Mar 23, 2019

Kali Yuga

Kabir Das in late 15th century wrote,

Bura Jo Khojan Mai Chala, 
Bura Na Miliya Koi,
Jo Dil Khoja Aapna,
Mujh Sa Bura Na Koi",

Which is applicable to everyone, particularly to those human demons who blame others when things go wrong and claim everything as their own creation when things happen the right way. :-)

It means,

I wandered outside to search for "Bad",
I did not find any "Bad",
When I searched my own heart, 
No one was "Bad" then me, 

There are few things which live inside us, which are "Bad" like Jealousy, Hate, Greed, etc. etc. and are the main weapons of the Kali Purusha, who is in control of the current era, which is 1200 Divine years (1 Divine day  = 1 Human year), and we are still in its first leg, the Kali Purusha is always 24/7 trying to activate one of those bad thing with in you so that his rule on this world can continue as per his wish, Satan is like his comrade, :-) and this is also the main reason why spiritual progress is that much easier in Kali Yuga compared to spiritual progress in Dwapar/Treta or Satya Yuga.

Satya Yuga is where "Dharma" is standing on all its four feets, so it was very tough to progress spiritually it took thousands of years of penance.

We have finished just 15 divine years out of 1200 divine years of Kali Yuga and see how much violence, destruction and low, the Human's have fallen, :-) 

The reason is simple the "Dharma", is standing on its one leg in this Kali Yuga, the following depiction of "Dharma" as a bull on its one leg is not mine, :-) this is how the scriptures explain it, in addition to a bull, there is a crying cow, which is crying because the bull has only one leg.

And as If this was not enough there is this group of people I call them the Cowards, :-) they are mostly in the west (Australia/UK/U.S.A/Canada and the rudderless country, India, :-) (as far as I know) they want a prostitute (Eats Raw Cow Meat) to lead them, and they want me to endorse their selection. :-)

As far as Cow meat is concerned, Western countries (Australia/U.K./U.S.A/Canada) are ignoring this aspect we can understand, but India under BJP, :-) they too want her as their leader, she and her fraudulent friend from Toronto has already done enough damage in BJP's rule with their sudden 500 and 1000 Rupee denomination cancellation rule, :-) well not so sudden, all the people from the 100 filthy rich families )Or even 1% rich population in India were taken care of, then it was announced. :-)

See, I am calling her "a prostitute", which is totally based on the story she told me in person and yet the cowards want me to endorse her, :-) her father died because of her prostitution, he sent her to Geneva University to get educated but this women turned into a prostitute and as per her own story she brought home some 250 men from all races, colors, and creed to kneel in front of them and to sleep with them and the cowards want her as a leader to carry out all the scumbag activities they carry out on a daily basis, ok, makes sense, but why me. :-)

Then there is another group, the "Greedy Group",  and this group wants some 78 years old, 25% Jewish/Dutch/English Fraudulent Thief from Toronto - Eglinton to lead them, or may be she is already leading them, and again this group of people are also mostly in the west (Australia/U.K./Canada/U.S.A.and the rudderless country called India. :-)

This Fraudulent Thief has just one agenda, "how to steal my signature", :-) that is all she wants, and she is in her late 70's, and all she wants is my signature :-) so that she can get a closure on her fraudulent scheme she started working on some 20 years back.

The funny part is both these low lives are hiding behind many other women, one is a cat on the wall, this stupid pale skinned women is born in Quebec, and I have not seen anyone more stupid then her, but as this is also not working, as I am keeping my distance from everyone and anyone from that company called "Dimethaid", they are also hiding behind my own biological sister, :-) who lives in India with her husband, who are also working very hard, :-) well!, he got foreign trips to Thailand, and Singapore, and may be money is also being paid for their services, which is mostly for bad behaviour. 

It is like the two low lives are so desperate for a closure to their fraudulent scheme, anyone, does not matter from where and what color or creed or race or country, as long as they can manipulate me for that signature, it is OK for them, such a relentless pursuit.

