Jun 9, 2024

The domestic and international Black and White Games - II

 After I posted my last post "The international and domestic black and white games", lots of changes took place around the world. :-) what did I get, :-) the attention of lots of instigators, who bait themselves for some side, left or right or both, they just want me to react and get into trouble, :-) then the rest you know, one can watch a C grade Hollywood or Mumbai movie. :-)

And the sad part of this story is the 83 years old woman from Ontario, Canada, could not take credit for it, :-) like she always does, :-) at least for the last 15 years or so, she has been trying to get hold of my blog for quite some time, because it is ready made, all she has to do is show it to some lunatics in the Caucasian circles (International mafia, political families like left parties, right parties etc. etc., and brag "look how she trains people like me", :-), just the lip service is enough, no need to even write one word or face the music. :-)

And at the same time, she has been trying to develop a man, some man, any man from India, who would dress up like me, talk like me and claim that he is the writer of this blog, :-) for the Caucasian lunatics managing these hidden manipulation centers, all people brown or black look alike, and they do not give a rat's ass who is the writer, :-) all that matters to them is "Are we (the Caucasians ) getting the benefits or not", :-) but the woman has been working very hard, of course she uses the govt machinery, you know the electronics cum IT savvy guys.

Another thing that has happened is the electronic voodoo guys got hyper, :-) and last two months they tried everything they have in their arsenal, :-) like almost every part of the body was under attack, 24/7, it is not new for me, they have been trying this since 2003, but seriously since 2004, this time they felt real bad or rather say they were pissed off, because of two reasons, one I blamed some Caucasian woman outfit operating from some 12 countries, that they were behind Sep 9/11 in New york and second no Caucasian particularly the 83 year old Fraud from Ontario could take the credit for it. :-)

Even If anyone predicts the end of the world, like the day dooms day is going to happen, :-) the Caucasian mafia (Both sides Homo Homo gang and Home rainbow gang) would like that some Caucasian should get the credit for it, :-) not some colored guy from some third world country. :-)

This is also the main reason why I stopped predicting the election results, first reason is some Caucasian woman from Ontario or Switzerland would take the credit, :-) second the loosing side  in the election in question, If in government would make manipulations to change it, which is not democratic.

Homo Homo Gang:

These are mostly Caucasian males but a woman leads them , and all they do is promote homosexuality, and then they would highlight the target as a homosexual, and then they would use it as a reason that that person is not good enough to lead their outfit.

My goodness how hard they work, If they would put same efforts in finding "The GOD", they might find him.

Homo Rainbow gang; 

These are all Caucasian females, (I think they have some kind of lesbian culture) and are led by a woman, their focus is to destroy people's marriages, separate them, turn married woman with children into single mothers, and put them on a difficult path, but they get them some money from the government, and then they target the separated men :-) (The looser's) to accept some Caucasian woman as wife boss, :-) who would ration everything to the looser, :-) and the wife boss would run everything and act like they run this world. :-)

Remember the rainbow colors and the big brown donut as a decoration in the cross roads in Ayodhya, when the temple was ready, missed it, happens, by the way the fat woman from Ontario loves donuts, looks like the one sprinkled with rainbow colors is her favorite. :-) 

Both these sides of the same coin are actually very dumb, " Not So Sapiens", leave alone Sapiens Sapiens. :-)

Right now they are very pissed off at me, :-) because I am not accepting their superiority even If they have pale skin, and refusing to kiss their sorry ass, :-) like most people in general, particularly from India like Gujarati's, Punjabi's, there are more, who are ready to kiss arse at a drop of a hat oh! rather pants should I say, etc. etc. some of these retards with electronic voodoo  are so sure that the closure  is just round the corner, they are this close, :-) just few more minutes, that's it, it is going to be a fight or flight, Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee there we go. :-) Fussball, nothing happens. :-)

But unfortunately for them they have been fooling the top lunatics who run these countries, they run the political parties around the world, and even the outfits since a long time, I think, they were almost similarly sure in 2005, when they called me, "Rabbit" , :-) Halwa, just grab and swallow. :-)

And they went to India and said, "Rest Assured", it is all done, ask what you want you will get it.

Imagine there is someone who has some unused wishes, :-) and because that someone is trapped by the Caucasian mafia, :-) at least as per the lip service, :-) that some one will use his or her wish to get anything anyone asks for, :-) even though he or she can ask your death as well, :-) right he or she can ask for the death of the one keeping him or her under a trap, silly isn't it, :-) but the fat woman doesn't understand it, :-) she understands how mafia works, :-) and when that wish is fulfilled, she would take the credit, :-) voila! investment zero dollar, :-) and then she would ask that person (Some dumbo)  who asked for 400 plus, with out investing a dime, :-) to do things for her and her precious people (Golum Golum) from the west.

Because they need more comfort, they need every thing on a platter, because it is very hard for them to work, you know, as they they have been so lazy for the past 75 years.

You know, 

"Least governed are most governed and

Most governed are least governed" 

India 2024:

No one in India from any party said a word about the election commission, which allowed 240 seats for the Modi government in power for the last 10 years. :-)

Or is it that they didn't want to put their foot in their mouth by manipulating too much and what If Modi's wish would have come true, 400 plus, and  150 manipulated, 550 seats out of 543 seats, :-) that would have looked very bad for Indian democracy in general, and that would have looked very bad, particularly for the fat woman from Ontario, the "rest assured" gang.

The main reason why they wanted to know the result way ahead of 4th June, which would give them enough time to hack the EVM'S (If anyone still thinks they can not be hacked please get an upgrade) and make the changes, but in absence of correct figures, they could not take the leap, and came up with an exit poll as a curtain, I think as a carpet to shove everything underneath it.

Anyway, Mr Chandra Babu Naidu got resurrected from the dead, :-) thanks to Mr Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy, Mr Nitish Kumar got a shot in the arm after 8 terms in Bihar, thanks to Tejeshwar Yadav,  :-) petty state politics, and it was fun to watch Mr Nitish Kumar born Mar 1951 touching Mr N B Modi's feet, born Sep 1950.

But the whole scenario looks like, 

There was a successful man called Modi, he was walking past a field, singling and frolicking for his success, he was getting what ever he asked for, then he wanted 400 plus, and there happens to be a bull eating grass, which was known for giving boons, he kicked it (Aaaaaa Bail Mujhe Maar.) and asked for 400 plus, and he signaled or else, :-)

The bull had two horns, 

One was called Nitish and the other C B Naidu, then what happened, you can very well imagine. :-)

If you want to know how it feels If such a bull comes your way, ask Lallu Prasad Yadav, Tejeshwar Yadav, N T Rama Rao, he is no more, he died after the ambush. :-)

Poor N T Rama Rao, instead of walking past the same bull and enjoy the success he got due to acting in 500 plus movies, he asked for a boon, his boon was, he wanted to do something for the Telugu people, but he did give an identity to Telugu people in narcissistic places like Punjab, or else we from south India were called "Madrasi", and all from east were called "Bengali", :-) but after his coalition with Akali Dal, people in Punjab started asking about N T Rama Rao, and they knew about Telugu people, :-) anyway, that boon caused him so much harm that he eventually died a very isolated and painful death away from his family, which had already discarded him by then, 

There was this lavish bedroom on the roof of Safe Pharmaceuticals in Narsaraopet, Andhra Pradesh, it had a large bed, no windows, no TV, looked like it had some carnal purpose, I had to audit it in 1995, and I was told to get down from the train midway in the fields by my new colleagues at IIL, one of them who was getting instructions from Mundal Reddy of Rayalseema was a khamma, :-) I have watched too many Telugu movies, :-) and with Mundala Reddy of Rayalseema behind my ass, because I resigned from his company few months earlier, I took the suggestion of getting down in the fields as a bad idea, :-) and instead I chose to proceed straight to Narsaraopet and checked in to a small motel, and then called the people at the Safe Pharmaceuticals, :-) but still they took me to some Congress - I or TDP MLA's office and made me wait for hours before I reached the location, which was right in the center of the fields, and then they showed me the bedroom which was made for Late Mr N T Rama Rao and his new wife Mrs Laxmi Parvati, and I was told to sleep in it for next three nights, :-) I politely refused and stayed at the small motel instead and came back with out a scratch. :-)

Khamma people in Andhra Pradesh were known to have slit the throats of their own family members in the middle of a night, because they moved away from the communist ideology, If that is what they did to their own family members, Imagine what they would do to the outsiders. 

And people from Rayalseema are known for taking revenge for small small things, like he looked at me, :-) oh! they just make natu bombs in their homes and throw at each other. :-)

Anyway, some old memories came back to me after I saw Mr C Babu Naidu resurrected from the dead.

His last image I remember was with a small black lamb kid on his shoulder. :-)

There is one thing very common in all Telugu people, doesn't matter they are from Andhra Pradesh or Telangana, it is "Ghar Ki Murgi Daal Barabar".

