9th house inauspicious? D.O.B 28 Jan 1991 Place- Delhi Time- 1pm Suffered a lot in every aspect of life. Want to know will I get a job and my financial conditions. E mail: koolkanika.14@gmail.com. on Three and more than three Planets in one House at the time of Birth

Question 8,

D.O.B.- 28/01/1991 Time of birth- 13:00 Place of birth- New Delhi,India Is sun-sat-rahu conjunction bad if in the 9th house? I generally want to know about when will i get a job and about my financial status in future. For a long time,i have suffered a lot in every aspect of my life. on Three and more than three Planets in one House at the time of Birth

Answer:  Your 9th house is Capricorn, Lord of Capricorn is Saturn, so it is kool, and Sun in 9th house is also kool, and Rahu is a shadow planet, so it will enhance the effects of both Sun, and Saturn, so it is also kool, but the relationship between Saturn and Sun is enemy like, so it is not kool, and Rahu is also enemy like to Sun and neutral to Saturn so it is ok, and it has a 7th house dhristi from exalted Jupiter from Cancer which is again kool, and in your Navamsa chart 9th house is very good with Jupiter, Venus and mercury in Scorpio with out any afflictions.

Your Nakshatra is Ardra, and Tithi is Shukla Tryodashi,

Your current Maha dasha is Saturn, 2010 to 2029, and from April 2017, Venus antara dasha is going to begin and your Venus is in 10th house, so your finance, job,s career, growth, all are highlighted in this period, and Venus will remain till 2020 April, so make most out of it. Saturn maha dasha is supposed to grill the native.


Question 9,

My name is Rakesh Rao. MY dob is 30 june 1983 at 8.25 pm, Kharagpur, West Bengal. plsss tell me can I get a job this year? on Three and more than three Planets in one House at the time of Birth

Answer: Your current Maha dasha is Saturn till 2028, and Venus antara dasha will begin Aug 2016, so things will improve in terms of finance, jobs, career, relations because your Venus is in 7th house in rasi chart and 11th house and in Pisces where it gets exalted, so things are sure to perk up for you.

And your 6th house is loaded with four planets, Mars, Sun,Mercury and Rahu, jobs should not be a problem for you but growth is due to Saturn in 10th in Rasi, but Sun in 10th in Navamsa there should be some balance, don't worry things are going to get well soon.



Nice Post and Content.I like this very much the prediction given in this blog is better, in this blog all the problems related to marriages ,childless etc are shared. The one who has any of the problem can get his or her solution here . on Venus : Effects And Remedies-Lal Kitab ( Red Book Of Persia)

18 AUG 2016

Question 10,

I have kanya lagna with Jupiter n Saturn... I wear phokhraj and moti ... My name is hitesh 7th June 1981 @12:55pm raipur (C.G.)India on Tanu Bhava- 1st House, Lagna/Ascendent, Signs/Houses,

Answer: Good for you. :-)

Question 11,

23-07-1994 time 3:00 pm place- Pathankot(punjab) . rahu is in my 12th house till 2026 ..its is not good for my career what can i do i'm a medical student on Election fever USA, relations -Astro,


12th house has nothing to do with career, it is house of loss (Vyaya), yes If you get into bad habits then it can definetly effect your career, please read Vyaya Bhava, 12th house in my blog, Rahu in 12th denotes that you have some spiritual bad karma from past life, like breaking of idols, denigrating some temple, and Jupiter is alos in 12th with Rahu and your 12th house is Libra, Lord of Libra is Venus, which is in 10th house Leo, with Saturn and Mars dhristi, which is kind of afflicted, so your 12th house is afflicted, till you finish your education and settle down in your career stay away from women, particularly from women of ill repute, and your 12th house in Navamsa chart is empty, so no problems here.


Question 12,

Hello, Kindly help me with your knowledge of Horoscope Name - Vivek Date of Birth - 25 Dec. 1985 ​time - 21:15 pm Place of Birth - Vengurla, Goa Please do let me know about carrier and finance. i Am face very bad condition.

Answer: Hello Vivek,  Finance, no or little inheritance, Real estate short term benefits, before marriage loss from relations, after marriage profit from relations, and Labha bhava, house of profits is with Moon in Taurus, which is also your Lagna lord and Moon in Taurus is exalted (Uchcha Avastha) so good profits in almost all investments, and your 12th house, which is house of loss is empty in both Rasi and Navmasa, and Career, it is like you have a open and clean slate, you can write whatever you like, but career growth will be very slow.

From Nov 2016 things will improve in finance, money flow and career.


Question 13,

Why one 4 planet yoga is highlighted? any spcl about it. I have that yoga in 7th house of Lagna,

Answer: Hitler had Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus in his 7th house, Aries, which is house of spouse, which means many relations, many opportunities, many obstacles, many hurdles, too many cooks, at the same time etc. I am not sure why I highlighted it, nothing special.


ॐ श्री गुरावे नमः !
ॐ नमः शिवाय!

Sianala Montreal, 23 June 2016