And everyone knows by now what Indians can do to fellow Indians, :-) does not matter they are from Punjab, or Tamilnadu or Telangana, or Maharastra, or Gujarat or West Bengal, or even Kerala, :-) If they are to prove their loyality to their Country or any Caucasian Man or Women, including ANY White Trash from west like the prostitute or the Fraudulent Thief from Toronto, their loyality always leans towards the Caucasian Race. :-)

Don't ask me to prove it all over again, I think I have already proven it. :-)

In some Hollywood movie, there was this dialogue, " Money makes bullshit walk", so, you can think  what is an Indian from India. :-)

When MH 370 the missing Malaysian airline was being miss guided by atleast 7 countries, Indians switched off their two RADARS one in Port Blair and the other in Chennai, you know as Indians, " we always abstain from such activities", but tell us If Indians need to be pulled down anywhere in the world, :-) does not matter where they live, Australia/U.K./Canada/U.S.A. :-) we behave like crabs.

In 2015, the Indian Scumbag in E-Visa counter in Hyderabad - Shamshabad Airport quipped after taking 10 copies of my finger prints, "This is what we can do", :-) while bunch of Caucasian English Women from London freely walked around inside the Airport even before they cleared customs, as If it was their country, this is in 2015 and not 1915. :-)

And Indians want to replace me with some Indian coward or Greedy Scum, so they are studying me ( I live in Montreal, Canada) from India, and sometime back Indians scums even proposed, what If they replaced me with my elder brother, :-) he lives in India, poor fellow can't even take care of himself, :-) so he remained unmarried. :-) 

In that case my suggestion to Indians is they should replace their Prime Minister, Mr Modi with his elder brother, :-) as prime minister of India, :-) because same rule should apply, and then the Prostitute whom they want so badly to destroy their country and the hard earned freedom, should replace her sister in Paris, whatever that poor lady is doing, I have nothing against her, just because the Indians are working on this rule. Bloody Douchebags!!

And please don't ask some random Indian ex- colleague of mine about my spiritual voyage, just because they shared one or two evenings in the company of a glass of wine in their home or in some other colleagues home, how would they know, ask them how many glasses of wine I took, what brand, when, and did I dance after taking wine, or did I loose my control after taking a glass of wine, or did I simply throw up or throw it in nearby bush, these are the things you ask them, not my spiritual life, 
:-) I hardly discuss my spiritual life with anyone, including my wife, :-) because it is that personal.

And how much Sanskrit I know, :-) this you will have to ask my Sanskrit teacher from Agra, India, he must be in his eighties by now, he used to pinch our upper pinna of the ear as punishment, I always wondered why there, but now I know, the upper pinna of ear has the nadi of knowledge, he never told us and we never asked. :-)

Like I said, this is in the first 15 divine years of Kali Yuga, and 1185 divine years are yet to go, imagine how low humans will fall at the end of this era, well Caucasians will not be there to see it, :-) they are on board a fast track extinction express, rest of the world will be there, :-) I guess people from 215 countries will be behaving like Indians. :-)

It seems Caucasians (250 millions) in USA alone are having some three trillion bullets in their homes. :-)

My father tried his best to unite just the Telugu people working in Air Force, because all other people from various states had associations, and to celebrate Ugadi year after year was very difficult, after numerous attempts he failed and gave up on them, and he would say, I am not sure, what is wrong with them, they just don't want to come together, particularly the Khammas and Reddy's, my mother would say, Khamma's, bloody rascals, they kill their own family members because they are mostly communist.

In one such instance, my father being the senior most and responsible for all the outings/picnics, he would always make a final round to make sure nothing is left behind, while all the people with children and families are already seated in the Air Force Bus, which he would allot.

In one such picnic with Telugu people, he was out, doing his routine final round, and one young Telugu airman, already seated in the bus with his friends shouted, "What is the delay", the driver said, " Rao Garu is out doing his final round", the airman, a Telugu guy in his mid 20's, quipped, "Must have died somewhere", common let us go", to this my mother who was sitting next to me, immediately shot back in Telugu, " Don't worry, your death is just waiting for you, so you can go die soon", :-) she was highly spiritual and Goddess Saraswati resided on her tongue, there are many such instances where things happened when she said them, may be in some other post, :-) so later my father returned and we all came back from the picnic, after we reached home, she told him about it, and my father just laughed and said must be another Telugu idiot. :-)

After few months, we got the news through one of his friends, that the young Airman while returning from his hometown Warangal slipped between the Train and the platform and got crushed under the train, I think this happened with in three months of that Telugu folks picnic.