Now Mr Modi all dressed up in White, and Mr Rajnath was wearing a black waist coat, so was Mr Nitsh Babu, :-) now after getting 240 seats, Mr Modi would be the last person to be in the books of the Black side of the international political mafia, someone misguided him and he was all Gale Milo with Black Politicians from Africa and the West. :-)

Some time back I suggested that Mr Rahul Gandhi, who has been always on the looser's side, he lost so much, his sister at least got married and has a family, he can not lean on something like that, he should focus for 2029, because I am veldig sure Modi will bring BJP to below 100 in 2029, If Modi will not do, his English Mummy from Ontario Canada will make him do, because you do not know the pressure from the political family and the political queens in them, :-) they suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Depression, Frustrations leading to Suicidal tendencies, If they do not get what they want, they just want to Puck every thing up.

Even China is not free from it, even they have to dance from time to time, so does Putin, and so does Biden, Trudeau, etc. etc. and Zelensky is the top dancer as on today.

Now China has refused to even process Garbage from the west, :-) such a behavior is taken very seriously by the lazy people of the True North, "How Dare You", hence they want someone to fight with them, and destroy them and get destroyed at the same time, I think the best country that fits the bill is "Mera Bharat Mahan". :-)

There is a big opportunity for Mr Modi for another "Aaaaaaa Bail Mujhe Maar", episode, this bull also has two horns, the west will be very happy, particularly the English mummy from Ontario, Canada.

The ladies in Canada - Quebec like men who crawl on their four appendages, better If you can use the fifth short leg also, they love it, :-) and men who sit on the floor near their legs, :-) they would boost them, but one poor fellow from Quebec, who would sit on the floor in front of every woman, even my wife from India, :-) eventually had to take some therapy, too much is too bad. :-)

And all the psychologists in demand in Canada are ladies, :-) and they have read Sigmund Freud's un-validated Psycho Analysis used by the west like Bible to screw people, it seems he wrote 18 volumes of them and just passed them un validated for the people to screw them selves, the ladies who m ostly use dog's psychology have no problem, If he drew a neud picture of his own daughter, or gave a term, Oedipus complex for people who show affection towards their parent of opposite sex, someone should have told him "Sir, please remove your dirty glasses". and see the world, :-) at least remove them while you see your parents.

Even too much water also becomes a poison, too much love, too much loyalty, too much of anything is too bad.

Bottom line: The white white wants all the benefits, and give the Black Black what they have been getting, for this they want to use India and Indians, mostly to show how White White are suffering with out comforts and benefits. No Shame here.

Hence always choose the middle path.

Take a look at this video taken in my back yard, this little birdy sitting on the middle electrical cable seems to preach this to the rest sitting on the top cable.

Ah!, ignore the ugly dangling wires, that is our Hydro, Bell and Videotron.


Apr 24, 2024

The domestic and international Black and White Game

The Black and White game, 

It is not a TV program, it is the only game for which almost all the governments of this world directly or indirectly work for, some willingly and some not so willingly, and it is the sole reason why UNO is not taken seriously but since the benefits are attached to the games, almost every government at some point play them willingly, and being politically correct is one of the requirements to play it perfectly.

Few rules, can not say a word against Jews and LGBTQ community, etc., I think these are two most important things of being politically correct, rest every thing is like OK, to err is human.

Obama did it, Pope did it, India also did it, Muslim countries will also do it, :-) after all every one wants the benefits.

The structure of the game as it is designed and played,

First the True North or the real White, it is the white white, 

Second the Black but not so Black, because these people are actually White but dress up in black, like Men in black or Women in black, :-) but jokes apart they are also white.

Third the White Blacks or Black Whites, those who work for the True North but are actually considered Black, like Indians, Jews not Zions, Russians, Ukrainians, Palestinians, Muslims, etc.

Fourth the Black Black, the real Black, who look black.

The Benefits and the Punishments,

The whole purpose of this Black and White game is, who should get the benefits and who should be punished, it does not matter those who are punished are innocent or not, they had to be black black, or in some cases Black White or White black, which ever suits you.

Rules for benefits:

The True north always deserves benefits by default, but due to some reason If the benefits can not be enjoyed openly, like now the Black is winning and the White is playing the victim, because some White person thought it is better to be on the Black side and enjoy the benefits than enjoy them by default and be hated.

Then that white person will have to wear black clothes and act like they are the real black, suffering, at least this drama is needed to enjoy the benefits, rest assured, the Black Black will not be given the benefits, :-) ya, that one thing needs to be kept in mind, they will be given something else, which goes to them by default.

So, by following these two simple rules, they have made sure that all people who are White get the benefits, no one is left behind like Rambo. :-)

Rules for punishment:

The Black Black by default were given punishments, one can check the history, go back 300 or 400 years, they have the first priority for punishments, it is irrelevant whether they have done anything wrong or not, their skin color If it is black that is enough, they will be given punishment, the pattern followed is different for every country, but rest assured they are always have been given punishment.

Take South Africa for example in 2024, President looks black and talks like finally he is awake and has the power, but the person who actually runs South Africa is White in Black dress or might not even care to wear a black dress also, the army of retards who run both sides of the spectrum, the left and the right are with her, that is enough,  and I think she lives in Canada, and her boss might be in Australia, no wonder the South African Fire Fighters came to Canada singing to help their people fighting forest fires in 2023.

Few British businessmen were told by a king in Ghana, recently, " We have our friendship from our colonial past", so we can sure do business, I thought Oh! that is what it was, "Friendship".

In USA, the prisons are packed with them, just because empty beds cost money to the private company which maintains them, so first they break the tail light of their car and then make them run, after that they are either dead or in the prison, maintained by a private company, because the US government pays the private company per bed basis, so the private company can not afford to keep beds empty.

The other rule for punishment is If someone refuses to kiss Arse of the designated political queen, representing black or white side, who has been always white, hence the audacity to enjoy benefits by default.

If black is winning, don't you think the entire USA can not be with just six white families, there were few black families also which were given lot of land but taken back. :-)

The White international family,

It is not difficult to see which country is part of this family, actually more than the skin color it has to do with the political side, and mainly the benefits, they might call themselves Right side or Left side, Red side or the Blue side, but the games are strictly based on the Black side and the White side, because the benefits are the main reason.

The Black international family.

It is kind of difficult to see which side is Black, because here they are not talking about the real black black, :-) those who get punishment by default, :-) here these are people who get benefit when it is deemed that it is time black people should get the benefits, again please do not jump to conclusion, and say, hey! , we did not get the benefits, our skin color is black, :-) these people's skin color is pale, like their counter parts, the White White, but they consider themselves black, because it is a game which is safe to play and they can enjoy benefits and avoid hate. :-)

"Chit bhi mera Pat bhi mera", "Head is mine Tail is also mine".

Native people in the USA or Canada or Australia are also part of the Black side but not the benefits, their lands were also taken away, in Canada they live a very miserable lives and are always under surveillance of RCMP.

Common !, India is playing this black and white game so well, :-) but the benefits always go to some White person in Australia/Canada/UK/Europe or USA, because he or she is India's white mummy, the political queen. :-) it took just 60 years for India to give away the control to a white person.

The president of India who looks black gets the raw treatment, on the other hand N B Modi gets special treatment at least for the screens, behind his back the story is quite different.

So, one should not worry about whether Mr N B Modi will get the third term or not, does not matter, what matters is, If Mr N B Modi gets the third term, will India become the White white or remain the Black white like now, because the current status India is in, is the Black white or the White black, as a result they can not get all the benefits, some punishments yes for sure, because the benefits will always go to the White White or the White in Black clothes. :-)

Take Canada for example, 

Canada is by default the True North, so benefits are always there for Canada, irrespective of who forms the government, the White White, or the White Black, the real black black were given a new fund in 2023, they called it "Fund for the black entrepreneurs", something like that, I am not sure how many availed it, I do not see many black entrepreneurs, driving a taxi If considered being an entrepreneur, then yes there are many.

But they are are never taken out of the surveillance/racial profiling/radicalization  program, because by default they are supposed to get the punishments and not the benefits, the black kids are always subjected to electronic voodoo, does not matter where they are, and their noses are always running, because again the black black as per the black and white game, needs to be shown in poor light, and many might be surprised, this was the precursor for development of Corona - Marona episode. :-)

Running nose, then stuffed nose, then coughing, then sore throat, then sneezing, then Knee pain, then eye troubles, then others etc were added slowly over a period of 20 years, and finally they were all pooled to form the symptoms of Corona - Marona, and the black countries like India grabbed them at the first advent, :-) because India under Mr N B Modi had to show that they can be very loyal. :-)

India is not the only country turning their country upside down to get into the best books of the White White side, for the benefits, any country where some form of blast or terrorist attack happened or happens  killing people of that country, take it as a cue that, that country is getting prepared to join the White White side at a much lower level, do not worry the benefits will not be given like "Chappar Faad Ke", (some kind of windfall) but they sure might start to trickle down slowly. :-)

The custodians of the Black and White game.

It is not the royal families of UK, or any other country, :-) there are two sets of people, mostly nominated based on how nasty they are, all are white white, one side surprisingly are mostly male, but lead by a female, and the other side again surprisingly are mostly female and also lead by a female, but one side is considered above the other, I guess the Male side with the female lead is number ONE and the female side with the female lead is considered number two, it must be due to the control and electronics they have, used for surveillance and voodoo.

e.g., They can make someone's nose run continuously or make them cough, sneeze, suffer from stuffy nose, breathlessness, asthma like symptoms, etc, all those symptoms the news channels repeatedly aired during the pandemic, and no one bothered to wear shoe covers while exiting or entering their homes, offices, schools, or even hospitals, :-) (Please note I have worked 16 years in Pharmaceuticals, including Vaccine manufacturing".) to me it was the best mockery of science. :-)

There is some form of hierarchy in these two sides of the same coin, whose main agenda is to control the democratically elected or nominated folks, and put them to work on their agenda e.g. Mr N B Modi, before him, Singh was king, :-) now Mr N B Modi wants to be that king, that is his focus, and all that pomp and festivities during G20 was to show, he can deliver, :-) not for the people of India, :-) common guys !, people of any country are never the topic of discussion, :-) it is always about the nasty people who are part of the two sides of the same coin who control or are the custodians of the black and white game. :-)

The Hierarchy:

When Sep 9/11 happened, The Political queen from Australia was numero uno, I think she was a blonde woman leading the white white side, may be she still is, otherwise why would Mr Nitin Gadkari go to Australia to give a lecture, and explain his biodata there, like how many PhD's he has, :-).

Plight of the USA under such a foreign queen:

As the entire drama is about puppetry, one dictum from such a queen is or rather has to be honored by one and all, who are part of such a family, :-) so anything can be/is carried out without a hiccup, :-) no one will object, it is the most shameful display of cowardice, absolutely no regard for ethics, principles, rules, law, anything, no shame, no guilt, no remorse, the dictum and the dictum only has to be honored.

Once you wrap your mind around this scenario, now ask yourself one simple question, with CIA, FBI, 40 top universities, 16 plus retard agencies, scores of police departments, Pentagon, any other son of a gun, Tom Cruise, :-) put together did not move a muscle while Sep 9/11 happened. :-) 

And all of them including half a dozen TV channels blamed one man wandering in the wilderness of Afghanistan with his family, even Afghanistan was under their control, some six countries operated there with all their military might, and they said one man hoodwinked all of them and carried out something like Sep 9/11. :-)

I would say Houdini must have have been jealous of that one man. :-)

Or was it the dictum of the political queen not to move a muscle until the job is done, :-) because the after shock that cae out of it shook the foundations of 165 dumb countries, some countries like India are still talking about it, and all of them got their NSA's and got them in to a network reporting to the white white side. 

Voila ! in one shot 165 countries started playing the same game at least to show that they are not on the terrorists side, " boss we are on your side", and some of them went little too far to prove their loyalty by inflicting themselves. :-)

And as the USA, I think stands at number 6 or 7 in the hierarchy of the political queens who control and run the black and white game, they sure did not had the mandate to refuse or say otherwise but to honor the dictates, it has not changed even today, though they have been trying very hard to climb the ladder and take some higher number If not the numero uno, which I think is still with Australia.

And some political queen or queens from Canada stands at much higher level, 2nd or third, then there are political queens from Europe, UK, etc. and India under Mr N B Modi, wants to get at least 2nd place behind the political queen from Canada or Australia. 

But India has to understand that the benefits till now were given only to the White White side, and India is not that white white side, take a look at your President, the way she is treated is a constant reminder that India is not the white white side, I know retards in India who have been working towards this goal for the last 20 or more years, do not like me, :-) 

China and Russia they are like the countries which do not want to be part of this tomfoolery, but since they have to earn the US dollars or do trade with other 165 dumb countries which are not on the white white side :-) and also with the 35 or more countries which get the benefits on a platter of being white white, for them it is like the necessary evil.

Japan, Germany and Italy are given the raw deal because they fought with the true north during the world war II, does not matter 75 years or more have passed, that equation can not be changed, hence for all the drama to show that the black black is finally getting what they have been waiting for, Germany is doing the honors of taking the flak, so it is expected that people should think that the white white side is in trouble, look even a black guy from South Africa is giving us the flak. :-)

In Telugu there is a saying" Hold by the hair or drop on their feet".

And suddenly the presidents of the African continent have become so courageous that they are talking their mind on TV, face to face in front of those who sold them like cattle, but not bad.

Portugal, Netherlands, and France take the plum roles, UNO, ICJ, World bank, etc.

Recent Blunder: :-)

The white white side due to its greed and lack of  empathy, no shame, no guilt, and no remorse is the policy, use anything, lies, rumors, cockamamie stories, the white white side has to win at any cost, being the only agenda and is considered smart, particularly against the countries which work their ass off to export the best produce, clothes, and other stuff and in exchange they always get a raw deal at various international forums, I am not sure why still the 165 countries remain members of such biased forums.

Current Status:

The smart guys made a blunder at a very low level or rather I would say at the street level and it is fast catching up with the top guys in this biased, one way traffic international mafia, :-) always playing "Head is mine and tail is also mine games, :-) though they are trying very hard to revert it back but it looks like the control is slipping out of their hands, and it is getting out of hand very fast. :-)

I am one person who is keeping my hands behind my back because they always treated me with great respect, :-) wink wink, :-) since 2001, they have always kept me with the loosing crowd, does not matter which party formed the government in Canada, Quebec, UK, The USA, France, and India, :-) India had been particularly very serious about this, :-) so the effects of that blunder will sure spill over to over enthusiastic countries like India, :-) the dictum from India for the white white side has been , " Maafi Maango", :-) don't you think the same logic should apply to every one including India, who were very vocal for the white white side, with out any evidence.

India, "Kaan pakad kar Naak jamin par ragad kar maafi maango". :-)

Bottom line: "When you point your finger at someone, your other fingers are actually pointing at yourself", there was no need for Cong-I or BJP or even smaller regional parties in India to play the top gun for the white white side, without knowing the hidden agenda, the white white side had always received the benefits, and the other side the punishments, and it was ONLY the white white side, and it is always them who get served, be it their country or your country. :-)

And India is no True North/ white white country. :-)

There was this story in NCERT school books about peacocks and a crow that puts a peacock feather in his ass and tries to join the peacocks and the feather slips and falls down at some point from crow's ass, and the peacocks kick crow's ass, when they come to know it was not one of them, which class was it 2nd grade or third grade.


Feb 12, 2024

Canada, Quebec, Cars and Politics

For the last 23 years I have seen -25 degrees in the first and second week of Feb, this year it has been raining and the temperatures are around 0 degrees, we boasted it feels like -35 or -45, now we cannot even boast about it, it is raining in Montreal and it is snowing in Vancouver, where it used to rain.

Anyway.....Are the elements learning how to play mischief, like most Canadians - and Quebecoise. :-) under the proxy games program.

Sometimes it feels like the weather in each country is mimicking the intentions and behavior of the people of that country towards others.

After all Varuna is custodian of Water and Ethics and Sun is his friend. :-)

Canadian government has decided that by 2035 all Canadians will be allowed only E.V. cars, and that means lot of business for EV Car manufacturers. :-)

For E.V.Cars with auto drive, we need to have roads like China, and in Canada - Quebec Roads are very good for making rap music, all one has to do is connect a recorder to the chassis of the car and drive around on any auto route. :-)

I was impressed by the driver less public transport in China, a small, cute public transport for 6 passengers, no driver, and drives all by itself, and the population of China is 1400 millions, and the only other country with similar population is Mera Bharat Mahan.

Ahem! Population in Canada has touched 40 million in 2024, which is equal to the population of the state of Telangana in India, but the area of Telangana is some 100 times smaller than Canada. :-)

More people die on the roads in India than any other country, and auto pilot vehicles are the only mode of transport India needs, :-) with an extra fixture in the front, the Canadian arm kind of arm, Bajuuuuuuuuuu........

The problems E.V. Vehicles would face:

1) Given the technology available with local authorities (Including Police) to suck power out of batteries, this is done wireless, and right now it is done on vehicles that belong to certain people who were barred from availing CERB during Carona - Marona international drama, few people in these (Govt) circles have been working very hard 24/7 to trap certain people and turn them into puppets, (Turn them into Arse Kissers) so that they merge with the majority, hence they did not allow them to avail CERB, they took three years to find out who availed CERB.

And If few availed even though they were not eligible, then a waiver was issued next year to those who did not come under the special trap and blackmail program, and those who availed it and were not eligible, and were under the trap and blackmail program, they were asked to pay it back.