So folks, don't go around insulting people, you never know who is who, just for the starters,

If you insult an ordinary person - The result is simple karma, someone else will insult you,
If you insult a spiritual person - The result is in addition to simple karma, there is some punishment,
If you insult an advanced spiritual person, - The result is severe punishment in addition to karmic rebound.
If you insult an Atma Gyani (Self Realized) - You are doomed for many many births.
If you insult a Brahma Gyani - You and your family is doomed, there is a story about Indra who kills a Brahma Gyani, may be in some other post.
If you insult a Jeevan Mukta - Your entire race is doomed. (Understand this as a possibility of a conspiracy of gods against your race :-) because when such a thing happens higher powers get involved.) :-)

For Analogy, If you insult a prostitute, no one cares, but If that prostitute happens to be part of some political party or some scumbag association, then you know. :-)

Now question is: How do you determine just by looking at a person, who is who, or how do you differentiate between a Jeevan Mukta from an ordinary person. :-) very difficult, they appear same. :-)

So what ancient Indians did, to avoid karmic rebound and severe punishment for known or unknown errors, they said, " since it is very difficult to determine who is who, let us salute everyone we approach by saying "Namaste", :-) and treat them with great respect, offer water, food, shelter etc etc. and save ourselves from such errors.

And then what happened ……….??

Oh! Then Mohammed-bin-Qasim invaded India in 8th century and called the Hindu's, Buddhists and Jains, the "People of the Book", and then Muslim conquest of Delhi followed in 12th century, then the Europeans came, followed by the British and the above said culture (except in few villages) vanished from India in over a period of 1000 years.

And then what happened.....??

Oh!!!! Then Manmohan Singh was found by Mr P.V. Narashimha Rao, :-) and he was nominated as Prime Minister in 2004 and he was nominated not once but twice and India was literally handed over to the Caucasians from the west (Australia/U.K./U.S.A/Canada/France etc.), and India turned into a rudderless ship and remained so during Mr Modi's leadership also.

Hence the foreign rule continues, in 2019 also...…………….and today it has reached at its heights that people in India cannot freely communicate without the permission of the foreign rulers...……..Tch! Tch! Tch!.

I will not be surprised....If U.K. starts giving knighthoods, and titles of "SIR', (Slave I remain) etc to the Presidents and Prime Ministers of India and they would accept them with great respect and sport them in their offices.

Because the direction India has taken everything is possible...…….Tch! Tch! Tch!

Mar 4, 2019

Maha Shiva Ratri

Maha Shiva Ratri,

Shiva is the masculine side of the human spirituality, and all the Ganas follow him.

ॐ नमः शिवाय , is the Mantra, and the other important Mantra is the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra.

And at his peak who ever follows Shiva in spiritual practise are bound to reflect his masculinity.

"Intention",  keep an eye on it, whatever you do this Shiva Ratri, because it is the intention which is rewarded, nothing else.

Shiva is known to burn down cupid with his third eye, because cupid was trying to hit him with sensuous emotions, of course cupid was acting on behalf of Parvati, and later Parvati gives cupid another birth on the Earth, that is another story.

So folks whenever you pray Shiva, always keep an eye on your intentions, even while chanting Mantra's see where your dhyana is and what are your intentions.

Shiva is epitome of Knowledge, beauty and grace, at the same time he is also known for his rage.

It is him who makes rounds of this world during Asura Sandhya Vela, and all demons follow him, at that time, so three things are strictly forbidden.

1) Sleeping,
2) Mating
3) Bad intentions,

It is not Shiva who feels bad (He is beyond everything) If caught doing them, it is the demons who feel bad for insulting Shiva and might curse the wrong doers. 