Knowing all this would be done, based on our experience with Canadian and Quebec governments since 2003, we did not touch CERB or any other Carona - marona financial help program dished out in a hurry by the Canadian government, we managed with out any help.

Question: Did you ask If the Vaccines for Corona - Marona prescribed to every one three times and four times, were tested for Nanobots with eyes and ears, which can be lodged in various organs and cause havoc internally.

They (Retards) are installing them (Nanobots) in the pets like dogs, Nanobots in their eyes, you know free surveillance 24/7, the pets go through some discomfort, and it is free, poor thing can not speak, we have some 6 million dogs and 8 million cats in Canada, that is a lot of money.

Question: What does the Canadian Pharmacopoeia say about medical devices and vaccines?

And Elon Musk is planning to install a chip in Human brain, may be he does not know that all governments in the west have the advanced wireless technology which can strengthen the muscles wireless, they were used rampant on athletes, and the reverse is also available which tires out the muscles very fast like the draining of the batteries, which was used on athletes from third world countries, :-) I always think why Milkha Singh and P.T. Usha came fourth in their respective disciplines, and when China learned the technique, China also reached the top of the Medals tally. :-)

Last Olympics, The USA was asking Britain and Australia, If they can reach above China in the medals tally or leave it to them, such guaranteed technology is available and it is wireless and lot of data is also available.

Question: How do I know?

Answer: They have been using it on me since 2004, particularly when I am doing any physical chore, :-) does not matter inside our home or outside, anywhere, depends which day it is, on Mondays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays for sure, they drain me like so fast, I feel like Ram Vilas Paswan of India, other days it depends, Wednesdays they let me do my work, so on Wednesdays I am fit as a fiddle, but you never know the political queens choose days of the weeks as their days. :-) and sometimes the operators are busy or distracted, and I am half way through my chore, then it hits me suddenly, :-) but it has been 19 years, they do not want me to win even Bronze medal, :-) but I have learned to do my physical chores with the electronic voodoo on, it feels like there is 20 kg sand bag on your back, C'est la vie en Quebec - Canada.

I guess AI would do a better job with out failing or leaving gaps, which expose the retards. :-)

"Kiss her arse and say sorry, everything will go away, as if nothing had happened", says the retards, given our experience with the British in India for 300 years, I doubt their every intention, Naaaa I don't trust them, particularly the political queens, I love to do my physical chores with the sand bag on my back, it makes me very strong.

"Or just behave like nothing has happened". :-)

"Or only strong people forgive others for all the wrong doings", :-)

"Or only weak people look for revenge", but we will continue to do what we do, because we are very strong. :-)

Don't worry before this they had already installed them in your car head lights and rear brake lights, and If those cars were sold to third world countries, then free surveillance, :-) such obsession, and this obsession has reached chronic levels, and this I think is a direct effect of ladies taking over the surveillance department.

2) Few people carried out experiments on E.V. Vehicles during peak winter this year, and found them slightly time consuming but with frozen outlets.

3) Have you noticed some times, how fast the cell phones run out of power, and some times they remain solid with power for days, :-) it is the same technology used against citizens by the governments to help corporations make extra buck, at the cost of the citizens.

My wife's old I phone goes dry very fast, not always, with in few seconds it is out of power, I am now using it, in addition to my two old Samsung phones, they hold on for a week at least, I don't get that many calls, because in 23 years in Canada- Quebec, barely anyone knows me, my my they have been working very hard on keeping me isolated, people are questioned If they say even Hello to me, immediately they are put on surveillance.

And this way all my neighbors are under surveillance, the fear and insecurity of ladies involved in this campaign cuts party lines, If any neighbor has any booboo, many come to find out how they are doing, Ca Va, frequently few ladies go around asking their well being, but no one ever came to me asking me how I was doing.

4) Any Car manufacturer going full E.V. will have to consider this technology of draining batteries wireless available everywhere, provided unsolicited, at three levels, at municipal level by the police department, National level and even international level, by the retard agencies, it is mostly used for mischief.

May be Liberals and Conservatives should find out and declare in the august house of democracy, how much money they are spending on mischief, the retard agencies.

(Note: We do not have any intelligence agencies any more, all we have is mischief mongers, lie mongers, and rumor mongers, hence it is better to call them Retard Agencies.)

Instead of directly jumping to the 100% E.V.Vehicles, it will be much better If, all vehicles made available are Hybrid, 50-50 or 75-25, so that people do not get stuck in remote areas with drained batteries, particularly in Canadian winters.

Once any government agency (including the police department) begins any exercise, legal or illegal, they never close it, stop it, it goes on and on and on for decades, because every day they get new ideas, and all the smart people are with them, imagine all the smart people getting smart ideas at the same time, :-) and now everyone is involved in creating new proxy games to satisfy few ladies, who wants to screw the world because they did not get true love. :-)


Family name of a new citizen, :-) Government of Canada might give the citizenship, but the agencies do not agree, they continue to work on something as mundane as family name and first name, one, they do not have the knowledge or experience to understand the names and their origins, then they man the racial profiling agencies, some of them have not visited countries like India or Africa, but they take one look and prescribe "He is from Africa", or "He is from India", just based on skin color, how about "He is a Canadian citizen". :-)

I lived 17 years in North India, 17 years in South India, 17 years in Saint Laurent, Quebec,, and now for the last 7 years in the outskirts of Montreal, even today I come across so many things which are like wow, that I did not know.

Do you know what is Ulava Charu? :-) When we arrived in Secunderabad, A.P. from Punjab, due to Operation Blue Star disruptions in 1984, our relatives were so astonished that we did not know, what Ulava Charu was, :-) My uncles would go like, "Oh my god they do not know what Ulava Charu is", and they would tell their wives, make Ulava Charu and let them taste, :-) 

Charu is Rasam.

And there are few ladies from Europe and Canada, who never visited India, Africa or even South America, one look and they judge people from all these three continents, and they get paid. :-)

For Family name, 

Persons family name, His or her fathers family name, His or her Grand Fathers family name, that is some 100 years covered, :-) job done, it will take 5 minutes.

First name: Same process, it should not take ore than few minutes, If one is working for intelligence agency. :-) 

Most families with multiple children have middle name branding, like Kumar, Kumar, Kumar, 

Kant, Kant, Kant, Latha, Latha, Latha, Prakash, Prakash, Prakash, Deep, Deep, Deep, etc etc, there are so many of them, knowledge and experience with such branding is needed, but If ladies are working with out any of those, :-) like in Canada - Quebec, then it is going to take decades before they confirm the Family name and First name is correct. :-)

Obsessive thinking:

This is a bad habit and also a trait due to a debilitated planet, particularly Moon in Scorpio.

In Telugu there is a saying, "Tan patina Kundelu ki mude Kaallu", meaning the Rabbit he or she is holding has only three legs", no matter how many ways one may tell otherwise, they do not budge, "no, it has only three legs", :-)

So only way one can get over it, is by invading Iraq, turning the country upside down, recently Mr Trump said, "we pulverized Iraq", killed millions, displaced millions, got our own killed in thousands, all because someone was so adamant that the rabbit he or she was holding had only three legs.

And the funny part of this story is, these people, both male and female they go around prescribing therapy and psychological evaluations to people who show them the fourth leg. :-)

"He is psycho you know", "He says this rabbit has a fourth leg", :-) 

Look one, two and three, where is the fourth leg, stupid.

Ah! the one you are holding and the other three which you just counted, 

It took almost 25 years, and I have been writing since 2006, :-) now few of them are waking up, :-) 

What??? all this time we were holding a rabbit with four legs? 

But now they are looking for a scapegoat, :-) because smart people do not like to loose their reputation......:-)

" you know, someone lied to us, hence we thought the rabbit has only three legs". :-)

And they are also looking for a "The GOD" among 8 billion people, :-) because that GOD will solve their decade old, problem. :-)

"Hello, GOD, How did this fourth leg come from, it was not there back then in 2003 or 2004, suddenly it popped out, Is it magic, Miracle".

And now there are so many people particularly in India, who claim they are that, "GOD", so everyone kiss his or her arse. :-)

And the hidden game is once "that GOD" is confirmed by all the Arse kissers, that GOD will be told he or she has a Guru in Canada, :-)

All this hardship because someone did not count the fourth leg, that would have taken not more than 5 minutes. :-)

And they have taken 25 years, but still they have huge doubts. :-)

My biological mother when (1977) she was teaching us how to cook rice with out a rice cooker, and on a pressurized kerocene stove, she would say, "to check If the rice is cooked just grab few grains from the boiling pot and squeeze them between your thumb and index finger, If you feel no hardness than the rice is cooked", and "you can decant the excess water" (Ganji).

Here in Canada - Quebec, there are some very smart people who cook rice and eat it and they are not sure If the rice was cooked or not, they repeat it over and over again, and they have been doing this for the last 25 years or more, and they are not sure If the rice is cooked or not.

The reason why smart people should not be hired, average or below average people like me, would do just fine, because we just go about the business like a machine. :-)

Problem with smart people is they would judge people, with out having visited out side Canada. :-)

Bottom line: It is a bottom less pit.



Dec 4, 2023

Canada, Quebec , Cars and Politics

We are at the door step of 2024 and we in Canada still do not manufacture or we cannot manufacture an ordinary car, :-) which runs on good old gasoline,  :-) leave alone on some flimsy clean energy, this includes Quebec also.

This situation is by design by some very narrow minded people who at first place designed all the cities in North America in such a way that one can not transport themselves with out a personal car and a cell phone.

USA is better off because they have few car manufacturing companies, but Canada - Quebec are in a fix because they depend on other countries including on USA for all their needs.

Public transport is there but one should have few extra hours at hand to reach on time.

But we have an efficient system in place coast to coast to coast :-) in fact a very efficient system in place to screw the cars we import from other countries like Japan, Korea, Europe and USA.

Chinese cars have not yet come to Canada, though we talk about open competition, hope soon they will flood the western market with their cars, which I am sure would be 1/3rd the cost of the current lot, :-) for us, we can have two cars for 40,000 $CAD, instead of just one.

If a person keeps his new car worth 40K $ CAD for 15 years the federal and the provincial government would make around 15% of that money, plus whatever he or she will spend for repairs in 15 years,  but If the person would sell it after 4 or 5 years because the car is screwed by the government agencies and the car gets sold every 4 or 5 years, then the federal government and the provincial governments would make 4 or 5 times the initial amount, hence the cars are on top priority of the wimps in Canada and Quebec.

The modern cars have on board computers which manage everything and the manufacturers of almost all the cars do not see the car's operation through the consumers eyes, :-) as a result, one example is, the software If corrupted can not be set to the factory default by the consumer simply by pressing a button, a reset button, a easy button, this would discourage the hackers working for various political parties in Canada - Quebec, who are using cars as proxies for their political ambitions and mileage, and again these cars are not manufactured in Canada or Quebec. :-)

First they started with the make of the cars as proxies, then they included the colors of the cars as proxies, then they extended this mischief to car service outlets, and even to accessories of the cars.

As a result the cars are being screwed by the people (wimps) working for these political parties, all sides are involved, left, right and middle, the arm twisting is "choose a side", or your car will not be serviced as you wish, does not matter to which garage you take your car to, and these garages they take all the money without any guilt or shame, in fact many times more than they deserve, but they do not do the job as requested or as required.

There was a time not long ago when the garage would check everything for 30$ and recommend a list of things as urgent or recommend for near future repair or replacement, and then do the needful as requested by the customer after informing the price.

What ever happened to the customer satisfaction in Quebec, this was the sole reason why all the Travel agents, and all the Real estate agents were forced to write exams in Quebec in 2012 by OPC, to protect the customer satisfaction was the logic, :-) now they do not give a rat's ass, what customer wants or the car wants, their main concern and focus is what the political wimp wants, in fact the mischief is the top priority. :-)

And I think this new technique of politics used by various political parties in Canada and Quebec is the result of a few very lazy people who got into these political parties or want the political parties to consider them as queens and kings. :-)

Yes!, these political parties have Queens and Kings, :-) and the jurisdiction of these political Queens and Kings extends to other countries also, :-) which they call as global governance, :-) particularly to the 165 dumb countries, and some of the dumb countries are so excited and enthusiastic to take part in this national and international mischief, example India, some of the countries have thrown not just caution but all decency to wind, because they were/are promised some second place under some political Queen or King, whom they might not even know at a personal level. :-)

The TRUTH, everyone is promised second place. :-)

And the dictum's of these political Queens and Kings are taken at a face value, some of these Queens have proxies who drive only on the right lane of the highway, even If it means they have to block the incoming cars, and some drive on the left lane of the highway, even If it means they slow down the entire traffic, and there are some who plan accidents on the highway by blocking the right most lane.

How do they do it?

Normally one can see a train of 5 to 9 cars going in a loop in almost every locality connected to the highway, they come on to the highway together and they leave the highway together, some wants to drive in pairs, :-) meaning they want to stay together even where stop signs are there in all four directions because they were told to stay together by some political Queen or a King, :-).

When the train of 5 to 9 cars are on the entry ramp, they slow down to 30 or 40 km per hour, and this, they do it in front of the target car, :-) and as I said some of them drive only on the right lane, even If that means they would block the incoming cars, even though the middle lane might be free, they remain on the right most lane, there are a lot of women who do this, :-) the speed limit on the highway usually is around 100 km/hr, and when a train of 5 to 9  cars all black or all white, jam on the ramp or drive very slowly coming to total halt on the ramp in front of the target car, the best option for the target car is to stick with the train of cars.

But If the target car gets emotional and breaks the solid line rule and drives on to the right lane or middle lane, there is a high possibility they would be hit by a fast moving truck or SUV, because the speed limit on the highway is 100 km/hour and most vehicles in Montreal -Quebec - Canada drive at and above 130 km/hour, by doing so the target car would help the original plan of the train of cars working for some political party, as this is also one of the arm twisting techniques applied.

One can observe this mischief, at every entry and exit, at least in Montreal, :-) does not matter which highway you are taking, they come together and they leave together, sometimes the first one suddenly applies breaks with out a reason and all of them break at the same time, If one is not careful, you know the consequences, :-) this is a regular mischief on the highways in Canada, Quebec in general, Montreal in particular. :-)

While this is planned and executed by people working for the political parties, left, right and middle, as they call themselves, because most highways have three lanes, hence left, right and middle, If highways had five lanes, then I think it would be extreme left, left, middle, right, and extreme right.

The original fight is between few ladies at the top, what you see on the highways is the ground level workers helping those ladies consolidate their position, so that the elected bozos would dance to their tunes like a street monkey on a lease.

As the political parties are not free, :-) or have any freedom of expression, :-) they have to dance, rather they have to play the stupid proxy games planned by the political Queens and Kings, you can watch any parliament in session, Canada, Quebec, India, USA, UK etc. etc. 

The police department and there are others I call them wimps, who plan the proxy games for the political parties on the highways, in the grocery stores, in the car service outlets, car dealerships, schools, shopping malls, shopping mall parking lots, bus stations, train stations, metro train stations, taxi stands, side walks, and also they don't leave the dogs alone.

Now they are using neighbors against neighbors. :-)

All these can be avoided , If the political parties play their politics with each other rather than police department planning for them on the streets, but for that first the politicians will have to be free from surveillance, it is so unfortunate everyone from top to bottom are on surveillance, and it is not just surveillance with a camera or a microphone, wire taps of old days or from movies.

Now the technology is way ahead of fiction, most writers who write science fiction have no clue the current technology used in surveillance, I will write another post on this and possible AI usage soon.

But in a nutshell, the technology is to create a digital replica of everything and connect it to various rays, infrared, thermal, microwave, and also lasers, and using them they can change your skin color as well, If you are supposed to be with black side then they change your skin color to black, or If you are supposed to be with the white side then they will change your skin color to pale, all by manipulating your digital replica.

I call it electronic or wireless voodoo

Wait till AI begins to control them, AI will decide who is loyal and who is a rebel, those who are loyal will be rewarded at every turn and those deemed rebels will have to face hurdles at every nook and corner, what will elected folks do, either clap or blame each other.

And If the political parties have a system in place not for mischief, :-) but for hiring or taking new members in to their political parties, for what ever reason, then the police department can be spared from planning "Trap and Blackmail", to trap people they want them to kiss the ARSE of certain political Queens and Kings.

To protect the narrative, "that a person with pale skin color is superior", after coming to Canada and Quebec I came to know that, it is not the Brain which contributes to the IQ or intelligence of a person, but, it is the skin color which is not only the largest organ of the human body but also the main organ responsible for high IQ or intelligence. :-)

Hence the skin color is the main and only qualification in Canada and Quebec, which is considered as needed, though it is changing slowly but still a long way to go, like even though the Canadian government might award the citizenship, after checking everything, the police department and there are other agencies (wimps) involved in surveillance, and political wimps from left, right and middle, and the political Queens and Kings, they all refuse to accept new citizens of Canada, :-) as citizens and refuse to extend the same courtesy towards them. 

May be this is the reason that when a pale woman see's a colored man they immediately take it for granted that this person with dark skin color is an idiot, :-) and they can treat them anyway they like, :-) all the bad behavior comes out.

Some people might have different experience, possible.

And now there is a new trend, people with pale skin color are changing their behavior after they check your NOSE, :-) Oh, check the nose, to make sure the person is not from certain continent, skin color alone is not enough.

This is so unfortunate for country like Canada that we are talking about it in 2023.