So what Indian sages did, they prepared a protocol for this time, otherwise called Sandhya Vandana, so that people are busy in sandhya vandana and not involved in any of the three forbidden activities. 

But that was in ancient times.

Now there are people who have taken the role of the destructive demons who go around spoiling the spiritual pursuits of people, :-) and not just spoiling they think they can just transfer the grace by playing proxy games. :-)

Proxy games using some celebrity we can understand, but grace of shiva. :-)

Another thing I thought I should write is about "Govinda", again same people who after eating cow's meat call them selves Govinda, :-) it is another one of those proxy games.

Well people who are playing this kind of proxy games suffer from ignorance and are born in a culture where mating is the main hobby, they never had spirituality as the main culture, and their total span of whatever culture they have is notmore then 400 years, so we can not blame them, but few folks from India are playing these games for some low life from west.

Which is a sin, because Indians should know what Govinda means, and that name can not be used for some low life who eats cow meat three times a day.

It is nothing but Ignorance, mindlessness, the proxy games have gone to such level that everything is ok, even a cow meat munching bitch calls herself "Govinda".

Disturbing those people who are involved in spiritual pursuits, prayers, meditation, dhyana, etc has it own repurcussions, even If they are done with ignorance or without knowledge, like calling oneself Govinda, while munching cow's meat, nothing can get more nonsensical then this.

And people involved in this are in their 70's, 60's and are from some of the most developed countries, at least that is what they claim, Indians well :-) I have no words, I lived 34 years of my life there and I could not make out what exactly they want from life for themselves or for other fellow Indians, it was so confusing, here in west it is clear, caucasians want vanity, comfort, and good life only for themselves, and all the bad things for others outside their countries, :-) sometimes inside also, :-) but still it is clear, but in India it is not clear, so taking advise from an average Indian living in India about spirituality is like asking a rudderless ship for directions.

Common, gaining knowledge is not difficult, you have to start from K for Knowledge, but calling yourself "Govinda", while munching cow's meat is the most foolish thing to do.

ॐ नमः शिवाय !


Mar 1, 2019

विवेका चूड़ामणि

Sutra No 141 

महा मोहग्राहग्रसनगलितात्मावगमनो 

धियो  नानावस्थां  स्वयमभिनयंस्तद्गुणतया |    

अपारे  संसारे विषयविषपूरे  जलनिधौ 

निमज्योन्मज्यायं  भ्रमति  कुमतिः कुत्सितगतिः || 


A person of deluded mind, whose knowledge of self has been swallowed by the shark of complete ignorance, behaves as though the different states of intellect were the attributes of the self, and drifts up and down, now rising and now shrinking, on the ocean of change, which is full of poison of sense pleasures. 

What a miserable fate indeed.

Note: The first thing that covers Atma is ignorance (Imagine like a sheath around it) which remains as such for at least 10 billion births, before the self even tries to get rid of it. :-)

Sutra no 142


भानुं तिरोधाय विजृम्भते यथा | 


तथा तिरोधाय विजृम्भते स्वयम ||  


As the clouds which are formed by the sun rays veils the sun, the same way the ego arisen from the self veils the self, and as the clouds manifest in full by covering the sun, the ego also manifests in full by covering the self.

Note: It is very normal for a person to think it is him who is all powerful, :-) like the cloud covering the sun, and the person as well might think it is him who is doing everything, like the cloud which might think it is causing the rain, but like the sun it is always the Atma which is sole cause of everything that happens.


Atma - Paramatma

What If I say there is no such thing as soul. :-)

Then the question comes, "Who am I", or "Who are we".

Answer is: You are just a hologram. 

Like a hologram, you come alive when the light is on, and you disappear when the light is off.

Then the question is but it is so real, I can feel it, I can touch it, I can break it, change it.

Answer: all the तत्त्व (Tatva) make it look real.

What is a tatva?

Answer: Eyes, Ears, Nose, Skin, Tongue, Mind, Sight, Hearing, Smell, Touch, Taste, etc. are all tatva's, there are more then 100 of them, which make the projection look real.


But I have been working to create my kingdom forever and forever and forever... and only for our/my people, bohoooooooo hhooooooooobhooooooooo.