Anyway, two big changes happened in Canada this year, the new speaker in the house of commons is a person from visible minority, and same thing happened in Quebec as well.

Apart from these arm twisting techniques the grand old game of "Black and White" is still played at a grand scale by all the political parties and their legal or illegal extensions, like the police department, :-) may be in my next post, "The Black and White game".

Bottom Line: The politicians gingerly call it racism, but actually it is apartheid, in Canada and Quebec it is hidden but guarded and fought tooth and nail to extend it to few very special people, hence the large number of wimps involved, the Europeans get the maximum benefit, even in Quebec.

Having said that, no country is free from some form of Apartheid, even India with all the ancient knowledge base is also prone to Apartheid, there we call it by some other name, but the basic idea is to deny few, their basic fundamental rights or even natural rights.

The numerology of 2024 is number 8.

8 stands for Saturn, Saturn stands for dharma, and Saturn is in Aquarius, its Moolatrikona. 



Jul 30, 2023

Canada, Quebec and Cars - Caucasians on Highways

Back in year 2000, a young Sikh boy arrives in Toronto, Canada, and immediately he removes his hair to merge with the crowd- visible majority, as he felt he had Greek looks, :-) he thought he will become a part of the visible majority just like that. :-)

Some Greeks in Montreal are barbers also.

But while working in Tim Hortons, he realized with in 6 months, that he was different then the visible majority of Canada - Toronto, so he started to grow his hair back, and started to go back to Gurudwara's to mingle with his flock, :-) he took 6 months to understand it, because he never read history and he came directly from Punjab after his high school, through some churning family sponsorship, allowed by Canada.

Then he bought a second hand Toyota Corolla for 13,000 $, and he took it for a long drive to USA, with his friend, who was also a Punjabi, while driving in USA, the drivers change and the new driver gets carried away and he drives the car at around 120 KM per hour speed, and with in seconds they are stopped by highway patrol and their car is towed, :-) and they are left high and dry in USA with out a car.

The first thing the Sikh boy does after returning to Canada is sell his car. :-)

He tells me not to buy new car particularly Toyota Camry, as it was expensive.

I arrived on 17th March 2001, and through two past connections I join him in his small semi basement apartment, and the next day as his friends arrive, I walk out in my Lungi, Banian and flip flops, even though the temperature was sub zero, his friends were surprised that it took them six months to walk outside in informal dress, when ever they had to go out they would always wear a formal suit, :-)

Poor guys must have taken the western narrative little too seriously, I told them, look around, do you see anyone in formal attire, every one is in just ordinary clothes, regular clothes.

Within  six months, I buy my first ever car of my life, Toyota Camry 2002, :-) in the month of Dec 2001, and I drive it home from Toyota Brossard  about 30 kms, since I learned driving both in India and Canada, it was a cake walk.

(Note: If you drive at 100 KM per hour on any highway where the higher speed limit is 100 KM, you can see that 99.99% cars will overtake you, and this overtaking will happen repeatedly every few minutes,  and the Police department seems to ignore it, as the majority drivers are Caucasians in V6 SUV's)

First six months, I got help from few employees, first one was from France, I asked him, why in Quebec, when you are from France, :-) he said, to you people it might appear like that, but in France, we have differences, and he came to Quebec to avoid the indifference extended to him, :-) then there was this elderly gentleman, a Quebecois, rare to find someone like that in Quebec, :-) then there was another good employee from Quebec, and few others, they would pick me up from some Metro and drop me off at the same Metro in the evening, and there was one Indian also who asked me to pay 35$ per month for the lift, I paid him, :-)

While he would drive on Auto route towards the company, our lady QC Manager driving her Taurus at 100 plus, would pass us, while my Indian friend drove his second hand Honda Civic at 70 KM per hour, he would immediately quip, my goodness, did you see, how she drives, and then he would smile in awe.

Then, when I got my car, I asked him to join me, and told him he need not pay me 35$ for the lift, he accepted with a smile, :-) I have been driving all kinds of vehicles since I was 5, :-) and my father drove vehicles at 100 plus on Indian roads, :-) so for me, QC Manager driving at 100 plus was ok, there are many good drivers.

I think once I caught her on the Auto route and parked my car behind her car, both of us were at 100 KM per hour, she immediately moved to the right lane, and with in few days, I saw a Police Car parked behind my car at 100 KM per hour, I looked at the female driver in uniform, in my rear view mirror, she signaled at me with her right hand, please let me pass, I immediately moved to the right lane, she passed and vanished from my sight with in seconds, the Diwali lights and the Police Flute were off. :-) 

With in few days, My Indian Friend had resigned and joined an ex employee who was fired from our company, she was a Production Manager, and she was from Romania, and what followed was, our Human Resources Manager Sin'D from Toronto, called all employees working at the manufacturing unit in Quebec in the conference room in a row, and one by one she asked us not to communicate or keep any kind of touch with the fired Romanian Female Employee, that was a first for me, :-) I knew the company was in losses but a warning towards a fired employee, :-) what people do after 5 is their business.

One day in Jan 2002, while returning from my work, I was stopped by a Police car, the cop informed me that he saw in a Cinemetography I was going above 100 KM per hour, since that was my first Traffic ticket ever and I did not know that I could contest it, it was for 220$, for speeding, I paid it, and I got entry into the Speedsters of Canada and Quebec. :-)

Every ten years the database is revised, and all speedsters are given a new speeding ticket on the anniversary, so that their name remains in the database, and when ever any corrupt cop needs a name for his extra curricular activities, this is the database they go after, :-).

Otherwise, 99.99% people drive over 130 KM per hour on a highway or freeway regularly, where the upper speed limit is 100 KM per hour, and these people are all from visible majority, the problem was I overtook a Caucasian woman on the highway, :-) and she must have complained about it to some Bitch from Hell, as she was also the daily informer. :-)

"How dare he", does n't he know in Canada - Quebec, Caucasians have priority, :-) her complain must have been redirected by like minded ladies various government departments, you know Sin'D the Human Resource Terrorist must have done the favor.

The series of traffic tickets followed, I contested most of them, few I paid but it become a regular cat and mouse game between me and the Police department, :-) then they started sending traffic tickets by mail, we contested all of them, and all of them with so much proof of stupidity on their part, any one with ordinary common sense would not allow such tickets, anyway we won them all, except few, which we paid.

On the 10 year anniversary of speeding ticket from Jan 2002, in Jan 2012, I was given a huge 625$ ticket, which I contested, as I was going at 60 KM per hour and there was a car in front of me going at same speed, the cop said it was 90 KM per hour while exiting a highway, the speed limit drops to 50 KM per hour abruptly in the exit, everyone involved manipulated it with out any shame, openly, :-) so eventually I had to pay 695$ and 10 points stayed on the license for two or three years, and as a result I remained on the database of speedsters for another 10 years, I was expecting a similar ticket in 2022, as another 10 year anniversary came by, but nothing happened. :-)

May be they could not use me in any of their extra curricular activities, because the people in this databases are like sitting ducks, any cop can smear anything they want based on lies, rumors, and mischief, no one gives a rat's ass, 

The last ticket was in 2019, I contested it, but it appeared the video was modified to show that I stopped at a stop sign for a second and then drove away, so 240$, I could have asked them to check the time on the video footage but then I let it go, as we were in a new area, that would start another cat and mouse game.

Since then I have been watching all other drivers how many actually stop on the stop sign, none, every one slows down, keeps rolling and then drive away.

So, it was clear that someone was not happy to see a colored man driving a new brand Toyota Camry on a highway like Caucasians (Visible majority), :-) "How dare you", try to mimic us, :-) and the Police department was taking undue interest, every day they would either lead me or follow me on the highway, :-) you know the ball bursting exercises :-)

Sep 2003, My car was stolen from our apartment parking lot, and the Police came and told us, it is ok, just call Insurance, they will take care of it, and they left, the Insurance gave us a new brand Toyota Camry 2003, :-) .

So the unhappy Caucasian man/woman, who ever arranged "the steal" must have been pissed off, when he or she saw me back in a new brand Toyota Camry, and driving like Caucasians, :-) I think this is when their number increased, you know, the leghorns were unhappy that a country rooster was among them and behaving like them. :-)

So all the puk puk puk, gathered. :-)

Then the UPS truck started blocking me on the highway, I think that was the first one, then it became a new game and it continues even today in 2023 with a large number of leghorns in V6 SUV's criss-crossing on almost all high ways, trying to show off their strength, numbers, we are in large numbers, and all connected through a network, and we all are Arse kissers.