Question to ask yourself: Where are the ancient civilizations, they all created kingdoms for their people, where are they now, all we see is the ruins, some of them have vanished with out a trace of even the ruins.

Hence the main job is find your SELF.

Note: Advance course available - Deposit 10,000 CAD per person, One to one basis and selection of the candidate will be by me. (Men Only for now)

Duration of Course: 20 Years.  

Warning: If you pursue this path, you might be blocked/hacked/tortured/labelled/insulted/ subjected to indignation and hazing by people (Domestic Terrorists - like clouds) who protect the interests of 1% population of your country, (100 families in India) (All countries have this disease (Bimari)), Hence the deposit.

Spiritual Angle: Your Prarabhda Karma will come in to play, Prarabhda Karma is what decides or draws the coordinates of your life, that is even before you are born, so as you burn them in the knowledge of self, they will continue to pour from all your 10 billion previous lives, otherwise a small portion is consumed in each life.

Challenge: You can see it requires the strength of 1000 Men. 

Anyone Interested. :-) 


Feb 28, 2019

प्रातःकाल सन्ध्याम् - Part-II

प्रातः काल संध्या वन्दनं -II (पुरुष )


ॐ अछुताया नमः  / स्वाहा !
ॐ अनन्ताय नमः  /  स्वाहा !
ॐ गोविन्दाय नमः  / स्वाहा !

ॐ केशवाय नमः

ॐ नारायणाय नमः
ॐ माधवाया  नमः
ॐ गोविन्दाय नमः
ॐ विष्णवे नमः
ॐ मधुसूदनाय नमः
ॐ त्रिविक्रमाय नमः
ॐ वामनाय नमः
ॐ श्रीधराया नमः
ॐ ऋषिकेशया नमः
ॐ पदमनाभया नमः
ॐ दामोदराय नमः

गणपति ध्यानं 

शुक्लाम्बरधरं  विष्णुं  शशिवर्णं  चतुर्भुज़म प्रस्नवदनं ध्यायेत सर्व विघ्नोपशांतयेत |


ॐ भूः । ॐ भुवः । ओग्ं सुवः । ॐ महः । ॐ जनः । ॐ तपः । ओग्ं स॒त्यम्
ॐ तथ्स॑वि॒तुर्वरे॓ण्यं॒ भर्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि ।   धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचोदया॓त् ॥        
ओमापो॒ ज्योती॒ रसो॒‌உमृतं॒ ब्रह्म॒                                  
भू-र्भुव॒-स्सुव॒रोम् ॥
आचम्य (ॐ केशवाय स्वाहा, … श्री कृष्ण परब्रह्मणे नमो नमः)

जपं सङ्कल्पः 

पूर्वोक्त एवङ्गुण विशेषण विशिष्ठायां शुभतिथौ 

ममोपात्त दुरित क्षयद्वारा श्री परमेश्वर प्रीत्यर्थं

संध्या यथाशक्ति गायत्री महामन्त्र जपं करिष्ये ॥

करन्यास : 

ॐ तथ्संवितुः  ब्रह्मात्मने  अङ्गुष्ठाभ्यां  नमः | 

वेरण्यं विष्णवात्मने तर्जनीभ्यां  नमः  | 
भर्गो देवस्यं रुद्रात्मने  मध्यमाभ्यां  नमः  | 
धीमहि सत्यात्मने  अनामिकाभ्यां नमः | 
धियो  यो  नः  ज्ञानात्मने  कनिष्टिकाभ्यां नमः  | 
प्रचोदयात  सर्वात्मने  करतल  करपृष्ठाभ्यां  नमः  | 


ॐ तथ्संवितुः ब्रह्मात्मने हृदयाय नमः | 

वेरण्यं  विष्णवात्मने शिरसे  स्वाहा ||  
भर्गो देवस्यं रुद्रात्मने शिखायै  वषट |  
धीमहि सत्यात्मने  कवचाय  हुम् | 
धियो  यो  नः  ज्ञानात्मने  नेत्रत्रयाय  वौषट | 
प्रचोदयात  सर्वात्मने  अस्त्रायफट | 

ॐ भूर्भुवस्सुवरोमिति  दिग्भन्धः  | 

प्रणवा  जपं

प्रणवस्य  ऋषि  ब्रह्मा
देवी गायत्री  छंदा
परमात्मा देवता

भूऱाधि सप्त  व्याहृतिनाम अत्री  भृगु  कुथसा  वशिष्टा  गौतमा कश्यपा आंगिरसा  ऋषयः !
गायत्री  उष्णिक अनुष्टुप बृहती पंक्ती  त्तृष्टुप  जगत्यः  छन्दांसि !
अग्नि  वायु अर्क  वगीसा  वरुणा  इंद्रा  विश्वे  देवा  देवताः  !


ॐ भूः । ॐ भुवः । ओग्ं सुवः । ॐ महः । ॐ जनः । ॐ तपः । ओग्ं स॒त्यम्
ॐ तथ्स॑वि॒तुर्वरे॓ण्यं॒ भर्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि ।   धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचोदया॓त् ॥
ओमापो॒ ज्योती॒ रसो॒‌உमृतं॒ ब्रह्म॒
भू-र्भुव॒-स्सुव॒रोम् ॥

You can repeat this step 12 times also.

गायत्री  अवाहन

आयात्विति  अनुवाकस्य  वामदेव ऋषिः
अनुष्टुप  छन्दाः
गायत्री देवता

आया॑तु॒ वर॑दा दे॒वी॒ अ॒क्षरं॑ ब्रह्म॒संम्मितम् ।  

गा॒य॒त्रीं॓ छन्द॑सां मा॒तेदं ब्र॑ह्म जु॒षस्व॑ नः  ।
यदह्ना॓त्-कुरु॑ते पा॒पं॒ तदह्ना॓त्-प्रति॒मुच्य॑ते । 
यद्रात्रिया॓त्-कुरु॑ते पा॒पं॒ तद्रात्रिया॓त्-प्रति॒मुच्य॑ते ।
सर्व॑ व॒र्णे म॑हादे॒वि॒ स॒न्ध्यावि॑द्ये स॒रस्व॑ति ॥
ओजो॑‌உसि॒ सहो॑‌உसि॒ बल॑मसि॒ भ्राजो॑‌உसि दे॒वानां॒ धाम॒नामा॑सि॒
विश्व॑मसि वि॒श्वायुः स्सर्व॑मसि स॒र्वायुः अभिभूरों।

गायत्री-मावा॑हया॒मि॒ !
सावित्री-मावा॑हया॒मि॒ !
सरस्वती-मावा॑हया॒मि॒ !
छन्दर्षी-नावा॑हया॒मि॒ !
श्रिय-मावाह॑या॒मि॒ !

गायत्री न्यासं

सावित्रिया  ऋषी  विश्वामित्रः |
निच्रृत   गायत्री  छन्दः  |
सविता  देवता  |
आवाहनी मुद्रा   

ॐ भूर्भुव॒स्सुवः॑ ॥ तथ्स॑वि॒तुर्वरे॓ण्यं॒ भर्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि । धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचोदया॓त् ॥   

(Repeat ten times)


ॐ भूः । ॐ भुवः । ओग्ं सुवः । ॐ महः । ॐ जनः । ॐ तपः । ओग्ं स॒त्यम्
ॐ तथ्स॑वि॒तुर्वरे॓ण्यं॒ भर्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि ।   धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचोदया॓त् ॥        
ओमापो॒ ज्योती॒ रसो॒‌உमृतं॒ ब्रह्म॒                                  
भू-र्भुव॒-स्सुव॒रोम् ॥

गायत्री जपं  

ॐ भूर्भुव॒स्सुवः॑ ॥ तथ्स॑वि॒तुर्वरे॓ण्यं॒ भर्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि । धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचोदया॓त् ॥ (Repeat 108 times)