If one can see with little thought, the highways in Canada-Quebec are badly flawed, which is the main reason for all the traffic jams during rush hours, and then the way they are constructed, it projects a sharp narrow mindedness and on top of that we have criss-crossing political or mischief mongers, everyone has a complain, and every one wants an unconditional apology. :-)

And then there are slow driving ladies, who get this advantage of driving at 30 KM per hour on a highway, where the lower speed limit is 60 KM per hour, and all the leghorns dutifully follow them like obedient boys and girls, no one would dare to cross that slow driver, it is an exercise on the highway to show someone like me, that she is an top Arse Kisser of some other top most Arse Kisser on the political or corporate ladder, who controls all the Arse kissers in all the spheres of life in Canada - Quebec.

Many times the Police department also can be seen blocking the left most lane and keeping the lane open on which the top Arse kisser is driving at  30 KM per hour. :-)

All this nuisance and drama, because few Caucasian ladies want priority over rest, just like that, :-) the narrative says so.

In 2005-2006 my Car was such an eye sore for the Police Station number 6 on Rue Grenet, Saint Laurent, :-) anyway, once my Employment Benefits stopped, they got it in March 2006, as I could not pay the monthly 521$ and 151$ Insurance, the dealership send a lawyer to fetch the car, I had paid about 15000$ till then, it all went down the drain, they sold the car but never gave me any information about it, stolen again, this time by the dealership.

The Caucasians fight tooth and nail as one entity, does not matter who wins the election.

And, the funny part is all the cars in Canada are imported from Japan, South Korea, Germany and USA, Canada even though designed its cities in such a way that with out a good car it is very difficult to move around, and Canada does not manufacture even one car, :-) but they love to screw the cars with illegal surveillance installations, then once installed they want to get them out, because immediately they realize, that it was a mistake, so they start trashing the cars, then they get involved through the car garages and screw the cars over and over and over again, does not matter which car garage one takes their car to. :-)

So we did not had a car from 2006 March to 2009 June, The Caucasians were very happy, :-) because we were travelling by bus now and walking on the streets with groceries, in the public buses they could play their other mischieves, particularly with the skunk urine.

Then we bought a new Car, :-) June 2009, the first model of Dodge Journey, Chrysler, and the car was brought from some other dealership 900 kms from Montreal, and Dodge Boulevard in Saint Laurent was the dealership, while the car was being brought to the city of Montreal, the unhappy leghorns got hold of it, :-) it is not very difficult to find out where they might have taken it, the driver who drove it can tell, but question is who will ask. :-)

The car was an eye sore from the day one, every one seems to dislike it, Dodge Journey was discontinued in 2020, we drove it for almost 13 years, even though the dealership disowned it, and treated it like a step son, or rather we should say step car, today in 2023 no one is able to sell Dodge cars in Canada, and Chrysler is on verge of bankruptcy.

And it seems almost all Dodge Journeys were targeted by the unhappy leghorns, :-).

In 2022, ,they tried very hard to trash the car, but every time, they failed when I was driving it, then on the day when Queen Elizabeth II passed away, almost at the same time in the evening, my wife drove it to the bus station to pick up our daughter, who was returning from her college, while trying to maneuver the car in a construction zone, as the lanes were merged, she drove into another car, the car got completely damaged in the front and the battery was dangling on the tire.

The other car was driven by two Caucasian ladies, the Police man arrived and immediately called for a tow truck to take their car away from the scene, it is good I reached there in time and told my wife to take pictures of all the cars involved, the police man did not ask my wife If she needed any help, :-) and filed a report against her, when the accident happened, the Police man was not there, :-) and the Insurance also tried to play, and refused to send the tow truck, so we drove it home, and parked it for the insurance to make a inspection. :-)

Time and again I have observed one thing, when ever you are down, that is the moment when all the parties refuse to co-operate, in Canada- Quebec.

During all this the unhappy leghorns were involved double time trying to undermine all our efforts, and for all the work they do against the citizens of Canada-Quebec, they get paid. :-)

Eventually the insurance paid us 4500$, and the leghorns were very happy they got rid of our car all over again, the third time.

Then within a month, we bought a 2012 Dodge Journey for 9000$, this time from Nissan Chomady, and the car drove like a new car, it had 1,30,000 KM, but it looked like new, 100 times better then our 2009 Dodge Journey.

The unhappy leghorns, when they saw us in a better car, which drove way better then our 13 years old car, which they trashed it, again they were pissed off. ........Tch Tch Tch :-)

I think they got it opened in a parking lot while I was inside a grocery store, Super C, the car started to show Check Engine Light, when I returned from Super C, and then series of problems cropped up, all one after another, all of a sudden the gasoline started to leak, the symptoms were like Covid-19, eventually after some 1000 $ the car is ok, but I am sure the unhappy leghorns are still not happy to see us  back in car and driving it like Caucasians on the highway. :-)

Note: People who brought Covid-19 to you are not happy with the results, they are looking for something with more clear symptoms, so that people can be prosecuted just by their visible symptoms, so take precautions.

It has been a tooth and nail fight between the unhappy leghorns on one hand and we on the other hand trying to keep a car running for our daily transportation needs.

For them (Unhappy Leghorns) it is a daily mischief towards trap and blackmail, eventually leading to Kiss the Cunt's Arse, :-) the agenda, some times to appease one Caucasian Cunt (Male or Female) and other times for some other Caucasian Cunt (Male or Female) who gets pissed off because we are not behaving like the visible minority at least on the highway .:-)

It has been 23 years, :-) now they have wireless technology, :-) AI is not connected yet to this governments sponsored mischief mongers, they drive our car at the same time we are driving, only difference is, they apply brakes when we want to accelerate, or they accelerate when we want to apply brakes as a result the car's transmission had to work overtime, even then we still drive on the highways like we used to drive in 2001. :-)

In fact we have more experience now to drive any car in any conditions. :-)

And the unhappy leghorns are as usual unhappy, tch tch tch can't help them, in fact they are in much larger number and much more unhappy, all my neighbors have joined them, :-) every one has a complain and every one wants an apology for behaving like a Caucasian. :-)

Jun 3, 2023

Dumb Era - And Deception is the game

 I think If you consider the entire human history, or rather we should say history of Home Sapiens, by the way "Sapiens" in Latin means wise, :-) the current era, past 300 years or 400 years in general  and the last 50 or 75 years in particular, appear to be the dumbest.

Before I write more about it, few things I dug up from my past and found the answers for few unanswered questions.

My second employer, a Reddy from Rayalseema, Andra Pradesh, connected with Congress party of India through Late Mr Y R Reddy, taking the situation for granted lied about few things with his partners, also Reddy's, and assured himself, Dominic Selim and her termites style, let's lie now and we will take him down slowly, we will have all the time. :-)

After few indications that Mundala Reddy was using his connections and trying to create doubts about my professional profile, while I was busy in my sister's marriage before joining IIL.

I joined IIL on 20th Oct 1995, and the first thing I got was the seat of my bike was slashed, the bike was parked inside the IIL parking lot, and the Human resources Manager, Verma told me, he knows I was kicked out of the company by Mundala Reddy, :-) instead of a discussion, I just gave him a smile. :-)

And after one month as per protocol I had to go back to Mundala Reddy's company and get my Provident Fund Account transferred, so I went and asked the lady at the reception If she can find out Mundala Reddy is available, :-) as expected he called me inside immediately.

And the other MD also a Reddy, he returned from Africa, let us call him Africa Reddy, a medical doctor, he comes out of his office and stood near Mundala Reddy's office looking at me, the expression on his face was like, now you know our power. :-) 

I invited him and his family to my marriage the same year, but they never came to my marriage, including him, so that was the right moment to give him a taste of his own medicine, which would be like "How do you feel If you are ignored in your own office in front of your staff, by an ex employee, who worked for 6 years, :-) I ignored him like there was no one standing and entered Mundala Reddy's office. :-) 

He was eagerly waiting and asked me to take a seat with a smile, and called the boy for a cup of tea and immediately started to narrate a story how four workers got killed while working on a centrifuge.

It was a general practice for the workers to stand on the metal support of the one meter wide stainless steel centrifuge, lean on it, and wash the freshly crystallized API about 350 Kgs of it with D M Water, while the centrifuge would run at a very high speed, it seems that day the centrifuge came free from its base and flew towards the concrete roof killing all four instantly.

He looked worried and slightly scared, he then looked at my pocket, I had a pen with picture of Shirdi Sai Baba on its clip, it was my wife's pen, as she was a Sai Baba's devotee even before our marriage, so I just borrowed it, then he asked me, how was it for me there in my new company, IIL, :-) I just smiled and said it was OK.

Then I told him the purpose of my visit and nothing more to talk, he nodded and asked me to see the GM, another Reddy, who had joined few months after me in 1990 as GM, he still works with them in 2023 as GM, he wanted to have his own plant in 1993 itself, but it seems the Congress Party of India locked him up with Mundala Reddy for a life time, he remained GM for 33 years. :-)

He saw me, not a word, no smile, he just signed the papers and gave me, no goodbye, nothing, when he joined he had some air of confidence, it was missing, he sat in his 4 feet by 4 feet office, which appeared small, I took leave, not one employee in the administration looked at me, we had worked 6 years, the fear in their faces was evident, the fear of prosecution by Congress party of India and its goons, the Reddy Mafia in Telangana and Rayalseema, outside the office few managers stood and greeted me, these were same managers who never answered my good wishes in 6 years, :-) I smiled and left.