संध्या  गायत्री उपास्थानं करिष्ये

उत्तमें   शिखरे  देवी भूम्यां  पंर्वतमूर्थनि !
ब्राह्मणेभ्यो  ह्यनुज्ञानं  गच्चदेंवि  यथासुंखम !
स्तुतो मया वरदा वे॑दमा॒ता॒ प्रचोदयन्ती पवने॓ द्विजा॒ता ।  (Optional)
आयुः पृथिव्यां द्रविणं ब्र॑ह्मव॒र्च॒सं॒ मह्यं दत्वा प्रजातुं ब्र॑ह्मलो॒कम् ॥ (महानारायण उपनिषत्)

सन्ध्यादेवता नमस्कारः  (आत्मा प्रदक्षिणा )

सन्ध्या॑यै॒ नमः॑ । सावि॑त्र्यै॒ नमः॑ । गाय॑त्र्यै॒ नमः॑ । सर॑स्वत्यै॒ नमः॑ । 
सर्वा॑भ्यो दे॒वता॑भ्यो॒ नमो  नमः॑ । दे॒वेभ्यो॒ नमो नमः॑ ।
ऋषि॑भ्यो॒ नमः॑ । मुनि॑भ्यो॒ नमः॑ । गुरु॑भ्यो॒ नमः॑ । पितृ॑भ्यो॒ नमः॑ । 
कामो‌உकार्षी॓ र्नमो॒ नमः । मन्यु रकार्षी॓ र्नमो॒ नमः ।
पृथिव्यापस्ते॒जो वायु॑राका॒शात् नमः ॥ (तै. अर. 2.18.52)

प्रातःकाल सूर्योपस्थानं

ॐ मि॒त्रस्य॑ च॒र्षणी॒ धृत॒ श्रवो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ सान॒ सिम् । 

स॒त्यं चि॒त्रश्र॑ वस्तमम् । 

मि॒त्रो जनान्॑ यातयति प्रजा॒नन्-मि॒त्रो दा॑धार पृथि॒वी मु॒तद्याम् । 
मि॒त्रः कृ॒ष्टी रनि॑मिषा॒‌உभि च॑ष्टे स॒त्याय॑ ह॒व्यं घृ॒तव॑द्विधेम । 
प्रसमि॑त्त्र॒ मर्त्यो॑ अस्तु॒ प्रय॑स्वा॒ न्यस्त॑ आदित्य॒ शिक्ष॑ति व्र॒तेन॑ । 
न ह॑न्यते॒ न जी॑यते॒ त्वोतो॒नैन॒ मग्ंहो॑ अश्नो॒ त्यन्ति॑तो॒ न दू॒रात् ॥ (तै. सं. 3.4.11)

अभिवादये  नमस्कारा 

अभिवादये  वैश्वामित्र आघमर्षण कौशिका 

त्रयार्षेय ................प्रवरान्विथा 
-------------------- गोत्र  
आपस्तंब ----------सूत्र 
यजुः      ------------शाखा  अध्यायी 
श्री  ---------------- नामाहं  अस्मि  भोः |

दिग्देवता नमस्कारः   (आत्मा प्रदक्षिणा )

ॐ प्रतीच्यै दिशे  नमः ! (West)
ॐ उदीच्यै  दिशे नमः ! (North)
ॐ प्राच्यै  दिशे  नमः ! ( East)
ॐ दक्षिणायै दिशे  नमः !  (South)

ऊ॒र्ध्वायै॑ नमः !     
உध॑रायै नमः !  
अन्तरिक्षयाय नमः !   
भूमियायै  नमः !      
ब्रह्मणे  नमः !           
विष्णवे  नमः !         

मृत्युवे  नमः !

यम वन्दनं 

यमाय नमः 

यमाया धर्मराजाय मृत्युवे चा अंथकायचा 
वैवस्वताय कालाय सर्व भूता क्षयाय चा
औदुंबराय दधनाय नीलाय परमेष्टिणे   
वृकोदराय चित्रया चित्रगुप्तया वै नमः 
चित्रगुप्तया वै नमः ॐ नमः  इति 

नर्मदायै नमः प्रातः नर्मदायै नमो निशीः 
नमोःस्तु नर्मदे तुभ्यम त्राहिमाम विषसर्पतः 
अपसर्प सर्प भद्रान्ते दूरम गच्छ महायशः 
जन्मे जयस्तयज्ञानते अस्तिता वचनं स्मरण 
जनतकारो जनतकारवं समुत्पन्नो महायशः 
अस्तिता सत्य सन्दोहमाम पन्नगे भयोभिरक्षतु 
पन्नगे  भयोभिरक्षतु ॐ नमः इति 

हरिहरा वंदना 

ऋतग्ं॑ सत्यं परं ब्रह्मा पुरुषं कृष्णा पिङ्गलं | 
ऊर्ध्वरेतवं विरूपाक्षं विश्वरूपाया वै नमः  ||
विश्वरूपाया वै नमः ॐ नमः  इति  | 

सूर्यनारायणा वन्दनं

नमः सवित्रे जगदेका चक्षुषे 
जगत प्रसूति स्थिति नाश हेथवे
त्रयीं मायया त्रिगुणात्मा धारिणे 
विरिंचि नारायणा संकरा आत्मने

धयेया सदा सवितृमण्डला मध्यवर्ती 
नारायणा सरसिजासना सन्निविष्टा 
केयूरवान मकरकुण्डलवान किरीटी हारी  
हिरण्यवापुधृता शंखा चक्रा 

[ ॐ मित्राय नमः | 
ॐ रवये नमः | 
ॐ सूर्याय नमः | 
ॐ भानवे नमः | 
ॐ खगाय नमः !
ॐ पूष्णे नमः |
ॐ हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः | 
ॐ मरीचये नमः |
ॐ आदित्याय नमः | 
ॐ सवित्रे नमः | 
ॐ अर्काय नमः | 
ॐ भास्कराय नमः | 

ॐ श्री सवितृ सूर्य नारायणाय नमः | 
आदितस्य  नमस्कारान ये कुर्वन्ति  दिने दिने | 
जन्मान्तरसहस्रेषु दारिद्रयं दोष नाशते | 
अकालमृत्यु हरणं सर्वव्याधि विनाशनम | 
सूर्यपादोदकं तीर्थ जठरे धारयाम्यहम || 

योगेन चित्तस्य पदेन वाचा मलं शरीरस्य च वैद्यकेन | 
योपाकरोत्तं प्रवरं मुनीनां  पतंजलिं  प्रांजलिरानतोस्मि || ]

शंखा चक्रा गधा पाणे द्वारका निलयाच्युता 
गोविंदा पुंडरीकाक्ष रक्षा माम् शरणागथम
आकाशात-पतितं तोयं यथा गच्छति सागरम  |  
सर्वदेव नमस्कारः श्री केशवं प्रतिगच्छति  || 
श्री केशवं प्रतिगच्छत ॐ नमः  इति |  

समर्पणं / ईश्वरार्पणं

कायेन वाचा मनसेन्द्रियैर्वा  बुद्धिया अत्मना वा प्रकृते स्स्वभावात् ।  
करोमि यद्यत-सकलं  परस्मै श्रीमन्नारायणायेति समर्पयामि !!
हरिः ॐ तत्सत् । तत्सर्वं श्री परमेश्वरार्पणमस्तु ।


ॐ अच्युताया नमः  / स्वाहा !
ॐ अनन्ताय नमः  /  स्वाहा !
ॐ गोविन्दाय नमः  / स्वाहा !

ॐ केशवाय नमः
ॐ नारायणाय नमः
ॐ माधवाया  नमः
ॐ गोविन्दाय नमः
ॐ विष्णवे नमः
ॐ मधुसूदनाय नमः
ॐ त्रिविक्रमाय नमः
ॐ वामनाय नमः
ॐ श्रीधराया नमः
ॐ ऋषिकेशया नमः
ॐ पदमनाभया नमः
ॐ दामोदराय नमः


अद्यानो देवसवितः प्रजावत सावीः सौभगम  | 
परा दुष्वपनिया गँसुवा ||    
विश्वानि देव सवित-दुरितानि परा सुव | 
यद् भद्रंन्तन्न आ सुवा || 

Reference :
Reference: YouTube video of Krishna Sharma.