Then :-) all the curious, worried, insecure, must have tried to find out what did we talk, and that was a big opportunity for Mundala Reddy to brag and lie, and he could not resist, his inner ego made him tell lies, "he told everyone that I wanted to come back to his company, as it was not good for me in IIL, his main worry was to install that fear in employees from Rayalseema, that no one can escape the powerful Reddy Mafia, and he immediately called his connections in Congress party to do anything and see that I am forced to join his company ASAP.

But time passed and nothing happened, they even changed the Human Resources department in IIL with all Reddy's, others were all ready working for him, but 6 years passed, nothing happened, on Jan 01, 2001 when I received Canadian Landing papers, I resigned, and Mundala Reddy of my ex company immediately arranged for a small party by my staff in IIL, :-) at a place where his GM was waiting, he was looking at me, I sat on my bike, I looked at him few times but his posture spoke of some script dictated to him, :-) and the three people from my lab, two Reddy's and one Khamma, did not turn up at the said location, after waiting for an hour I left. :-)

Then another Reddy in IIL R&D department who was also working for them, arranged for some drama at the Hyderabad airport on 16th March 2001. :-)

So, after I left India, Mundala Reddy had to lie again and again to his partners and employees, so he kept trying for 27 years. :-)

This was the same guy who felt I was not worthy of half a kg sweet, which was given to all employees every Dusshera, and he also forgot the days when he worked as a Chemist with Dr Reddy's Lab, his humble beginings and how he moved his product, employees, lock, stock and barrel, when Dr Reddy told him to wait for some more time, before he would offer him some form of partnership in his firm, :-)as he got just married and had received a hefty dowry, so he was all set to start his own API manufacturing company.

That was his fear, so he kept me at loggerheads with other departments and employees, and deception and betrayal was also the game played by all Industralists towards each other, even Dr Anji Reddy came out of IDPL, with two or three products and started manufacturing them in his firm, IDPL was a pharmaceutical established in Hyderabad with the help of Russia.

Bottom line: Lies are like seeded clouds, 

I could write a novel on things Mundala Reddy and Congress party of India- Reddy Mafia did to force me to return to his company, people suffer from such mental blocks and ego, he could not let go the fact that a Chemist had walked away refusing to see his greatness.

I saw him, pump millions of liters of effluent with 250,000 mg/liter COD in to near by fresh water lake every night, each batch of 350 kgs API produced about 10,000 liters of effluent and every year they produced some 50 tonnes of it, you can calculate the amount of untreated effluent pumped into the near by lake at night time, and they sold the API to companies like Roche Pharmaceuticals UK, and the Auditor from Bengaluru never asked about the effluent, he just checked it was BP grade and export.

In this bargain, U.K. got the finished API,the local area in India got Air, Water and Land pollution, lakes got polluted, government of India got no taxes, Mundala Reddy and his partners amassed wealth, they might have donated to Congress party of India some of it, even the employees never paid income tax as their official income would stop at income tax cut off limit, rest was paid in cash, all black money.

So what greatness I was supposed to see, the corruption, the pollution, the insults hurled at people of Telangana, the fear in the eyes of employees imported from Rayalseema, the meagre wages, I started with 800 Rs per month, and reached Rs 7000/month in 6 years.

But others were making less then Rs 3000/month after 10 years, the managers were making roughly about 10,000 Rs or less, I think the income tax cut off was 6000 or 6500 in 1995.

Which one is the greatness, stealing the product, employees and equipment from a man who gave him break.

Which one was a great man's deed, when he saw I was not giving him much importance, he asked his ex-boss to meet me at one of the seminars in Central University and explain to me his financial worth, :-) his boss said Mundala Reddy was my employee once but today in 1994 he is worth Rs 300 Crores, I was like shhhhhhhhhhh he does not pay taxes. :-)

And he felt giving me a half kg sweet on Dusshera was a burden on the company, while I worked my ass off with out any overtime, and finished all the projects, reported to him as is, and kept all of it confidential even after I left his company, I could have sold them for a huge profit, as everyone was working more or less on same products then.

His other worry was, who was that someone, who was helping me do my projects, hence he felt I did not qualify for a promotion, and wanted to know everything before he would even consider a promotion. :-)

One thing popped up while travelling through 1995, The congress party of India organized an event in the month of Aug 1995,to inaugurate a new building in IICT, and Prime Minister of India Mr P V Narashima Rao was invited and he gave a speech, I was one of the delegates and I sat in the second row right in front of the podium, I was keenly listening to the Prime Minister speak about how India was wasting money on research on Allopathy, and not on Ayurveda, an Indian Prime Minister was pleading Scientists at IICT to focus on Ayurveda, during his speech, it seems someone did something behind me, like pointing at me, or was it my gaze, the Prime Minister stopped speaking and looked at me for a brief few seconds and then continued speaking. :-)

Anyway, I resigned after that event and survived to see the world, otherwise I would be still working as Research Chemist tied to a R &D table, like the GM, who still works as GM for 33 years.

R&D labs became a regular item in most industries in India and also in Canada, as it qualifies the company to avail certain government grants, hence they employed two people and show the government they are investing in R&D and avail all the grants etc. etc.

In the west, If white people see any talented white kid they would do everything to safe guard his or her interest, and in return he or she would safe guard the interest of the entire white race.

But in India, they want only their kids to grow no one else, and the political parties are used by them to achieve this purpose.

After working 12 years in India, I moved out of India, but today when I see the Central Minister Mr Nitin Gadkari, he amazes me, how the hell he is getting things done in India, :-) because it is very difficult or almost impossible to bring all Indians on a common ground, I saw that as a General Secretary of the employees club, everyone concerned or unconcerned tried to throw their spanner. :-)

Mr Nitin Gadkari, hats off to you, that is some talent.

Here in west since the entire white race moves like termites, it is easy for any white guy to excel and get things done, Mr Elon Musk does not impress me, and more over the wimp club drives everything in the west, but in India, to get things done it needs some special talent, and Mr Gadkari is not a North Indian and he is also not from Delhi, that is another constrain in a Punjabi Dominated India. :-)

In Indian Air Force, the selections are done By Punjabi, Of Punjabi and For Punjabi, :-) their population is about 2% in India and at least 40% or more officers in IAF are Punjabi, :-)

Late Mr Milkha Singh came fourth in Olympics, that's all, all sports ministries, all PE teachers, anything related to sports was handed over to Punjabi's, and India never won a single medal, have you seen a Sikh winning a single medal in Asian games or Olympics in individual events, :-) but they spoiled the entire sports industry in India from Mr Milkha Singh's Olympic participation till Blue Star operation in 1984.

I went for zonal cricket selections in Pathankot, Punjab, the Punjabi guy had no time for us, :-) and our Yoga teacher who was also Punjabi from Jalandhar, who was supposed to take care of it, was busy teaching Yoga, particularly Chakra Asan to the Prostitutes in Pathankot's red light district which was right in front of the Air force station. :-) and in the school he was very keen on teaching only Chakra asan to 11th and 12th grade girls, there were no cell phones then, or cameras, otherwise imagine the number of you tube videos. :-)

India needs to seriously renew their view point with respect to Punjabi's in general, and Bangali's in football, I tried for football also, but the two Bengali's were busy discussing who was good, Mohan Bagan or East Bagan, and they put 50 kids with one ball in one ground. :-)

Anyway, I wanted to get it out of my system, because there were many questions with out answers, now I think I got them all cleared.


Actually I wanted to write about Canada and Cars, then this thing came up about Mundala Reddy, he has been chasing me for 27 years, that is some obsession. :-) 

But he is not alone, there are few more from Canada, chasing me for 18 years or more, but when I was with them, they felt I was good for just some job, which anyone can have it.

And I wanted to write more frequently, at least every week one post, but the retards working for some political party or all political parties wanted me to remove my last post, :-) so I kept it for six months. :-)

And currently the retard clubs focus is on our second hand car, Dodge Journey 2012, :-) some retard from that club thinks that If they play with its check engine light, ( Malfunction Indication Light)they can arm twist me into accepting some Caucasian woman as their head, of their wimp club, :-)I am neither a member of that wimp club nor of any political party or with any Caucasian woman, but the retard strongly thinks that the car registered on my wife's name, who is also not a member of any Caucasian clubs, is the key to their much needed success. :-)

Actually they have been trying to confuse me since 2001, but it seems they are more confused, and as they have nothing to do, or no handle to play with, they are playing with its MIL, which makes the car function like it is suffering from Corona Virus, because the symptoms are same. :-)

Pa Pa